[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Ty for this crisp guide, my good sir. I'm planning on playing this as starter this league, hypped to all hell. Besides thanking you i wanted to point out the +#% chaos damage over time multiplier mod on bows which you mention in your crafting section has been erased in this last patch as far as i can tell, small edit in the guide might be required. Thx again and GL all!
+ Enemies are maimed (reduced movement speed) with maim chest

If you want way more damage and you are willing to invest a bit, you can get Vicious Projectiles + Delve mod bow like this (you will lose some QoL because you will not have - mana cost from body anymore so your SA mana cost will be high):

I think these aren't relevant right now :)
Hey0cean#0102 님이 2019. 12. 13. 오전 4:41:40에 마지막으로 편집
Snowtomb 님이 작성:
Ty for this crisp guide, my good sir. I'm planning on playing this as starter this league, hypped to all hell. Besides thanking you i wanted to point out the +#% chaos damage over time multiplier mod on bows which you mention in your crafting section has been erased in this last patch as far as i can tell, small edit in the guide might be required. Thx again and GL all!

Glad you like it.

For the chaos damage over time multiplier, I havent seen anything about it in patch notes. Maybe you are confusing it with this mod `You can no longer craft the Veiled increased Damage of specific elements with an ailment chance on Bows.`? What is different one (its the icn fire damage/ignite chance etc).

Hey0cean 님이 작성:
+ Enemies are maimed (reduced movement speed) with maim chest

If you want way more damage and you are willing to invest a bit, you can get Vicious Projectiles + Delve mod bow like this (you will lose some QoL because you will not have - mana cost from body anymore so your SA mana cost will be high):

I think these aren't relevant right now :)

You are right. But, my VP bow :( Hell, im leaving it there in case someone is in standard (and add note that it is legacy now). I will remove the maim part.
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Hi, i really want to play TR pathfinder (because i like the skill and pathfinder's QoL ^^), does the PoB for this build work for toxic rain? I don't know if i have to change anything in gear or tree for it to work with TR.
Thanks anyway :)

You are right. But, my VP bow :( Hell, im leaving it there in case someone is in standard (and add note that it is legacy now). I will remove the maim part.

Always forgetting about the standart boys :)

Really sick bow btw . Shame it's not doable right now FeelsBadMan
Glad you like it.

For the chaos damage over time multiplier, I havent seen anything about it in patch notes. Maybe you are confusing it with this mod `You can no longer craft the Veiled increased Damage of specific elements with an ailment chance on Bows.`? What is different one (its the icn fire damage/ignite chance etc).

Spot on! My mistake, sry for the confusion :)
Raidki 님이 작성:
Hi, i really want to play TR pathfinder (because i like the skill and pathfinder's QoL ^^), does the PoB for this build work for toxic rain? I don't know if i have to change anything in gear or tree for it to work with TR.
Thanks anyway :)

Yes it works (I also should already have Toxic Rain gem setup, its basically 1-1 replacement, rest of the tree is fully compatible with TR, gear too).
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Thanks for the guide.
I am curious:
With the added flat damage in SA, will it be possible to level with it? Or do you still recommend TR?
Kargastan 님이 작성:
Thanks for the guide.
I am curious:
With the added flat damage in SA, will it be possible to level with it? Or do you still recommend TR?

TR will still probably be a bit better, but now SA is definitely valid option too. I would wait until level 31 for Added Chaos Damage support and then switch to it if you want to go with main setup right away.
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How important/impactfull is it that you level with Toxic Rain?
I'm generally not a huge fan of switching playstyles halfway through and would much rather just use the build I'm going for asap, regardless of how it would affect my progression through the game.

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