[3.24] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, fun to play

Zajo1955 님이 작성:
Do you think that this build is comparable to Tornado Shot Occultist by Fyregrass?

https://pastebin.com/gSu2V2vR (starter pob)

Looking at both POB's it looks like SA has more dmg and defenses but apparently TS can do 60% deli on 5 link with starter gear, which i couldn't do easily on your build. Any idea which might be better as starter? Thanks

That build is legit dogshit so yea. Its basically trash build getting carried in maps by occultist curses, so basically anything is better. If you want to do occu just use good skill combined with occu curses.

He has 0 damage, 0 defenses and also 0 sustain, he cant boss with it ever, and for mapping its literally just being carried by despair, temp chains and enfeeble, but there are so many occu builds that do that but 100 times better (cold dot, spiders, hell even BV).

I just hope people arent actually getting baited and considering doing that TS occu.
My builds:
Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2551841
My site:
thedeathbeam 님이 2021. 10. 22. 오전 6:01:48에 마지막으로 편집
thedeathbeam 님이 작성:
Zajo1955 님이 작성:
Do you think that this build is comparable to Tornado Shot Occultist by Fyregrass?

https://pastebin.com/gSu2V2vR (starter pob)

Looking at both POB's it looks like SA has more dmg and defenses but apparently TS can do 60% deli on 5 link with starter gear, which i couldn't do easily on your build. Any idea which might be better as starter? Thanks

That build is legit dogshit so yea. Its basically trash build getting carried in maps by occultist curses, so basically anything is better. If you want to do occu just use good skill combined with occu curses.

He has 0 damage, 0 defenses and also 0 sustain, he cant boss with it ever, and for mapping its literally just being carried by despair, temp chains and enfeeble, but there are so many occu builds that do that but 100 times better (cold dot, spiders, hell even BV).

I just hope people arent actually getting baited and considering doing that TS occu.

Damn thats a scathing review lol.
I was very tempted by it, he made it look/sound pretty good.

And while I loved scourge arrow last league (possibly my favorite ever build); the fact it is likely weaker now in 3.16 'the patch of buffs' made me sad :(
Bizzlington 님이 2021. 10. 22. 오전 6:10:01에 마지막으로 편집
Bizzlington 님이 작성:
thedeathbeam 님이 작성:
Zajo1955 님이 작성:
Do you think that this build is comparable to Tornado Shot Occultist by Fyregrass?

https://pastebin.com/gSu2V2vR (starter pob)

Looking at both POB's it looks like SA has more dmg and defenses but apparently TS can do 60% deli on 5 link with starter gear, which i couldn't do easily on your build. Any idea which might be better as starter? Thanks

That build is legit dogshit so yea. Its basically trash build getting carried in maps by occultist curses, so basically anything is better. If you want to do occu just use good skill combined with occu curses.

He has 0 damage, 0 defenses and also 0 sustain, he cant boss with it ever, and for mapping its literally just being carried by despair, temp chains and enfeeble, but there are so many occu builds that do that but 100 times better (cold dot, spiders, hell even BV).

I just hope people arent actually getting baited and considering doing that TS occu.

Damn thats a scathing review lol.
I was very tempted by it, he made it look/sound pretty good.

And while I loved scourge arrow last league (possibly my favorite ever build); the fact it is likely weaker now in 3.16 'the patch of buffs' made me sad :(

That build is a perfect example of clickbait, just don't fall for it. His only defense is the curses. Tornado shot atm is only useful as a support skill, especially as a starter. People will have a better time with almost every other skill. I mean if you go full glass cannon then you need at least compensate with damage, right? He's not even doing that so I feel that build doesn't make any sense.

Anyways, I never played Scourge Arrow, I even never played Pathfinder so I wanted to go for it, but then it looked like Poisonous Concoction seemed a better starter. If that fails I'll transition to Scourge Arrow. Yay I have a plan this league :D

leto2626 님이 2021. 10. 22. 오전 6:24:56에 마지막으로 편집
leto2626 님이 작성:

That build is a perfect example of clickbait, just don't fall for it. His only defense is the curses. Tornado shot atm is only useful as a support skill, especially as a starter. People will have a better time with almost every other skill. I mean if you go full glass cannon then you need at least compensate with damage, right? He's not even doing that so I feel that build doesn't make any sense.

Anyways, I never played Scourge Arrow, I even never played Pathfinder so I wanted to go for it, but then it looked like Poisonous Concoction seemed a better starter. If that fails I'll transition to Scourge Arrow. Yay I have a plan this league :D

Im actually planning to do very similar thing, e.g concoction at start maybe until yellows or so, maybe reds. Concoction is great for start its only issue is bad scaling and that is when I will transition. Im rly dissapointed that they made the % not scale from total recovery otherwise i would stick with it for way longer.
My builds:
Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2551841
My site:
first off wanna say thanks, been following this build more or less for several leagues now

now, here's my question, is solaris pantheon still best if we are crit immune from the claw mastery? the more i look at it the more im not a fan
new ranges on Thread of hope don't look hopeless at all.
crill888 님이 2021. 10. 22. 오전 7:59:11에 마지막으로 편집
thedeathbeam 님이 작성:
Redwyne92 님이 작성:
i was thinking that maybe using cruelty on the self cast SA would be an overall dps increase because in theory the cruelty buff applies to also ballistas.

Would make sense? Would also prob make it easier to find the correct colors for chest

Cruelty only applies to linked skill i think.

OminousGrace 님이 작성:
So after playing with scourge arrow for a bit i have some questions and observations.

I've noticed that Scourge arrow is horrendous to use in enclosed maps with Two arrows, the pods branch out diagonally instead of going in a straight line through a hallways or doorway. So i'm thinking of having 2 quivers, one for open maps and one for enclosed maps.

Second, when and how do you use the ballistas, why focussed instead of them firing independantly? After all, if you're not firing they're not firing.

Some tips would be greatly appreciated.

Its mostly fine if you just clear with the primary arrow in those areas.

Focused ballista because it gives you shitton of attack speed and more importantly placement speed what means you dont need multi totem or anything. Also you can aim with them and decide where you want to cluster your pods what means its massive for bosses and way better than if they aimed by themselves.

damn, you are right, sorry
first off wanna say thanks, been following this build more or less for several leagues now

now, here's my question, is solaris pantheon still best if we are crit immune from the claw mastery? the more i look at it the more im not a fan

Oh that is a good shout, im actually not sure but probably nope, maybe lunaris or brine king early.

crill888 님이 작성:
new ranges on Thread of hope don't look hopeless at all.

Do we have new ranges already?
My builds:
Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2551841
My site:
in a dev branch for now https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/commit/671da335d260d420f58b04cc927d21b2889c7f0e

I've been looking at them for a while but nothing super exciting yet.
I haven't played for a couple of leagues. I have a question about Nightgrip prices. I've used poe antiquary and it shows 1c to 10c at the end of the league but when I've checked poe ninja at the end of the league it was 2.3 ex. What do you expect the price of nightgrip will be at the start of the league? It seems very important for this build and I don't know what should I expect.

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