[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" Honestly just buy because alt spamming is the only way :d My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Another build update:
https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/sogfsv/dont_sleep_on_divine_blessing_support/ So after seeing this thread I realized we can super easily abuse this and make this build a lot cheaper and also make it do a lot more damage. So I switched to running Malevolence on Divine Blessing in 4 link. THis allows any version of the build to run Purity of Ice as well and not need Malevolence reservation efficiency amulet. This also gives +1 extra max res on Purity of Ice so we can also swap amulet annoint to Panopticon instead of Prismatic Skin (and Prismatic Skin is now amazing choice on lower investment without elevated mods etc etc). These changes made the build so much cheaper as we also do not need +lvl on boots for Purity anymore. And we gained around 50% more damage what is insane. Also replaced Chemists Life flask with Flagellant Life flask as that one provides way more consistent flask sustain. Sorry for updating the guide so much btw but I am trying rly hard to optimieze it and make it accessible for everyone. My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ thedeathbeam#7125 님이 2022. 2. 9. 오후 7:54:01에 마지막으로 편집
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I think it is great that you are updating the guide. Thank you and keep up the good work :)
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Thanks for saving my league, was playing Poison Conconction Pathfinder, pivoting into this was painless, Scourge arrow 21/23 is dirt cheap and gave me a huge improvement this league.
Atm im running the armor meme with Grace and Determination + Iron Reflexes, untill i can afford better gear for the allres phys convert damage Thanks :) |
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I kinda want to make a shoutout to my own PoB which I think is the more traditional, and I wanna say more well rounded version of the build which currently comfortably runs Grace, Herald of Agony, Defiance Banner and Purity of Elements. Atm i'm in the process of crafting a ~20 % mana reservation efficiency helmet (10 % from essence and 7-12 % from new implicits (eater of worlds)) which will allow me to drop Defiance Banner for Malevolence without needing a Malevolence reservation neck which is hard to get with good offensive suffixes. This way I don't need to do the whole blessing stuff which is not only a 3 link but also incredibly annoying to press every 10 sec.
I tried this version of the build for a day but imo it's a nightmare to setup if you league started with Scourge Arrow (which I also wouldn't recommend despite getting a darkscorn and +1 quiver + SA enchant very early, just go Concoction until you've got those 3 and a good Circle of Agony too maybe) and did not feel tanky at all, I almost ended up quitting until I made some changes which I outlined below. People vastly underestimate how much evasion you can stack with Grace (I'm at ~82 % evade chance with just a jade flask and a +inc evasion affix on my quicksilver flask) and also how stupidly strong Spell suppression is; having 100 % spell suppression is functionally as good as somewhere between 13-15 % max res which this build spends MASSIVE ressources to get (flask slots to get ele res capped, many skillpoints to get more max res and the keystone itself). I 100 % stand by the decision that you should just go spell suppression INSTEAD of this whole setup - ofc. the jewel would allow you to go for both but you simply don't need it. I have done every content in the game, all the new endgame bosses, uber elder, the feared, everything and i'm quite happy with my build so far. There are some changes I'm going to make regarding getting Malevolence in there and maybe getting 2 min frenzy charges in there too but still. Biggest changes from my build to OPs: get a -15 chest so you dont need a mana flask anymore, this one is huge you can swap out infusion (which becomes incredibly awkward to keep up once you get enough attack speed) for deadly ailments as long as you hit the lowest tier of -mana costs on helmet implicit (20 % less mana cost on attacks) I got lucky by also hitting endurance charge generation on my chest (+ some very good prefixes for Ghost Dance) which enables a very juicy immortal call + cwdt setup but you can just woke orb the -15 mana cost mod with phys dmg taken mod from Redeemer and be fine too get lifetap support on all of your supporting skills, this allows you to run no regen without a mana flask and reserve all of your mana, i cannot overstate the QoL difference this makes get Ghost Dance + Grace, I'm sitting at ~4,3k life and 1,1k ES with well over 80 % evade (95 % during vaal grace), you've got to keep a little bit attention to very high DoT-zones on the ground but apart from that nothing ordinary oneshots me anymore - not that i'm testing my luck either, you should always dodge stuff and orb walk like an ADC in League in my opinion, it's just the safe way of piloting any ranged / caster build imo. get 100 % spell suppression, also the gain 3 life flask charges node whenever you suppress a spell (which is always) is broken for all forms of content I'm not a big fan of the ballista totems either, they eat a lot of gem slots, fill the screen with way too much arrows and clutter, have low duration and honestly don't even apply wither all that well or do much dmg (at least once you get to red maps, i found them very good early - also I want to shout out that one guy who plays a pure ballista totem version of Scourge Arrow and is or almost is lv 100 (?), which might be better than all of what i'm saying right now, i simply haven't tested it yet, definitely check that one out if you don't mind playing totems instead, I think instead of reserving another 6 link you could get something like alt quality Withering Step + Plague Bearer + Enhance + IncAoE + Inc Duration + lifetap which gives you the ability to immediately apply 10 wither stacks at the press of one button, also giving you huge AoE for plaguebearer and making the spells free of course. also and this is the biggest, get 2 Forbidden Flesh/Flame with the Tailwind node from deadeye (which gives you Tailwind at 250 % effectiveness), for the purposes of a poison build that has a very high apm it's functionally a headhunter and I love it a lot, a good early game option is Occupying force (+2 mirage archers) but it's a bit awkward to pilot The tailwind node would also allow you to not pick tailwind hunter boots which also gives you the ability to use the new implicit currencies on a normal pair of boots instead. You can get something like 60 % ailment resistances on there in total (35 % with essence) HOWEVER you will need an absurd amount of resistances on your gear to make that work if you want to drop Purity of Elements aswell (I'm already only frost res capped by my Taste of Hate flask which thankfully has 100 % uptime). This would give you another 50 % aura, probably Determination but the better option might actually be just a cheaper purity of ice/fire/lightning instead which gives you some more max res and easier capping on resistances but more importantly swap out some reservation nodes for more dmg or life, which imo is huge - this might be my next goal after fitting in Malevolence who knows |
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" Evasion + Supression defense is fine but saying that its comparable to max res stacking isnt rly true. The maxres setup still has 50% chance to evade without jade flask or grace or anything else really, purely from evasion bases and blind. And that is plenty. You have 30% extra evade over that at the cost of reserving aura and using flask for it, what isnt rly worth it imo. Spell suppression is also decent, but not great because its just spell suppression. It only protects you from spells. And its worth 13-15% max res *only* for spells so on average its worth much much less. Also elemental flasks do not only provide resistances, they also provide less damage taken from respective elements. And they open up your suffixes for whatever you want (what is usally damage but you can also get suppression very very easily if you decide to go that way because your suffixes are completely open). I was running resists from flasks even before melding of flesh was a thing because its so op. Its both your best offensive and defensive flask and other flasks do not even come close (even when its just bismuth really but bismuth lacks the less damage taken). Also I switched the build from blessing the purity to blessing malevo because malevo blessing with lifetap is pretty op, and with inc duration on top it lasts more than 20 seconds. Another thing with max res stacking (and just very efficient defense in general like Strength of Blood and Petrified Blood) is that it allows you to drop most of defense from your tree and you can run double clusters, so you end up with both more defense and way way more damage. You could also drop 1 cluster and just take pure defense what would also work, you would still end up at more damage than what is your current eva+suppression setup on top of also having capped suppression most likely because you could just take suppression clusters easily. You also do not need mana flask in general, just the reduced mana cost craft and taht also only applies for some boss fights, on my starter atm I dont use mana flask or reduced mana craft at all and im fine. Your setup is fine and all, but its very basic, its basic defense and basic offense and there is nothing wrong with that. But the better gear you have and the further you progress the more you are holding yourself back for no reason by not utilizing full potential of Pathfinder. I played so many Pathfinders over the years and also so many versions of this build. The build actually started with just basic eva + dodge and nothing else back in legion but that is just so much wasted potential these days (and also so much weaker because current suppression + eva is so much weaker than acro/phase acro was). I like Forbidden jewels for tailwind, def good idea if you can get some nice boots instead. But it would need to be rly good pair because you are paying 2 jewel sockets for it to get basically double the value of 1 boot mod. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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I agree about elemental flasks being good in general but I also don't like the Petrified Blood + Leech cluster + Strength of Blood part in your build, not only does Petrified Blood not work against oneshots which is most of the time you're dying EARLY at least until you get some gear at what point you only die to "not paying attention and not pressing your life flask when you could have".
I also didn't like all those leech nodes when I tested it, the effect of the leech clusters turns off completely whenever you press your life flask and are back at full hp, and the leech duration is ridiculously short so if you only kite for a full 2 seconds you already lose your whole benefit, also you spend like 10 points to get the setup and have to run a worse Timeless Jewel for it that has nothing going for it apart from phys to fire dmg taken. 10 points is a ridiculous amount of points in this build, and getting 27 % or what less dmg taken from it seems almost not worth it considering it straight up will not be up sometimes or your map has minus or no leech on it. I'm willing to try it again since I tried it only for a day after I hit 94-95 but I was very underwhelmed when I did. I frankly don't think that this new jewel is worth it either, you say well spell suppression only works on spells but spell damage is 99 % of the things that will kill you late game and a ridiculous amount of dangerous skills have a spell tag, you don't die to physical hits late game, not as an evasion based character with over 4-5k life and a Taste of Hate and a Darkscorn and other sources of phys to x % conversion that is just not a concept. I have levelled a Pathfinder to 100 in the past 10 leagues so far and the introduction of spell suppression literally makes you invincible once you get a decent amount of physical to x % conversion so you don't get oneshot and have your base 70-80 % dodge. I'm not saying your build is bad or anything it's just very specific and shouldn't ever be advertised as a league starting build, I'll promise to check some of the interactions out a bit more but i'm very apprehensive to spending a lot of skillpoints for certain interactions because they often end up being sidegrades or straight up downgrades like i believe strength of blood is because 27 % less dmg taken for 10 skillpoints only when you facetank leech something and havent pressed your life flask but also lose 30 % of your HP for that is just not good enough in my opinion. But again I'm willing to test it out again and report back to you. |
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" Petrified Blood actually does work on one shots. You take half of the damage as full damage and then only 60% of second half and 40% of the second half is prevented. So when you are on full life 20% of damage that would one shot you is prevented, thus you get basically 33% more life, its giga strong. Strength of Blood is not up all the time but its up often enough and with the leech nodes we also cap our leech way faster beause of vitality void. Also phys taken as fire is very strong stat, I would run that timeless jewel even if I wasnt running strength of blood, because getting up to 20% phys taken as element from *single* jewel socket and bunch of strength on top is just completely insane. ANd most other timeless jewels arent good anyway so might as well. And this new jewel is legit busted, why do you think aura stackers were broken, its really easy to get so much max resistance with it. Atm on my char I have 85% max res and I dont have *any* of new implicits and not using empower either. All Im doing is grabbing elemental flasks and before getting empower and implicits im just running corrupted duskblight with +lvls and supreme ego. I think you are severely underestimating how easy it is to enable Melding of Flesh even without going all the way to 90% max res. Loreweave was broken when it was giving you 80% max res, thisis better than loreweave. Every point of max res is basically 4% reduced ele damage taken (and also phys with phys conversion) its just insane value. Im not advertising it as league starter, I mention multiple times before getting basic gear you should run concoction, and all my trees up to level 90 are not using melding of flesh, just eva and suppression, while *still* using resist flasks on top and purity of ice because even without it its super free and very high value. I used to facetank everything with just strength of blood and petrified 2 or 3 leagues ago and that was just with dodge on top, im very confident in that combo, especially after Divine Flesh was dunked this league (with the removal of max chaos res on quiver). You also dont have to even path to Vaal Pact. You can just use lethal pride purely for phys taken as fire and spend legit 1 point on taking strenght of blood, what is still 10% less damage taken. Petrified Should be no brainer either way and you should be always using it on Pathfinder, and with Petrified your leech is already disabled so Strength of Blood has literally no downside only upside. Im only overinvesting into Strenght of Blood because its imo worth it and it also makes it more consistent at same time because of what i said before (e.g vitality void being rly good for capping leech more quickly). My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ thedeathbeam#7125 님이 2022. 2. 10. 오전 8:07:06에 마지막으로 편집
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" Alright so I tested taking a bit more suppression in game over VP and I think you might have a point about the dangerous hits being spells (from bossses at least). I will probs be updating the guide to take the suppression cluster near survivalist instead of VP as it feels nice and also maybe suppression on body as again free suffixes because of flasks. That brings the build to easy 89% suppression and then 1 more affix and its done. And also its 1 extra notable for possible Lethal Pride rolls what is big plus. My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ thedeathbeam#7125 님이 2022. 2. 10. 오전 11:20:22에 마지막으로 편집
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In the POB are eight skills in the helmet. Is it supposed to be the R-R-R-B or the G-G-G-G ?
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