[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" Well the biggest thing wouldbe that you are missing the reduced mana cost craft on your flask, its pretty important. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Alright so I was pobbing a bit more for next league (moostly because I am bored) and I was thinking about something like this too:
https://pobb.in/elYq897fWb9s Soul Ascension + Wilmas being completely insane combination completely offsets the downside of playing SA as ballistas imo so maybe I would move the default build to be ballistas only,not sure. But with some offcoloring on bow and using wither cwc for wither (divergent wither is actually pretty cracked, 15 wither stacks in like 0.7s of casting) and also casting curses and getting frenies + keeping up souls makes the setup very chill to play as its only 3 buttons (ballistas, wither, blessing) excluding moveskill. But of course we will see how will they nerf poison (especially temp chains) next league. But Soul Ascension + Wilmas is strong enough so I believe it will be fine regardless. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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" I actually did some testing with Soul Ascension and Zerphi's Heart. It seems like they keep separate track of soul stacks. I am going to aim for Wilma's and Zerphi's heart next league for clearing at least. Wilma's benefits double from Haste, Frenzy Charges, Onslaught, AND Souls from Soul Eater. I still need to check if I can reduce mana cost for siege ballista and touch up attributes, but it seems promising and can max out DOT DPS vs Ubers(with Death's Rush and Zerphi's Heart replaced with bossing items). |
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Also for stacking wither something I have done previously is Blast Rain+Mirage Archer+Withering Touch(+Faster Attacks) if you don't want to go the Timeless Jewel route. It is very consistent and stacks it very quickly vs both bosses and when clearing.
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" They do keep separate stacks but the 50 soul limit from Soul Ascension is global. So it limits also zerphis, I played with it before, it was alright, but with the very likely poison nerfs next league I think using ammy slot for zerphis wont be as easy as it was this league. " Issue with this is no gem space, so you cant fit in blessing without getting temp chains corruption on *uber* drop e.g Soul Ascension. And even then I predict they will add per level scaling on Temp Chains next league soyou wouldnt even want to do that anyway. Im def not going back to Glorious Vanity, fuck that, Lethal Pride is too good :d And the pathing for Vanity is horrible as well, makes the build too weak. Im gonna use blast rain setup before getting proper belt etc to run blessing tho as when I cant even use blessing its fine. Also inc duration is better than faster attacks for obvious reasons. Also benefit of self cast wither is you get free 10% less damage taken which you dont get with blast rain,because you can just grab taunt on attack hit abyss jewel and its always active with wither but its not active with blast rain as you grab the taunt from your ballistas as you have priority always. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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For reference here is how Blast Rain wither setup would look like:
https://pobb.in/wb8-s7lCQZgO It is around 6% damage loss so its actually not that bad and its easier to boss with probably as you dont have to cwc until storm brand spawns etc which can be relatively dangerous. Downside is that it feels kind of bad to not run blessing when its possible to do so, especially with something as nice as Haste, but oh well. Also its 12% max hit loss and that is a bit more painful, but huge recovery gain so that probably offsets it. EDIT: I also have assumed temp chains nerf already as custom mod in that pob, e.g 25% less temp chains effect. EDIT2: Replaced Inc Duration with GMP as that increases the lgoh by a lot, at 15 soul eater stacks 3.8k lgoh, at 50 7.1k lgoh. So yea I think thats pretty good :d So probably that is the way and in case someone will want more damage they can replace CWDT setup with blessing or get corrupted temp chains soul ascension. Example of blast rain lgoh: ![]() My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ thedeathbeam#7125 님이 2023. 3. 14. 오후 6:48:44에 마지막으로 편집
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My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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we back in the game !!!
got full boner when i saw pathfinder rework lol can't wait, hope we can get the quiver forged "THIS IS THE WAY" ps: the +2 proj is nice but we did loose a few key stuff here and there in the tree tho (dot with bow, accuracy, AS, poison, mana reservation) wonder if we gonna have a hard time until we can add treenodes from weapon and other sources OnyxDarkMatter#5106 님이 2023. 3. 30. 오후 7:09:58에 마지막으로 편집
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" Yea its crazy. And for the accu, thats solvable, I think im going Snakebite after all tho as the accu was harder than I thought but also I want to full life petrified which means I dont want to use HoAG to reserve it so Snakebite for capping poison cahnce is great. Here are new stats so far for anyone interested: ![]() I decided to sacrifice some damage for more flask recovery and also more defense (this is basically max hit on current "tank" version of the build all thanks to petrified). This is on new tree already as well. ![]() And here is the tree so far My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ thedeathbeam#7125 님이 2023. 3. 30. 오후 7:48:15에 마지막으로 편집
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so we get the +2 proj (master fletcher + multishot) between 19 and ~30 points depending how greedy we are ^^ (assuming no pconc // if pconc 15 straight to multishot)
pretty nice for leveling :D ![]() OnyxDarkMatter#5106 님이 2023. 3. 31. 오후 2:45:01에 마지막으로 편집
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