[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

ShadovV666 님이 작성:
how did u get 4 offcolor at covenant?

Corrupt it with beastcraft and then use tainted chromatic orbs
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Thank you for this version of build, it's insane. Closed most off all content, rn just chilling. I would like to add some information about Champion's charm. If u can't trigger Adrenaline on low life, take 1 nod in life mastery "You count as on Low Life while at 55% of maximum Life or below" work perfectly for me.
So kinda of new here but when I hit level 70 do I respect them?
Metlhard_27 님이 작성:
Thank you for this version of build, it's insane. Closed most off all content, rn just chilling. I would like to add some information about Champion's charm. If u can't trigger Adrenaline on low life, take 1 nod in life mastery "You count as on Low Life while at 55% of maximum Life or below" work perfectly for me.

Glad you are enjoying it still :d And yea thats atually good tip with the mastery, maybe I should add it to the tree as I already had some ppl tell me that this is sometimes an issue

Deadeye0729 님이 작성:
So kinda of new here but when I hit level 70 do I respect them?

Only if you have gear, the leveling tree is meant to be continued further untiil you farm gear for SA on league start (as its basiaclly very generic TR tree). But yes if you have gear then its around 50 points respec.
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Hi. Thanks for the build, the game is very simple, with some exceptions. This was my first start in the Pathfinder class. I can easily clean the cards in almost any mode, but I do not see damage on the uber version of the bosses with further investments, I feel that they will not bring the necessary damage. Perhaps more experienced players will help me navigate, thank you.
How to applied Enfeeble, Temporal Chains and Despair? is it 3 curse?
link88 님이 작성:
How to applied Enfeeble, Temporal Chains and Despair? is it 3 curse?

Temp Chain is automated, despair is selfcasted, enfeeble is triggered through CWDT. We can only have 2 curse at one time, it's either temp chain + despair when DPS-ing, Temp chain + enfeeble when hit. Enfeeble will only be applied on second hit, until you replace it with despair cast again.
Yea enfeeble is mostly for defenses while clearing and against multihit boss abilities (so first hit applies it to boss and rest gets reduced and then you reapply despair manually). I like enfeeble cwdt a lot on most builds its very strong
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thedeathbeam#7125 님이 2023. 12. 20. 오후 8:05:41에 마지막으로 편집
Do you think this build has enough damage and tankiness to do things like 80% deli or Wandering Path juiced wisp strats efficiently? Been looking at some farming strats and wondering what this would do best. Don't have Progenesis yet at the moment.
Giuseppe234 님이 작성:
Do you think this build has enough damage and tankiness to do things like 80% deli or Wandering Path juiced wisp strats efficiently? Been looking at some farming strats and wondering what this would do best. Don't have Progenesis yet at the moment.

Wandering Deli is what always worked best for me for this build as farming strategy so yea shoul work fairly well.
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