[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" Able to go deeper or you were getting killed? |
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" With Divine Flesh version i wasnt getting killed at all so I could defnitely go deeper, but I mostly just quit the league out of boredom last league so i havent progressed further. Without Divine Flesh its kind of sketch tho. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Hi again,
Really enjoying this build, I have only ever before felt the same satisfaction with a build with some ele-hit scion quite some time ago(HC). Thanks thedeathbeam! Topic #1: where do I focus improvements for my character, specifically? I've reached a point, however, where I don't really know where to go next, in terms of gear upgrades. Maybe someone can give some insight? Late league with a total budget of ~10-15 ex. I don't really have any general survivability problems (somehwhat SC squishy = OK :D), as long as I keep kiting, so maybe it's more damage output I'm after (while keeping the same survivability). I'm not even using a jade flask atm, but I might drop my divine staunching flask and swap the enduring hallowed hybrid (Hardened Scars) for a foreboding one (mana regen haven't been a problem even without the hybrid flask active) to try out of if keeping a jade one up gives a better QoL (cannot be inflicted by corrupted blood but I can bleed). The paths forward I've been contemplating myself: 1. +1 spore enchantment on helmet is a bit out of my economy, particularly as I really like my current helmet, so not for now. 2. I guess it could be time for a quiver update, but I don't know if I should go for a custom crafted one (could open up future updates for the rest of my gear) or just a +1 arrows drillneck? 3. Time to get a watcher's eye, but at the very least I'd like to pair the DoT Malevolence with attack speed for precision (the cheapest "good" 2x combo for this build, afaik), but then most of my total budget is gone. 4. If I open up the build with a new custom quiver, it would be really nice to try equip Aul's uprising and e.g. run despair as an aura with blasphemy, but it feels like this path becomes very very expensive if I want to keep my resistances up. I currently have +88 Int on my amulet, so taking this approach would mean a lot of gear fiddling as I ideally would avoid having to replace any of my (BiS?) Circle of Nostalgias - replacing would be quote a damage drop, no? 5. My chest does not have the lvl 1 main, but on the other hand it's also quite nice w.r.t. e.g. life, and finding a "damage update" while not decreasing the survivability aspect too much also feels perhaps too expensive (with my budget). 6. As part of any bigger gear shuffling I will either try to get some fire damage in, as I think I'm currently not using the 10% damage increase from cinderswallow, or swap cinderswallow for some other survivability flask. 7. [minor] Try to find Circle of Nostalgias with better implicits? Feels expensive and with smaller gain than the improvements above. Atm I'm leaning towards 2 or 3, but would appreciate some feedback before I break my bank. Any advice? My single Blight character should be accessible via my profile. Topic #2: A(n Even) High(er) evasion/dodge approach I've noticed one of the highest leveled SA/Pathfinder/Coralito's is used a super-high evasion/dodge approach to this build (Hyrri's ire and a ton of other expensive gear, even whopping out the green nightmare) using a quadruple of Jade, Quartz, Silver and Hybridto have constant immunity to bleed, curses and shock with one of the flasks acting as replacement for quicksilver. He combines this with a blink arrow CODT, so I guess the general approach is "never get hit and if I do, mitigate". Any comments on this variation of SA/Pathfinder/Coralito's? Is it just for the most wealthy players, or a viable alternative to the Iron Skin/Glorious Vanity defence(/damage mitagation) strategies that have been, afaics, mainly covered in this thread? https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/UponMyHonor/FlogTheMAsses artradis#5458 님이 2019. 10. 27. 오전 6:16:44에 마지막으로 편집
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" I've recently swapped for Starkonja for more survivability ;) Still thinkin of better ideas 4 head... Also - quivers am swappin between these 2 before i get a proper rare + life + poison + ailments + AS Id rather use frenzy/phasing quiver but need that extra 12%AS - and frenzy phasing is useless against uber its a nice boost 4 delving but im only at like 300...might go lower 2day ;) I find it much better than drillneck and i find it much easier when u stack AS so u get like 5 pods very quick - but this could b up 2 playstyle ;) Gotta find sumwhere 2 put + added fire - had it on ammy but changed for + damage while leeching ATM.Cant swap rings so probably ill b lookin 4 new ammy ;) How much total hp u got?Im around 6kk and just need a lil bit more to get that coont uber deathless(sometimes i get 1hit dead). konop88#2409 님이 2019. 10. 27. 오전 6:26:28에 마지막으로 편집
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" The Divine Flesh version requires cleansed thought amulet. I'm playing this toon solely for delving in SC. What do you suggest in place of this? Thank you! |
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Hi all,
this is my version of the build in its current state:
Damage seems fine overall, just still feeling a bit squishy at 6.4k life. I know the Point Blank on the quiver doesn't do much (only affects hit, not poison dot) and I should change to the +1 arrow drillneck I have, just need the resists right now to be proper overcapped to >= 105% ele res. When I have enough currency to test a considerable number of different Xibaqua Glorious Vanities and fund any gear changes that might be necessary I might switch from Corruption anoint to Dirty Techniques anoint and considerably change the passive tree around... that Intuitive Leap Jewel between Mehtod to the Madness and Charisma someone linked to seems quite worth it for example. Also, I just recently switched from Atziri's Promise to Sin's Rebirth because I felt it was a better flask for the build overall since the +35 chaos res and little bit of leech from Atziri's seemed kinda unnecessary. Not sure about Cinderswallow Urn because I haven't ever tried it... how good is it really? Onslaught is nice ofc, but how much does it really add to survivability when my main concern is getting one-shot? And doesn't ele reflect on maps become a problem when we add enough fire damage for ignites? I don't even know how those ignited corpes get consumed in practice... ;) Any suggestions for improvements welcome (my profile and char tab are public). -Updated my build: now using Xibaqua Glorious Vanity jewel for Divine Flesh at 85% chaos res and Hardened Scars with Foreboding Hallowed Hybrid Flask for better survivability:
604zart#4882 님이 2019. 11. 3. 오전 6:24:35에 마지막으로 편집
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" I have Divine flesh and capped all res with chaos at 86% max without this annointment, even with losing the stygian belt. You can do it! I also wanted to try delving with this character. I went to 643 depth during my last session before the weekend with this setup and it's fine. I can die easily if I'm not very mobile and don't pay attention to positionning, but from the feeling of it I would say I could get to 750 before starting to feel it being tedious (like consistently having to put several tries per nodes). Without any adjustment, the 50% poison avoidance mod is already too hard for me at 640 as mobs don't die fast enough and get the chance to surround me. But multiple combinaisons of mods usually nastier are still not really a problem. Then with dedication and build tweeking (pantheon/flask/frostwall depending on nodes and mods) it could definitly go deeper. I don't see a SA character within your profile, you are using a second account? I'm not sure I'll continue playing this league so I won't be able to tell you more, maybe a few more sulphite tank next week, will see. |
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I made the switch to the Darkscorn and Divine Flesh approach, well so beefy that I could manage to kill my first Uber Elder :D My account is old but I really started with PoE in this League beginning of September. Thanks for the build!
Also what would be a good defensiv alternativ for the stone golem? Because that thing is always dying and I dont think I need the regen anymore. And my next question Skitterbots or should I switch to Malevocation with the investment into the Watcher's Eye damage buff (what option is better for single target/mapping)? |
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" Nice, gz! For defensive alternative to stone golem, I really liked Vaal Grace. If you can, migrate to Malevolence for sure, mainly if you can invest into Watcher's Eye, it is huge damage boost. You have really solid - mana cost body so mana cost should not be issue anyway (and you can always just run enlighten with your auras to free more mana). Looking at your char, you are already running vaal grace tho, so I would at least move it to CWDT setup so you will have inc duration linked to it. And with that socket freed you can add that enlighten I mentioned to 4 link aura setup in helmet with Malevolence. EDIT: Also, with Divine Flesh I would recommend shifting flask setup a bit, Blood of the Karui -> Forbidden Taste and Quartz Flask -> Jade flask, should give you bunch of extra evasion. EDIT2: Also it looks like you have open affix on boots :d My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ thedeathbeam#7125 님이 2019. 11. 1. 오후 10:02:55에 마지막으로 편집
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Thanks for the feedback. Didnt notice that I still got one free on my boots :D I got now a nice Watchers Eye that has two enhancements for Grace (Unefected by Enfeeble and Chance to evade Attacks) with the Malevocation Buff for cheap currency. Didnt really expect to get something useful in all three slots for 1 ex.
Regarding the flasks I have one question. When I switch the Quartz Flask with the Jade Flask should it remove Bleeding or Freez? Or should I just prepare two depending on the content I run? Or what is more dangerous for me? Edit: Okay thinking about it does the Grace modififaction even apply to the Vaal Grace or only to the normal Aura? konean#4232 님이 2019. 11. 2. 오전 8:02:28에 마지막으로 편집
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