[3.15] 82% Block Dual Strike Impale Gladiator - 6M after 3.15 nerfs

I think now I rocking, liking that amulet :)
I have having problem getting chaos resist. What do you recommend and what is best for bright crafting?
noobie12345 님이 2019. 12. 25. 오전 1:55:09에 마지막으로 편집
noobie12345 님이 작성:
I have having problem getting chaos resist. What do you recommend and what is best for bright crafting?

There are a few ways to get some nice chaos resistance, firstly you could use an Amethyst Flask if you don't mind switching out some damage, you could also choose to use gloves, boots, bodies etc which have it on, provided you don't mind fixing the elemental resistances pretty heavily with your rings.

As for anointments, personally I like anything that gives us a nice crit boost (Heartseeker, Coldhearted Calculation, etc.). There are many other great choices though, Tribal Fury allows our attacks to target an additional enemy, Way of the Warrior beefs us up a bit, Purity of Flesh can give you a little more Chaos resistance as you said you're lacking it (or Cleansed Thoughts provided you have a positive Chaos Resistance already). Another choice for Chaos Resistance would be Diamond Skin, which gives you a ton of Elemental Resistance, opening up some mod slots for Chaos on items.

Hey buddy
I will give it a try, this build can go with any other armor with hp+res?
I dont have 4-5 ex to buy that belly6link right now.
devilmanmmx 님이 작성:
Hey buddy
I will give it a try, this build can go with any other armor with hp+res?
I dont have 4-5 ex to buy that belly6link right now.

Absolutely, with a body that has % life and 100+ life you can get close to equaling a belly.
Am I not seeing something or is it impossible to use all the auras with your setup? Because the Mana-Reservation would be ober 100%...
Querillo 님이 작성:
Am I not seeing something or is it impossible to use all the auras with your setup? Because the Mana-Reservation would be ober 100%...

The intended auras for the build are Dread Banner, Pride, and Flesh and Stone with Maim support. This totals roughly 88% total mana, and with an enlighten can go down to even near 80%.

You might have to explain the exact aura setup you're seeing in order for me to troubleshoot it.

Great build. Just a question. Does the defensive variation meant to not have any Impale chance/effect? It doesn't have any in the passive skill tree nor does it have any support gems. Thanks.
The intended auras for the build are Dread Banner, Pride, and Flesh and Stone with Maim support. This totals roughly 88% total mana, and with an enlighten can go down to even near 80%.

You might have to explain the exact aura setup you're seeing in order for me to troubleshoot it.


Yeah in addition I was using the normal Aura of Vaal Haste (50%).... my bad.

Another maybe dumb question.
I have a lot of trouble surviving at tier 7+ Maps with my gear because it´s faaaaaar from good (especially my chest but i just dont manage to 6-link my belly of the beast). Anyway could you maybe give me some advice of what I should upgrade asap to improve my survivability (and dmg) and maybe the related stats i should look out for? Btw. I´m currently lvling dread banner, melee phys, pride, just so you know i did not forget about those...

Thank you for your build, it´s a lot of fun :)

Querillo 님이 2019. 12. 28. 오전 5:56:06에 마지막으로 편집
mates, you gotta get The Saviour from Sirus/Awekener in your off hand.
trying to get it atm, but it should be best in slot for any dual wield melee skill. its 19ex atm though :) so learn the fight. will update once i got it

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