[3.8 updated] Post-nerfed "Vengeance on Crit" Gladiator. Counter-attacks are still fine. 8m+ dps

Hello all,

I just found one thing...
Do not use Vengeance here without Brutality.
If you do Fire Damage with Vengeance it triggers the Amulet a second time and may do a lot of damage to yourself.

Didn't thought out the exact theory on that but without Brutality I saw massive incoming Damage, adding it instantly removed this effect.

By the way, the following Items go very well with the build:

Edith says:
The reason for the Self Inflicted Damage is definitely the Amulet.
Especially on Big Packs which don't instantly die, the amulet triggers to often so we take a lot of Dmg.
One way to overcome this is a:

Alternatively linking a Life Gain on Hit to Cyclone.

Best regards
Mirathas 님이 2019. 12. 21. 오후 11:28:44에 마지막으로 편집

May I know if your ignite source is only from herald of ash? I don't see fire damage anywhere.

May I know if your ignite source is only from herald of ash? I don't see fire damage anywhere.

I have some fire damage on one jewel.

Try to find an abyssal jewel with life, fire on staff attack, crit multi and +2 block if taken hit recently, this combination is ideal.
Loving the clear in maps so far, this is my second character for the league. I'm feeling my damage is sub par on bosses. Any big holes on my character you can see? I'm definitely not fully optimized like your 3.8 character was. I love the playstyle! I just grabbed a fire on staff hit jewel.
avnosherb 님이 2019. 12. 25. 오전 8:03:18에 마지막으로 편집
avnosherb 님이 작성:
Loving the clear in maps so far, this is my second character for the league. I'm feeling my damage is sub par on bosses. Any big holes on my character you can see? I'm definitely not fully optimized like your 3.8 character was. I love the playstyle! I just grabbed a fire on staff hit jewel.

Gem swap for bosses. IAoE -> ConcEffect, Onslaught -> Impale. It will basically triple your damage.

And since chest can no longer have maim, I'll recommend Maim over Rage or Infused Channneling on cyclone setup.

any chance to have a 3.10 update on this build ? :p :p

see ya

Hey, got this build to lvl 80 and can run Juiced T16 quite easily, Loving the build so far! I do feel the boss damage is lacking a bit at times. But i still have some tweaking to do.

anyways i was wondering if there was a reason for you not picking up the swift skewering and the 2 increased impale effect nodes? Specing into those ends up gicing vengance a massive damage boost of 1mil in pob
prem0e 님이 작성:
Hey, got this build to lvl 80 and can run Juiced T16 quite easily, Loving the build so far! I do feel the boss damage is lacking a bit at times. But i still have some tweaking to do.

anyways i was wondering if there was a reason for you not picking up the swift skewering and the 2 increased impale effect nodes? Specing into those ends up gicing vengance a massive damage boost of 1mil in pob

Hi in previous league I was using a watchers eye with 25% chance to impale so I already have 100% chance on vengeance, then swift skewering cluster doesn't give me that much dps boost.

In 3.10 it's easy get enough impale chance with Deep Cuts.
insobyr 님이 작성:
prem0e 님이 작성:
Hey, got this build to lvl 80 and can run Juiced T16 quite easily, Loving the build so far! I do feel the boss damage is lacking a bit at times. But i still have some tweaking to do.

anyways i was wondering if there was a reason for you not picking up the swift skewering and the 2 increased impale effect nodes? Specing into those ends up gicing vengance a massive damage boost of 1mil in pob

Hi in previous league I was using a watchers eye with 25% chance to impale so I already have 100% chance on vengeance, then swift skewering cluster doesn't give me that much dps boost.

In 3.10 it's easy get enough impale chance with Deep Cuts.

Alright, thank you! do you have any recommendations on what nodes to pull to fit in the clusters?

would love to see a 3.10 update if you've been working on one. I feel like the build is very strong for delirium content

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