[3.8] CI Mjolner CoC Ball Lightning Scion - up to 5M Shaper DPS, 10k ES, 5k+ ES recovery/s

N0esy 님이 작성:
Jialen 님이 작성:
What would you suggest if I have a Mjolnir with 3x blue and fortify. Been searching and corrupting a ton now. And can't seem to get 2x blue and 1 green?

You should be able to change the color by using "at least one green socket" option in your craft bench. If you can't, that's probably because you don't have the crafting recipe. In that case, I can craft for you. Just whisper me in game, my character name is CoCBallLightning.

ooooooh. Well I am a noob in this game so :D. Thx for the advice :)

And I have it. Just never figured you could change something after it was corrupted. :)
Jialen#0839 님이 2019. 7. 12. 오후 3:24:03에 마지막으로 편집
I might have missed it in the guide, but I can't seem to find what Pantheon you are using? I am guessing Lunaris or Solaris for Major gods. But dunno about the minor gods
Jialen 님이 작성:
I might have missed it in the guide, but I can't seem to find what Pantheon you are using? I am guessing Lunaris or Solaris for Major gods. But dunno about the minor gods

Hi, I just updated the guide and added pantheon, as well as a leveling guide. Enjoy!
Edit: Also added two videos.
N0esy#1593 님이 2019. 7. 13. 오전 9:59:07에 마지막으로 편집
N0esy 님이 작성:
Jialen 님이 작성:
I might have missed it in the guide, but I can't seem to find what Pantheon you are using? I am guessing Lunaris or Solaris for Major gods. But dunno about the minor gods

Hi, I just updated the guide and added pantheon, as well as a leveling guide. Enjoy!

thx! :) Really enjoying the build so far well done!
Hmm what do you think about using Doedre's Scorn instead of a rare helmet?

With my Doedre's Scorn I only lose 185 ES but get both +2 to CoH and AM and also 20% more elemental damage.

Jialen 님이 작성:
Hmm what do you think about using Doedre's Scorn instead of a rare helmet?

With my Doedre's Scorn I only lose 185 ES but get both +2 to CoH and AM and also 20% more elemental damage.

So, Doedre's Scorn gives you up to 40% increased damage (20% elemental + 20% per curse). This damage increase is the same as that from helmet enchant (40% increased ball lightning damage). So, unless you can find the helmet enchance on Doedre's Scorn (which is unlikely), there is no reason to use Doedre's Scorn. Also, -9 lightning resist mod on a rare helmet is better than +2 level of curse gem mod on Doedre's Scorn. For these reasons, I'd recommend you use a rare helmet. Extra elemental resists on a rare helmet should be helpful, too.
Jialen 님이 작성:
Hmm what do you think about using Doedre's Scorn instead of a rare helmet?

With my Doedre's Scorn I only lose 185 ES but get both +2 to CoH and AM and also 20% more elemental damage.

So, Doedre's Scorn gives you up to 40% increased damage (20% elemental + 20% per curse). This damage increase is the same as that from helmet enchant (40% increased ball lightning damage). So, unless you can find the helmet enchant on Doedre's Scorn (which is unlikely), there is no reason to use Doedre's Scorn. Also, -9 lightning resist mod on a rare helmet is better than +2 level of curse gem mod on Doedre's Scorn. For these reasons, I'd recommend you use a rare helmet. Extra elemental resists on a rare helmet should be helpful, too.
Hey dude the build looks amazing !
Gotta try this out lol i dont know where to spend my currency ill try to max it as i can. But i got a question to you : did you put this in path of building ?
Well it will be more easier to work on your build from there :p
But still from here its ok too
edeniscoolol 님이 작성:
Hey dude the build looks amazing !
Gotta try this out lol i dont know where to spend my currency ill try to max it as i can. But i got a question to you : did you put this in path of building ?
Well it will be more easier to work on your build from there :p
But still from here its ok too

Hi, this build is amazing and definitely worth spending your currency. You can find the pastebin link for PoB at the bottom of the "passive tree" section.
Thank you m8 ! And great job about the build :)

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