[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

I have 5k ehp should I go armor or bow first?
Thanks for the fast response, much appreciated.

I'll try to find someone to multimod+chaos dam over time multiplier.
Do you think I should keep the bane setup ?
And giving up the intuitive leap (jewel) for more health nodes for survivability ?

As for clearing, problem was on bosses :p And most importantly survivability :/
Moedaax 님이 2019. 12. 20. 오전 3:51:10에 마지막으로 편집
Currently I'm entering T14-T15 maps (3 sectors of maps).
Little feedback about build:

Setup: 20lvl ED + 6L cane + 3 empower + 4L 20lvl vaal blight. Also no Hyrri yet, but got vertex. 4.8K HP.

About elderslayers: Recently I fight with T14 Crusader and it take nearly 1 min of dotting his ass to end him.

Map bosses: Currently not a big problem, but not a zoom zoom either. Some combos of map + boss can die really fast.

About metams: For now most hardest was in ancient city (T15) with insane burst. Almost manage to kill me with 1 combo through all flask up 5 times in a row (thank god for trash spawn).
For now I will not say they super tough, but some combos can heavy extend fight time.
But if you mix some shity monsters in, they give you big window for blight his face.
And then you just evade boss (if needed) phase and edc all trash.

P.S. If someone rly need corpse delete for some reason they can try abyssal cry.
Have bad time fighting bosses/metamorph with chaos resist. Am I just lack of dps or there is some other way to deal with that mod?
W0quit 님이 2019. 12. 20. 오전 6:12:19에 마지막으로 편집
W0quit 님이 작성:
Have bad time fighting bosses/metamorph with chaos resist. Am I just lack of dps or there is some other way to deal with that mod?

U lack dps probably, get a prophecy that 5 links ur staff and use a 5L ED and u can pretty much breeze through till t6
Let's say i want to switch from Cane to a crafted bow. What would my way of crafting it be with the changes to multimodding?
Altspam for +1 Gems and something like more spell damage for socketed spells? Then Multimod and add support gems/damage over time?
Does it matter which bow base you're using for that?
Hey! since i don't have enough currency to buy a hyrri's ire what is the best option to early invest? Carcass jack, queen of the forest or kintsugi?
Just sharing a tip: This build is awesome, and if u wanna get defenses without the body armor, get the endurance charge +1 on rings and amulet it work wonders and I'm still using a tabula running t11 maps
This is definitely the best ED build I've played to date. Struggled super hard getting just my 5L staff to color correctly, something like 700 chroms,that was frustrating. But the build runs great. 4.4k hp and 2k energy shield at lv 86 with 123k ED tooltip. Breezing through.
Build is great - downed shaper, elder and uelder deathless so far this league.
Sirus is a struggle not yet completed, but thats probably me being bad xD
ChristianoManu 님이 2019. 12. 20. 오후 12:24:17에 마지막으로 편집

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