💰 [3.22 ready] Clickachu's Tornado Shot MF Build - +Video Guide - 100% Phys Conversion [Standard]

The 3.21 (3.22 ready) build guide:


PoB: https://pastebin.com/TWQhF6Kh

Full map gameplay with this exact setup: https://youtu.be/6g2rca1g6lI

Welcome in my 3.21 Magic Find build on the standard league.

In all of my previous MF build versions I was using Windripper, but this time I slightly changed my build and I started using a rare physical bow and physical conversion.

The reason is to have more damage until i can mirror some more gear and go back to the Windripper setup.

I will show and explain everything here:

- Tree jewels
- Skill tree
- Gear
- Gems setup
- and everything else that is relevant

Let’s start with the tree jewels:


I’m using two large clusters:

First large cluster is the 12 passives one with some life, attributes and lightning resistance. All of these stats are amplified by the 35% increased effect of small passives stat.

In both of the jewel sockets there are two medium cluster jewels. They are both almost the same, as they both have Pressure Points and Quick Getaway mods.

In the Medium cluster jewels jewel sockets there are Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh jewels and they allocate Master Surgeon.

Master Surgeon is a Pathfinder Ascendancy mod, and these jewels let me use it as a Deadeye.

One of the things that Masters Surgeon does is: “Life Flask Effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled”.

This means, that I can use Divination Distillate now, and even if my mana or life is fully recovered, the flask effect is still active. With this said, it can be used with Legacy Vinktar flask, and I can have Instant leech and Divination flask effect, which is brilliant.

Second large cluster jewels has Prismatic heart - for more damage and resistances,
and Blanketed snow. Blanketed snow gives 10% cold penetration against chilled enemies which is nice, as I have 100% physical to cold conversion in this build.

In the jewel sockets there are 2 medium cluster jewels. One is almost the same as the 2 previous medium cluster jewels - it has Pressure Points and Quick Getaway.
The second one has Stormrider mod which is the source of power charges and Blast-Freeze for increased cold damage.

In the jewel sockets, there are 2 legacy Searching Eye jewels.

One of them has added fire damage, which is important to take advantage of the cinderswallow mod which says Ignited enemies take 10% increased damage.

Unlike other ailments, ignite doesn’t have any damage threshold, so this tiny amount of added fire damage will do the job.

Next jewel is the Elegant Hubris with number 146340.

It has two increased rarity mods, 40% each, which gives 80% iir. The max you can get from this jewel is 160%, but I prefer 80% so I also get some damage from it as well.
Other two mods on the tree granted by this jewel are 2 times 80% projectile damage.

Next jewel is Thread of Hope, the version that effects passives in a Large Ring.

The affected passives can be allocated without being connected to the tree, and I allocated:

Multishot - for additional projectile
King of the Hill
Master Fletcher - for additional arrow
Aspect of the Eagle
and One with Nature

The last jewel is Watcher’s Eye with Increased attack speed while affected by Precision,
and added flat cold damage while affected by Hatred. The Anger mod is irrelevant for this build, as I’m not using Anger.

Now let’s take a look at the Skill Tree:


My skill tree PoB is here: https://pastebin.com/TWQhF6Kh

I’m using:

- Charisma, with Reservation mastery that gives 8% increased damage per aura.
- Revenge of the Hunted
- Forces of Nature, with the Elem,ental mastery which gives 25% chance to invert the resistances values of the monsters.
- Ballistics, Primal Spirit and Heart of Oak
- Heartseeker for some nice crit multi
- Acuity for increased attack speed and accuracy
- Herbalism for increased life
- Lethality for crit chance and crit multi ,and Projectile Master with 15% increased projectile speed, which is important for Tornado Shot
- Natural Remedies for increased flask effect and duration
- Thick Skin for increased life
- Longshot, for projectile speed and increased damage against enemies that are farther
- Fangs of Frost for increased cold damage and penetration, and Cold mastery with 40% physical to cold conversion.

Ascendancy tree:


My ascendancy choice is Deadeye.

It has:

- Gathering Winds for permanent Tailwind, which gives increased action speed, which technically is increased attack and movement speed.
- Ricochet for +1 chain.
- Endless munitions for +2 projectiles.
- and Far Shot


My Major Pantheon God is Soul of Arakaali for some damage over time mitigation.

The Minor Pantheon choice is soul of Abberath for burning ground immunity.

Bandits quest status:

Bandits quest status is help Alira for additional +15% to all elemental resistances and a nice 20% crit strike multiplier.


Bow is a rare bow with physical damage, as this setup is a 100% phys to cold conversion. I always used a legacy Windripper, and I will start using it again and change this build to the elemental one when my other gear will be strong enough.

Quiver is a nice synthesized rare one with +1 arrow implicit and 7% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on hit mod, which is really nice, so this quiver is a frenzy charges source.

Helmet is a mirrored copy of Rune Halo from Emcii. It has legacy +2 Tornado Shot secondary projectiles enchant and a decent amount of damage, quant and rarity.

Body Armor is Spirit Hide from the TFT mirror shop.

Gloves are just crafted rare ones and they could definitely be better, but at least they have some rarity alongside the 20% item quant.

The important thing on these gloves are the crafted 35 and 25% phys to cold conversion mods. With these 60% and 40% from the cold mastery, this build has 100% physical to cold conversion.

Boots are the legacy unique Goldwyrm, they are not too strong, but they have 30% item quant which is the max for this slot. My next mirrored item will probably be boots. Please let me know in which ones you think would be the best.

Amulet is a mirrored one form MFAcademy mirror shop.There are some MF amulets which give more damage, but my goal was to get a decent amount of item rarity along with the item quant.

Rings are just rare rings with 20% quant each, and one of them has the Elemental Weakness curse on hit. Both amulet, and rings have Fertile Catalysts applied on them for additional life bonuses. I definitely need better rings, but the mirror fees are enormous.

Belt is the Headhunter belt with 29% iir implicit on it.

Now let’s discuss the flasks. All of them have the “Used when charges are full” enchant, so I basically don’t need to spam them anymore. The only exception is the hybryd flask, as it can’t be enchanted,

1st flask is the Gold Flask for additional item rarity.

Flask number 2 is the legacy quicksilver flass for movement speed of course.

3rd flask is the Divination Distillate. As I mentioned before, with the Master Surgeon Forbidden Flame and Flesh jewels, I can keep it active even when I’m on full life and mana which is just great.

4thrd flask is the legacy Vinktar flask with instant leech. This is the flask that gives me survivability and it really keeps me alive.

Flask number 5 is the cinderswallow urn - the crit strike legacy version. Really strong flask with many benefits. As I mentioned before, I have some added flat fire damage on one of my jewels, so I can benefit from the bonus taht ignited monsters take 10% increased damage.

Gems - skills and auras:


Now let’s talk about skills, auras and support gems.

My main skill, which is used both for mapping and single target is:

- Divergent tornado shot connected to:
- Mirage Archer Support
- Awakened Added Cold Damage Support.
- Item quantity
- Awakened Elemental Damage with attacks support
- and Increased Critical Damage Support

Secondary 6-link is used for Animated guardian. It gives some damage and defence, but the main reason is to get 30% item rarity.

Im using the Divergent version of Animated Guardian for increased life, as if he dies, his items are lost.

Here are the items that I use to summon it:

- Kingmaker Axe - which gives me 30% item rarity
- Crown of the Tyrant with blue socket which adds flat lightning damage to allies, which means to me.
- Southbound gloves so the guardian can only kill frozen enemies to make him kill less monsters as i ned to kill them myself to get the iiq bonus
- Gruthkul’s pelt for nice life pool and life regen
- And Fugitive boots - just rare ones crafted with Essence of Envy for some chaos resistance. Some life, other resistacnes and movement speed are good too ofc.

The gems for this setup is Divergent Animated Guardian connected to:

- Empower lvl 4
- Enhance lvl 4 - it’s important, as it increases the Guardian’s life, so he doesn’t die.
- Minion life support
- Meat Shield support
- and Elemental Army Support

My next 4-link setup is:

- Purity of Elements - it not only keeps my minions safe, but it also makes me immune to elemental ailments. This aura is also a must-have if you wan’t to keep your animated guardian alive.
- Next aura is Anomalous Hatred
- Next one is Precision
- and they’re all connected to Enlighten lvl 4

Next 4-link setup is actually 2 times 2 link and it’s:

Vaal Haste and Anomalous Blood and Sand. Please note, that I’m only using Vaal haste to trigger it manually, I don’t have normal Haste aura reserved! I’m using the sand stance to get some projectile speed which, as I said before is important for Tornado Shot.

Then i have Divergent Dash connected to Second Wind support.

Another 4-link setup is also 2 times 2 link and it’s:

- Anomalous Cst When Damage taken lvl 1 connected to:
- Immortal call lvl 3

- Sniper’s Mark connected to:
- Divergent Mark on Hit.

Now here’s very important thing - if you have this mark on hit connected to the mark gem, it works like curse on hit, and it doesn’t need to be connected to the skill - it is applied with every skill that you use, which is crazy.

It’s a huge damage boost, and that is why I use Whispers of Doom amulet Enchant to have +1 curse so I can apply this mark with every single hit, as I already have curse with elemental weakness on hit on my ring.



iiq iir, with all flasks active are:

207% item quantity

and 486% item rarity

Now offence and defence in-game tooltips:

The Tornado Shot damage tooltip shows 281,792
and with all flasks active it shows 381,274

My resistances are 75/75/75/ and they are overcapped for minus resistances maps.
They're 81/81/81 with the Divination Distillate flask up.

My life pool is 4,423

So this is basically it. If you’re not sure about something, please ask and I will reply. Please let me know what would you upgrade in this build.

On my yt channel there's also gameplay with this exact setup on a juiced, 8-modded delirious map: https://youtu.be/6g2rca1g6lI

Thank you!

Clickachu 님이 2023. 8. 20. 오후 12:24:26에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2023. 11. 29. 오전 1:52:44
if you don't go for pathfinder to buff up the flask you never are going to reach maximum possible iiq
gasparoto1 님이 작성:
if you don't go for pathfinder to buff up the flask you never are going to reach maximum possible iiq

Thanks for reply.
I'm aware of this flask effect buffs, and my first plan was to go pathfinder, and maybe in future I will, but first I would have to upgrade quiver, jewellery and jewels. Deadeye's ascendancy works perfect for me now, luckyli i can switch to pathfinder ascendancy anytime.
I didn't mention it in the post, but pathfinder is on my mind all the time, as I very like piano-style gameplay with flask spamming all the time.
Also pathfinder flask effects buffs are not flat, but temporary, and it's hard to sustain flask effect, and it buffs them 20%, and 20% from 25%iiq is only 5% more iiq and only during flask effect, so I think it's not worth it, but of course one day I will try it. Aslo diminishing returns rule at this high iiq lvl would cause this 5% more iiq from flasks imperceptible.
It's similar like with Perandus Blazon legacy 12% iiq belt - I can get more loot in my Headhunter, beacuse i'm more effective with it, and with iiq belt character seems like unplayable, and doing double beyond high monster packs maps seems impossible in comparision to HH gameplay.
Clickachu 님이 2019. 7. 8. 오후 6:50:32에 마지막으로 편집
I have just replaced old build with the new version in the 1st post of this forum thread with new youtube video guide and new PoB pastebin.

OLD version is archivised here for laughs :)


Hi! This is beta version of the build, so the upgraded, better version will be submitted soon! Also keep in mind this is SSC version with legacy items, but temp league versions are possible too.


THE STORY: (NOT build relevant, just for fun!)

Rumors say, that there were at least 4 great resets of our civilisations: Cold reset, known as "Ice Age", Water reset, caused by flooding oceans, Fire reset, that was caused by a big meteor hit, and Earth & Wind reset, that was caused by huge tornados and earthquakes. Who knows, what was back in those days on the actual area of Wraeclast. Some Exile's ancient legends say, that this land was called Great Tartaria, others say it was called The Atlantis, or that even further back in time, there was an ancient land, that was called "New Zealand" back then.
History of Wraeclast is still a great mystery, and noone can provide a 100% proof for any of those theories. But everyone agree with one thing: Artifacts from the past, that are found today are unable to recreate with present-day technology. This leads to a conclusion, that "they" had knowledge and technology, that is unavailable for us now. To be honest, we can't even tell how old are these artifacts, that have this specific attributes impossible to get today. Maybe one day the connection will be set, and they will travel to us from the past to give us the lost technology, or even a fraction of it. It may be confusing for some people, that the technology doesn't come from future, but from the past, but it isn't anything strange at all, when we realise, that our universe is so old, that almost everything have already happaned in it.



After many months of struggle (I'm not a skilled player) I've finally hit lvl 100 and now I was able to make a build, that uses my old, legacy items, that some of them I've purchased about 1-2 years ago. Items themsef are from before the great reset of Wraeclast civilisation, and due to the forgotten ancient technology they had back in those days, they have very high iiq rolls. :)


This build is designed to farm low tier maps and low/mid tier maps with aurabot/cursebot support.
As it uses max possible iiq items in every item slot it's not all content viable.
It's built around legacy items, so obviously it's not possible on temporary leagues, but it's possible to make similar build on temp league, just with less iiq.
It's designed to be played solo or with aurabot support.
For party culler version just use culling strike gem and make sure no other player is culling, but for a party culler Slayer and some other build would be much better.

Note: this build is not made for profit, it's made for fun and just to be ridiculous.
Maxing iiq, as I did in this build is NOT efficient because of diminishing returns rule. This makes my 206% iiq on a tooltip not effective 206%. I assume it's about 180% effectively, it's similar mechanism like with stacking eevasion but at some level you dont benefit too much from adding more of it.
This leads me to a conclusion, that swapping a perfect legacy Perandus Blazon belt for a Headhunter is a good idea and in this maxed build letting go 12% iiq on a belt slot won't make big difference in terms of effective iiq, but will make character stronger and even more fun to play.

Becasue of IIQ & IIR diminishing returns rule the most effective way is to combine them.
There's a formula, that help with getting good iiq/iir ratio balance.

C = (1+(IIQ/100)) * (1+(IIR/100))

"C" is a coefficient, that shows us how "good" our MF'er is.

But keep in mind, that almost all people will say IIR is not important. I also prefer iiq over iir, but when Zana Nemesis mod is active some rarity for better Headhunter drop chance can be a good choice.


1. "Maxed IIQ" build with maxed iiq on every slot, but with character set, that it's Headhunter swappable.
I prefer using Headhunter, but you can carry Peranus blazon and swap it on bosses.
Basically HH+max IIQ is a best choice for me, because I have both high IIQ and lot of HH fun and power.

2. "Balanced" IIQ/IIR version, with a big favour of iiq. From my researches and tests best thing to do is swap 24% iiq Sadima's Touch gloves for 50% iir Aurseize. Since Aurseize are not legacy, you can get them cheap and try to corrupt with curse on hit, or other vaal mod.
Of course some more items can be swapped to obtain the best coeficient, that I've mentioned before.

3. "Strong" version, that abandons some MF gear in favour of some good items of your choice.
Swapping a chest piece, gloves, or other item for any other OP, that you have. Maybe Kaom' heart, maybe a strong bow instead of Windripper - it's individual case and depends on gear, that you have.


- Lightning resistance is capped at 79% (purity of lightning + lvl4 enlightnen), with flasks active resistances are capped at 79/79/85

- "Rupture" ascendancy node, that grant 30 life gain on hit against bleeding enemies greatly improve survivability

- Headhunter for better damage & survivability buffs, and of course, for better fun!

- Watcher's eye hatred +% crit chance jewel is important part of this character, that substansionally increases damage

- Tailwind ascendancy node helps with movement speed, which is reduced by Greed's Embrace body chest.

(amulet from PoB pastebin is not linked, because I've sold it and currently crafting a new one, which will be shown in next build version)



Bow - Main skill - Tornado shot:


(I'm using siege ballista, but any skill of a choice can be used.
Most people would choose barrage for single target, but i just dont like this skill or just don't know how to use it properly, I prefer stacking TS+siege ballista over it)

(assasin's mark for small power charge generation cahnce was only socketed because the socket was empty and unused, any other gem of choice can be socketed)

(basically it needs Blink Arrow+Faster attacks only, or in extreme setup only Blink Arrow w/o Faster attacks can be moved to 1 free gloves socket, and all 4 boots sockets would be free to use!)


Deadeye, nodes taken: Rupture, Far Shot, Endless Munitions, Gathering Winds

BANDITS: Helped Alira for +15% to all resistances, planning to change it for +2 passive points instead, but need more resistances first.


Major - Soul of Lunaris, Minor - Soul of Shakari


- Is it really max possible IIQ?
- Not really, as it's still possible to get +5%iiq vaal implicit on each ring, and +10%iiq implicit from converting amulet into spinefuse talisman, also a belt can have +5%iiq implicit, so technically there are 25 more % of iiq to be acheived, but the odds are extremely low. I don't even know if there are existing bases with required item levels to make it possible, or they were just wiped out by the great reset :)

- Are the drops good?
- Yes

- Is it viable?
- As I said, I's not designed to do all content, but "Rupture" node on Deadeye ascendancy, that grants 30 life gained on hit against bleedeing enemies makes a big survivability difference.
Resistances are capped at 75/75/79 and with flasks active 81/81/85, so not bad at all.

- Is the damage sufficient?
- It's not very big, but it's nice, Watcher's Eye Jewel is making it much bigger.

- Isn't this char very slow because of a Greed's Embrace chest?
- It is slow, but a "Gathering Winds", that grant Tailwind after using any skill really helps with this problem, when i did testing without tailwind it was feeling too slow then.

- Why I'm not using Herald of Ice + CoH?
- I would, but I also must use Hatred and Purity of Lightning, so i Can use War Banner as well, but not Herald. Maybe this will change if I get some more Lightning resistance somehow.
Also without Herald+CoH i have a curse "slot" empty and I can use CoH gloves, if I manage to get ones with this vaal mod.

- How to deal with hard areas like Incursion temple with lowered res or abyssal depths to not have to skip them and lose their rewards?
- I have other "normal" character to switch on and clear them with it.

- Why this build doesn't use a golem?
- I have a slot for a golem right now, but he is dying so often and has to be resurrected, that from some time i don't like golems in my builds.

- Why not using lvl 21 purity of lightning instead of lvl 20?
- lvl 21 wouldn't give any more +max resistance, only +1 resistance, which is not so important, but it require 4 more intelligence, so i don't want to abandon any tree point to get it, just not worth it, but I will upgrade it soon.

- Why am I not using perfect bisco, since I have one?
- In my opinion perfect bisco is NOT a best in slot item for magic find. 100% iiq against normal monsters on map is same, or even worse than 20% flat iiq, this roughly is calculated by me basing on normal/magic/rare/uniq monster proportions. Also bisco don't have any other good stats, that rare 20% iiq amulet can have. Mapping with bisco and swapping for rare amu at bosses is also not good, because swapping is time, and time is exalts :)

- Why Divination Distilate doesn't have quality?
- This flask shouldn't have quality to regenerate less, so the flask effect have chance to last longer.

- Why don't I pick the loot?
- I do, but i do it at the end of map, to maximise effect any Headhunter or other buffs.

"TO DO" list - plans, upgrades, etc.:

- farm +2 tornado shot projectile enchant on helmet
- farm 2% hp regen enchant on boots (hm, but maybe 1%, or even no regen would be better - less survi, but better chance for divination distilate flask effect...)
- upgrade Greed's Embrace quality to 28% at syndycate bench
- upgraded double corrupted HH (iiq mod desired)
- corrupt jewel for "corrupted blood cannot be infliced", then swapping quicksilver flask of staunching for a quicksilver flask of heat to be able to open freezing strongboxes
- change tree jewels for some better ones when I get any
- upgrade to 28% quality and double corrupt greed's embrace chest
- upgrade do single/double corrupt with curse on hit (vulner. or ele weak.)
- metacraft iiq jewellery for better other stats
- get better quiver with high triple res

As you see this build is not "finished" and can be upgraded, so feel free to advise me how to do it, especially which jewellery and how should I metacraft it :)
Feel free to ask any questions about the build!

My plan is to make it stronger, so it can farm higher tier maps, or maybe one day even complete the endgame with ;)

Path of Building pastebin:


Youtube video with build showcase and gameplay:


Small update: Started using amulet with 26% iir instead of 26% cold damage, rarity is now more important on nemesis mods. Also started using divination distilate again instead of OP Atziri's Promise

Another update, since now Nemesis zana mod is available, swapped Cinderswallow Urn with 3% HP regen for the one with 30% iir.

Also checked to be extra sure, iir from Cinderswallow Urn flask and iir from Divination Distillate flasks stack together, as some same mods (from same flask types though) doesn't stack, like i.e. 40% increased damage from 2 sulphur flasks.
Lil update: Started using precision aura as well, dmg tooltip went from 40.186 to 42.346 at lvl 1, so not bad at all, maybe I will increase it's level, but need some mana too.

230 unreserved mana w/o precision, 208 unreserved with lvl 1 precision

Clickachu 님이 2019. 11. 4. 오후 4:18:04에 마지막으로 편집
Falls to max DPS, which provides more IIQ.
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
Sorry, you mean to fall unreserved mana,by increasing precision gem lvl to get more damage? I use quite a lot of mana, so with less reserved sometimes I can go out mana and perform basic attack instead of my tornado shot. But I'm not sure if I've understand you correctly.
You mean more dmg = more chance to freeze and shock for Windripper iiq, iir bonuses?
Clickachu 님이 2019. 11. 5. 오후 9:16:02에 마지막으로 편집
Update: Don't know what it was blocking my intelligence requirements, or they just changed something, but was able to drop 2x30 intelligence notable skill tree points and grabbed Elemental Focus notable with these 2 points.

Now I have 114 int, which is just what i need if I ever want to use lvl21 IIR support gem.

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