[3.9] Animate Weapon Chains of Command powerful life flask Build /
" Yes. That's why you use wanna use it. No worries about accuracy for Animate Guardian's Weapon AND Animate Guardian at the same time. |
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I'm just starting to play this build. I have all games set, but I have a question about Infernal Legion Support. What should I do so that it does not kill AG after starting to use? As soon as the gem plant slowly AG begins to lose life, how to stop it? More resistance to fire in the subjects for AG?
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" AG have to wear this, it is the most important item |
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olsev_baiden#2790 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 12:47:16에 마지막으로 편집
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" The annointed passive Grave intentions + Mask of the Stitched Demon + Skin of the Loyal or a rare chest with this crafted mod which is better than a Skin of the Loyal. Skin of the Lords with Phas Acro is an expensive choice. With the rare craft mod you'll have almost 30% Life regen per second for your AG. Update regarding resistances: Elemental Army gives +5 to maximum elemental resistances on Lvl 21, not +3 as written the wiki. Seems it's not up to date anymore. So your AG has 80 ele res. And the tooltip says "Minions have +54% to all elemental resistances" for my AG, but you have to add the default value which is 40, so it's easily res capped. " Ok that's a valid point. I'll use in combination with Bone Offering then for 55% block/ 31% spell block. Thanks for the advice! olsev_baiden#2790 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 12:49:06에 마지막으로 편집
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olsev_baiden#2790 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 12:45:11에 마지막으로 편집
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" Thanks so much for the advice, I will try soon. Edit: o_0 Mask of the Stitched Demon - It's very expensive T_T There are no cheaper alternatives? JadeNaKoniuTylem#6599 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 1:28:55에 마지막으로 편집
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In case anyone is also scared of losing expensive items in Animate Guardian, I started as a physical version with Kondor’s Undying Rage. It has 400pdps and innate Hits can’t be evaded.
Anger becomes Pride Flammability becomes Vulnerability Gems in chest become Melee Physical Damage and Brutality. It works at least in Tier 14 juicy maps and all gear in AG is at most 1c each. However, bossing is worse by a lot since you lose Elemental Equilibrium and exposure which do huge work at melting boss hp fast. You save a couple skill points on the tree and a bunch of sockets in your gear. But ultimately the Oro’s Sacrifice version is better because it can just pop bosses way faster. And with this build, you really want to kill bosses fast before they AoE all you weapons away, you run out of worm flask charges, stuff like that because you can brick the boss fight if you can’t generate an army again. I usually start a map and try to find the boss so I get there with 20+ weapons. If somehow I fail, I can zone back in to the map at the start again and go another route and have another army for the half-hp boss. I do this for say the Conquerers because it’s really important I actually kill them and not all the mobs in the map. Vaal Breach kinda helps here. NorrYtt#0768 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 1:24:24에 마지막으로 편집
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" If you have the Alva room "Apex of Ascension" you can build it yourself for around 90-100c. |
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At this moment, it feels like my AW lack in damage, it is not even close to the point when you fight with Minotaur, and when i must fight with Warlord it takes to much time to kill him and my minions just disapear.
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