[3.13] LIGHTNING ARROW/BARRAGE Deadeye Build / Zap your way forward! UBER ELDER DONE!

Noob questions, i had problem with Energy leech support. I saw and use the talent tree + skills gems, but using Blood rage I cannot leech ES, so my dps goes down. Any tips or something i do bad? ty
Sinxeado 님이 작성:
Noob questions, i had problem with Energy leech support. I saw and use the talent tree + skills gems, but using Blood rage I cannot leech ES, so my dps goes down. Any tips or something i do bad? ty
You're leeching energy shield when it's not full. That's the whole point of blood rage. Leech will stop when the ES reaches max and blood rage ensures it never does. You also need to have some ES on gear even very small amount but if you have absolutely 0 then you can't leech something you don't have.

That probably means you should avoid no leech maps because then yeah, you'll lose dps.
Switch to Lightning Arrow at level 12. Take Precision

nvm, I see it, the gem :)
Jes00jes 님이 2020. 3. 27. 오전 10:03:18에 마지막으로 편집

new amulet, even better =D
tho i've thought i have ok aoe with 5l bow... that was a mistake u can't even compare 5l to 6l with greater multiple projectiles aoe lol
hopefully will finish my assassin's mark ring today =D
Hello, i have a quick question, what anoitment is the best to run for this build? I'm using Discipline and training right now for some extra health. Thanks for the awsome and fun build!
compulsive 님이 2020. 3. 28. 오전 9:24:17에 마지막으로 편집
Heart of Thunder is considered best one (but need 1 golden oil = 1 ex)

as 4 me Ash, Frost and Storm is also pretty good +20% ele dmg, -20% reflected ele dmg and +6 all res and much more cheap
Having a really hard time with this build against ele resist mobs/bosses. Im only 52 and its a real struggle to get stuff down. What can i do to help with this problem.
drjekell 님이 작성:
Having a really hard time with this build against ele resist mobs/bosses. Im only 52 and its a real struggle to get stuff down. What can i do to help with this problem.
ele pen on a chest will help with that.
And check the red text in start post
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Angry_Roleplayer 님이 작성:
drjekell 님이 작성:
Having a really hard time with this build against ele resist mobs/bosses. Im only 52 and its a real struggle to get stuff down. What can i do to help with this problem.
ele pen on a chest will help with that.
And check the red text in start post

Im lvl 52 with a tabula and i cant even kill some elite monster packs. I dont think ill be able to make it far enough to even get there...
drjekell 님이 작성:
Angry_Roleplayer 님이 작성:
drjekell 님이 작성:
Having a really hard time with this build against ele resist mobs/bosses. Im only 52 and its a real struggle to get stuff down. What can i do to help with this problem.
ele pen on a chest will help with that.
And check the red text in start post

Im lvl 52 with a tabula and i cant even kill some elite monster packs. I dont think ill be able to make it far enough to even get there...

This is because you are not following the build and stupidly think that Tabula will carry you, ignoring all most other items. You could easily boost your damage with Prismweave, thunderfist, sacrificial heart, berek's pass, wake of destruction and any 5l elemental bow
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/

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