[3.11] Stupidsmile Ultimate SRS Minion Instability 💀🔥🔥🔥🔥 💀 24M+ ON THE SHAPER 💀

Quick question. What would be good gem links for the SRS in a chest piece? I'm too poor to afford one of those helmets so my chest is all I have to work with.
Saf3tyhazard 님이 작성:
Quick question. What would be good gem links for the SRS in a chest piece? I'm too poor to afford one of those helmets so my chest is all I have to work with.

Infernal Legion
Spell Echo
Minion Damage
Elemental Focus
Elemental Army --> Concentrated Effect

The moment you are able to cover 30%+ minion resistant from the passive tree, you can switch to Concentrated Effect.
For minion helmet mirror service

Stupidsmile Ultimate SRS Minion Instability Build
StupidSmile 님이 작성:

You need to get a ilv86+ elder helmet. Use bound fossil on it BoOM! done.

Hi mate thank you very much for your guide. I can’t but I came up to a few problems though.

I have many remaining skill points at level 94.

Is the POB correct ?
Guys, who know tell me please, how i can improve dps in my gear? I know about lvl4 Empower.
Nakazuka 님이 2019. 9. 29. 오전 6:39:10에 마지막으로 편집
GraveyardSquad 님이 작성:
Hi mate thank you very much for your guide. I can’t but I came up to a few problems though.

I have many remaining skill points at level 94.

Is the POB correct ?

The POB is correct. The remaining node has been disabled to make ways for timeless jewel. If you don't have any good timeless jewel, feel free to spend on remaining minion damage/life of the tree.
For minion helmet mirror service

Stupidsmile Ultimate SRS Minion Instability Build
Nakazuka 님이 작성:
Guys, who know tell me please, how i can improve dps in my gear? I know about lvl4 Empower.

Share your latest path of build link here so other player may have a look.
For minion helmet mirror service

Stupidsmile Ultimate SRS Minion Instability Build
StupidSmile 님이 작성:
Nakazuka 님이 작성:
Guys, who know tell me please, how i can improve dps in my gear? I know about lvl4 Empower.

Share your latest path of build link here so other player may have a look.

https://pastebin.com/0BxVt6zU done.
Nakazuka 님이 2019. 9. 29. 오전 9:00:25에 마지막으로 편집
Nakazuka 님이 작성:
StupidSmile 님이 작성:
Nakazuka 님이 작성:
Guys, who know tell me please, how i can improve dps in my gear? I know about lvl4 Empower.

Share your latest path of build link here so other player may have a look.

https://pastebin.com/0BxVt6zU done.

You need to know how the build works rather than follow exactly from my tree.
All changes have been kept inside the notes for your reference.
It should boost your SRS damage up from 137k to 448k.
For minion helmet mirror service

Stupidsmile Ultimate SRS Minion Instability Build
i checked your PoB how do u have a gem with 160% to minions life and dmg on a jewel?

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