Qlidascope 님이 작성:
Do you like flesh, blood, and carnage? If that is the case, then you have found the rightful place exile. Welcome to my guide on how to achieve it!
Have a little taste of whats to come.
-Qlida out!

how many dps u have now? with full chaos convert.
antiafk_mt 님이 작성:
Qlidascope 님이 작성:
Do you like flesh, blood, and carnage? If that is the case, then you have found the rightful place exile. Welcome to my guide on how to achieve it!
Have a little taste of whats to come.
-Qlida out!

how many dps u have now? with full chaos convert.

You are fan of numbers?

Imo go get another build, useless question on this one.
bex_HB 님이 작성:
antiafk_mt 님이 작성:
Qlidascope 님이 작성:
Do you like flesh, blood, and carnage? If that is the case, then you have found the rightful place exile. Welcome to my guide on how to achieve it!
Have a little taste of whats to come.
-Qlida out!

how many dps u have now? with full chaos convert.

You are fan of numbers?

Imo go get another build, useless question on this one.

Well, sure, but you have to tell him the reason. The reason that question is useless is simply that any version of this build has so much DPS that the number simply doesn't matter for anything in the game.
Mecielle#3021 님이 2019. 9. 26. 오후 11:39:40에 마지막으로 편집
GuppiTheSlayer 님이 작성:

Expensive armour for our animated,kaom roots+ brass dome for party in 1 item
I had looked at that pre league but thought it needed the synthesizer and wasn’t available this league. Yeah, that chest is pretty sick. If you run into issues with AG dying, it would be well worth devoting a couple passives to minion regen.
- Crit immunity
- Cannot he slowed beyond base movement sleed
Still, 10 ex is pretty steep.

wot sense use heaghunter?
when you kill rare mionster you dont kill you self minion kill this not count as y kill
this way headhunter useles only 55 str and 40 dex
vadash 님이 작성:
antwnnn 님이 작성:
Hey guys back again, and im at lvl 94 and just beat uber elder :D. Was wondering what could i do to my build to improve on or even possibly getting to 1k strength just so i can get that buff from baron.

https://pastebin.com/0atSR0fx says im still using a maul but im actually using a convoking wand and shield

Convoking wand + shield, 2x convoking wand, 2 shields kappa - all bad choices. Use femurs 5L and zombie 21 gem until u get mace. Ditch mana flask and life flask for utility

sad day when I thought this would be the better option and now the 5l maim are expensive :(
101zombi101 님이 작성:

wot sense use heaghunter?
when you kill rare mionster you dont kill you self minion kill this not count as y kill
this way headhunter useles only 55 str and 40 dex

And you are wrong, you gain the Headhunter buffs when your minions kill rares. Only thing making HH a bad choice imo is that your minions do not gain the buffs, letting them stay slow and thus negating most of the positives HH gives, which is clear speed. Sure it gives some defense, but I maintain, if you die regularly with this build, outside of delves 800+, you should learn how to play this game.

So I'm pretty sure he is only using it for fun. It is surely not a recommended belt choice for this build.
Mecielle#3021 님이 2019. 9. 27. 오전 1:06:57에 마지막으로 편집
antwnnn 님이 작성:
vadash 님이 작성:
antwnnn 님이 작성:
Hey guys back again, and im at lvl 94 and just beat uber elder :D. Was wondering what could i do to my build to improve on or even possibly getting to 1k strength just so i can get that buff from baron.

https://pastebin.com/0atSR0fx says im still using a maul but im actually using a convoking wand and shield

Convoking wand + shield, 2x convoking wand, 2 shields kappa - all bad choices. Use femurs 5L and zombie 21 gem until u get mace. Ditch mana flask and life flask for utility

sad day when I thought this would be the better option and now the 5l maim are expensive :(

Well, it says 100% clearly in the guide that it is a shitty option. Not sure why you thought it would be better.
antwnnn#0937 님이 2019. 9. 27. 오전 1:14:59에 마지막으로 편집

Convoking wand + shield, 2x convoking wand, 2 shields kappa - all bad choices. Use femurs 5L and zombie 21 gem until u get mace. Ditch mana flask and life flask for utility[/quote]

sad day when I thought this would be the better option and now the 5l maim are expensive :([/quote]

Well, it says 100% clearly in the guide that it is a shitty option. Not sure why you thought it would be better.[/quote]
Would it be okay to run a 5l with maim without the minion modifiers?

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