Aias_o_Telamonios 님이 작성:
hankinsohl 님이 작성:

Blind is very nice defensively, yes, but you can get that on a jewel; for example:

The F&S 11% (possibly 12% with level boost) less damage from attacks from enemies not nearby sounds situationally good - ranged attacking boss maybe?...

Overall though, I think I'd rather spend the mana on some other defensive/offensive boost.

If you actually read my post you'd see I already have blind on hit. This is completely different from F&S. It works only on bosses because it has a low chance of being applied and needs multiple hits. It can blind enemies that are far away.
F&S instantly blinds everything that is close to you. Works great when clearing fast and moving ahead of your minions. It's a major defensive aura.
If you want moooooar DPS on a build that instantly phases every boss in the game, fine. I believe the combination of the 2 blind sources it the way to go.

Fair enough.

On the other hand, do nearby, presumably, non-boss mobs pose a danger worth the mana cost?

For me, hardly ever - the single exception I can think of being that some of those delve mobs are invisible until they're right on top of you and then attack. As you get deeper in delves, that can one-shot you.

As for more DPS... actually, I'd like to work in grace (would give me about 20+% more chance to evade - note that I'm a niche, cold-based build wearing an evasion chest though) or haste (primarily for speed boost plus phasing watchers eye) - so spending the mana on other buffs isn't necessarily all about DPS.

All told, I may try to work F&S into my build as it's far less mana than the other skills I'd like to use and the instant proximity blind can be useful while delving.
hankinsohl#1231 님이 2019. 10. 3. 오후 9:52:14에 마지막으로 편집
rolandojuantamad 님이 작성:
I decided to try the soul thether, geofry chest, shaper gloves route. But instead of ES from mana watchers eye, i got the phys>elemental while affected by purity of eelements. I then remembered that i was using doryani glorious vanity last league for 20% of hp as ES. I would appreciate you crtiques guys.

In your zombie links, replace Withering Touch with Brutality.

In your Animated Guardian links... what is your Animated Guardian supposed to be doing? Does the "defensive" nature of Meat Shield reduce AG's effectiveness?

Although probably OK... I've no idea how Meat Shield interacts with our spectres. Do they empower/frenzy/cast curses less often when defensive? I suspect that the spectres we typically use (with the possible exception Ruins Hellion) are "defensive" by default; nonetheless, I don't know how Meat Shield affects them.

Quality on Phase Run gives movement speed.

You really don't want convo on CWDT. This is going to pull your zombies out of combat when it procs; moreover you can't manually cast convo when needed - e.g., to pull minions out of a pending explosion.

The only useful link in CWDT is enfeeble; but you can get that from a spectre and put the links to better use.

You can drop the minion regen node; you can also drop the minion leech node if you get minion leech on a jewel.

Are all those nodes you're taking for Glorious Vanity worthwhile? Overall pathing looks a bit strange.

You aren't running Aspect of the Avian.

Jackytran24 has a nice tree/setup for this variant - I'd take a close look at what he's done - with the caveat that he's trying to deep delve so you might want to switch up a few things if deep delve doesn't interest you.
hankinsohl#1231 님이 2019. 10. 3. 오후 11:15:13에 마지막으로 편집
hankinsohl 님이 작성:

In your zombie links, replace Withering Touch with Brutality.

In your Animated Guardian links... what is your Animated Guardian supposed to be doing? Does the "defensive" nature of Meat Shield reduce AG's effectiveness?

Although probably OK... I've no idea how Meat Shield interacts with our spectres. Do they empower/frenzy/cast curses less often when defensive? I suspect that the spectres we typical use (possibly exception Ruins Hellion) are "defensive" by default; nonetheless, I don't know how Meat Shield affects them.

Quality on Phase Run gives movement speed.

You really don't want convo on CWDT. This is going to pull your zombies out of combat when it procs; moreover you can't manually cast convo when needed - e.g., to pull minions out of a pending explosion.

The only useful link in CWDT is enfeeble; but you can get that from a spectre and put the links to better use.

You can drop the minion regen node and can also drop the minion leech node if you get minion leech on a jewel.

Are all those nodes you're taking for Glorious Vanity worthwhile? Overall pathing looks a bit strange.

You aren't running Aspect of the Avian. Jackytran24 has a nice tree/setup for this variant - I'd take a close look at what he's done - with the caveat that he's trying to deep delve so you might want to switch up a few things if deep delve doesn't interest you.

Ag and spectre are for buffs so i dont want them to run off and fight mobs. Noted on the phaserun quality. Thats the question that i dont know how to answer, what i lost vs what i gained, because the glorious vanity is straight up 20% more EHP. I just need to hit 1k str for the zombie leech.

I think without saqawal chest, avian is not worth it. All it would give me is 10%ms. I run skitter, purity and ES aura. I dont know if this is better than say Flesh and Stone sand stance and war banner.

Do you have a link of jackytrans build?
rolandojuantamad 님이 작성:
hankinsohl 님이 작성:

In your zombie links, replace Withering Touch with Brutality.

In your Animated Guardian links... what is your Animated Guardian supposed to be doing? Does the "defensive" nature of Meat Shield reduce AG's effectiveness?

Although probably OK... I've no idea how Meat Shield interacts with our spectres. Do they empower/frenzy/cast curses less often when defensive? I suspect that the spectres we typical use (possibly exception Ruins Hellion) are "defensive" by default; nonetheless, I don't know how Meat Shield affects them.

Quality on Phase Run gives movement speed.

You really don't want convo on CWDT. This is going to pull your zombies out of combat when it procs; moreover you can't manually cast convo when needed - e.g., to pull minions out of a pending explosion.

The only useful link in CWDT is enfeeble; but you can get that from a spectre and put the links to better use.

You can drop the minion regen node and can also drop the minion leech node if you get minion leech on a jewel.

Are all those nodes you're taking for Glorious Vanity worthwhile? Overall pathing looks a bit strange.

You aren't running Aspect of the Avian. Jackytran24 has a nice tree/setup for this variant - I'd take a close look at what he's done - with the caveat that he's trying to deep delve so you might want to switch up a few things if deep delve doesn't interest you.

Ag and spectre are for buffs so i dont want them to run off and fight mobs. Noted on the phaserun quality. Thats the question that i dont know how to answer, what i lost vs what i gained, because the glorious vanity is straight up 20% more EHP. I just need to hit 1k str for the zombie leech.

I think without saqawal chest, avian is not worth it. All it would give me is 10%ms. I run skitter, purity and ES aura. I dont know if this is better than say Flesh and Stone sand stance and war banner.

Do you have a link of jackytrans build?

Sorry - his/her name is Jackietran24

>> I think without saqawal chest, avian is not worth it. All it would give me is 10%ms
Avian grants you and your minions might/flight in an alternating sequence - it's very worthwhile even without Nest; you may need Nest's mana reservation, though, to squeeze all the auras/buffs in.

hankinsohl#1231 님이 2019. 10. 3. 오후 11:57:18에 마지막으로 편집
Well...I feel stupid. Ran a t11 map with phys reflect, equipped a Triad Grip. I did the entire map with Brutality equipped in my Zombie links.
Aldonés#1294 님이 2019. 10. 3. 오후 11:24:52에 마지막으로 편집
jlh165 님이 작성:
Well...I feel stupid. Ran a t11 map with phys reflect, equipped a Triad Grip. I did the entire map with Brutality equipped in my Zombie links.

Go go skeletons! :-)
hankinsohl 님이 작성:

Are all those nodes you're taking for Glorious Vanity worthwhile? Overall pathing looks a bit strange.

for the nodes corrupted by Doryani:

I Lose
10 str,
10 int,
40% mana regen, 1% life regen
10 str
10 str
5% life

I gain:
11 cold resist
1% chance to dodge spell
1% max lightning res, 24 lightning res
8% chaos resist
5% skill effect duration
11% increased damage over time

rolandojuantamad 님이 작성:
hankinsohl 님이 작성:

Are all those nodes you're taking for Glorious Vanity worthwhile? Overall pathing looks a bit strange.

for the nodes corrupted by Doryani:

I Lose
10 str,
10 int,
40% mana regen, 1% life regen
10 str
10 str
5% life

I gain:
11 cold resist
1% chance to dodge spell
1% max lightning res, 24 lightning res
8% chaos resist
5% skill effect duration
11% increased damage over time

Not worth it at all then. Look for a Lethal Pride boosting %strength on nodes we already take. Rework your pathing to look like Jackie's.
hankinsohl#1231 님이 2019. 10. 4. 오전 3:21:02에 마지막으로 편집
rolandojuantamad 님이 작성:
hankinsohl 님이 작성:

Are all those nodes you're taking for Glorious Vanity worthwhile? Overall pathing looks a bit strange.

for the nodes corrupted by Doryani:

I Lose
10 str,
10 int,
40% mana regen, 1% life regen
10 str
10 str
5% life

I gain:
11 cold resist
1% chance to dodge spell
1% max lightning res, 24 lightning res
8% chaos resist
5% skill effect duration
11% increased damage over time
You’d be better off with an empty socket. Lethal Pride is really the only Timeless Jewel worth getting. All small nodes get +2-4 strength and notables have a chance at rolling 5% strength or +20 strength as well as several defensive traits. None of the original passives are changed, only added to.
jlh165 님이 작성:
You’d be better off with an empty socket. Lethal Pride is really the only Timeless Jewel worth getting. All small nodes get +2-4 strength and notables have a chance at rolling 5% strength or +20 strength as well as several defensive traits. None of the original passives are changed, only added to.

I lose 162 HP but gain 2,009 ES which i think is a big gain for the tradeoff.

on the lethal pride version, do i get enough str to gain 1 more zombie? wish someone can have a POB to compare

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