Qlidascope 님이 작성:
blingi 님이 작성:
So I'm about to spend some money on my first 6l twohanded weapon.
Should I go for Femur or Queen's?
I know the pros and cons (more damage with Femur and faster minions/clear with Queen's).
Can anyone tell me how the speed increase from Queen's feels like in practice? Like is it a noticable improvement or do you still have to run ahead and convoke your minions into the enemy packs?

Minion movement speed won't really affect your zombies that much, since they're still slamming alot of the time. However you will feel a considerable amount of increased speed on your minions. However you'll also feel the amount of damage aswell as survivability from the femurs. I'd personally go with femurs all the time, as you can get movement speed from other sources, such as annoint, suffix craft on ring, quality on skill gem, general nodes on tree, AG boots etc. While you can't get alot of +skill gem levels.

Also is it worth to go for an intermediate weapon like that? How much currency should I have laying around before I go for a real staff?
blingi 님이 작성:
Qlidascope 님이 작성:
blingi 님이 작성:
So I'm about to spend some money on my first 6l twohanded weapon.
Should I go for Femur or Queen's?
I know the pros and cons (more damage with Femur and faster minions/clear with Queen's).
Can anyone tell me how the speed increase from Queen's feels like in practice? Like is it a noticable improvement or do you still have to run ahead and convoke your minions into the enemy packs?

Minion movement speed won't really affect your zombies that much, since they're still slamming alot of the time. However you will feel a considerable amount of increased speed on your minions. However you'll also feel the amount of damage aswell as survivability from the femurs. I'd personally go with femurs all the time, as you can get movement speed from other sources, such as annoint, suffix craft on ring, quality on skill gem, general nodes on tree, AG boots etc. While you can't get alot of +skill gem levels.

Also is it worth to go for an intermediate weapon like that? How much currency should I have laying around before I go for a real staff?

I'd say from my experience that 5L femurs with 21lvl raise zombie handled everything up to 5/8 awakener just fine, so there is no point in my opinion to make 6link femurs if you planning to craft 2handed rare after that. Some metamorphs on top tier t16 maps was too tanky for 5l setup, 4-socketed conquirers and awakener is tanky too, but well, thats for only 20 chaos (you can get cheap femurs and make 5link with jeweler's touch profecy for 17chaos right now)
Im begging you guys, could somebody check my account (char: TufiBossKilla) and tell me what I can do to get damage?

The build says 25M shaper dps, my dps feels like 100-200k only. It is 1 million light years away from being a boss killer. Rerolled from a very well geared deadeye to this summoner to be able to kill bosses faster, now Im killing them even slower I dunno what to do.

Thx for all the responds in advance, appreciate it alot.

Johnny21 님이 작성:
Im begging you guys, could somebody check my account (char: TufiBossKilla) and tell me what I can do to get damage?

The build says 25M shaper dps, my dps feels like 100-200k only. It is 1 million light years away from being a boss killer. Rerolled from a very well geared deadeye to this summoner to be able to kill bosses faster, now Im killing them even slower I dunno what to do.

Thx for all the responds in advance, appreciate it alot.


Well you seem to play a different build with a quick look on your weapon-slots and some other items, this way of course you won´t reach numbers ...
Please update path of building lick its saying ssl connect error not sure if thats my issue or yours :).
Themasterofw 님이 작성:
Please update path of building lick its saying ssl connect error not sure if thats my issue or yours :).

It's yours. Remove the "s" from "https" and that will work.
bex_HB 님이 작성:
Johnny21 님이 작성:
Im begging you guys, could somebody check my account (char: TufiBossKilla) and tell me what I can do to get damage?

The build says 25M shaper dps, my dps feels like 100-200k only. It is 1 million light years away from being a boss killer. Rerolled from a very well geared deadeye to this summoner to be able to kill bosses faster, now Im killing them even slower I dunno what to do.

Thx for all the responds in advance, appreciate it alot.


Well you seem to play a different build with a quick look on your weapon-slots and some other items, this way of course you won´t reach numbers ...
Is there a quick solution to the build im currently running to get some damage ? Bosses take so long to kill :(

I honestly dunno how to get any more dmg. Hitting a wall with my pure physical dmg here.
How did you get the Dex to wear Saqawal at 107 dex requirement?

I dont see anything that gives you dex in your character
wong007 님이 작성:
How did you get the Dex to wear Saqawal at 107 dex requirement?

I dont see anything that gives you dex in your character

Equip a high dex amulet. Equip the chest. Remove the amulet. The chest itself give you the required dex :p


If I use AG with fortify weapon, what do I do with the fortify gem in the CwC setup? Keep it or change to anything else?
Johnny21 님이 작성:
bex_HB 님이 작성:
Johnny21 님이 작성:
Im begging you guys, could somebody check my account (char: TufiBossKilla) and tell me what I can do to get damage?

The build says 25M shaper dps, my dps feels like 100-200k only. It is 1 million light years away from being a boss killer. Rerolled from a very well geared deadeye to this summoner to be able to kill bosses faster, now Im killing them even slower I dunno what to do.

Thx for all the responds in advance, appreciate it alot.


Well you seem to play a different build with a quick look on your weapon-slots and some other items, this way of course you won´t reach numbers ...
Is there a quick solution to the build im currently running to get some damage ? Bosses take so long to kill :(

I honestly dunno how to get any more dmg. Hitting a wall with my pure physical dmg here.

Well, you're running some kind of version that focuses om scaling a ton of energyshield rather than getting dps. I'd high recommend that you drop monte'gruels as it isn't a good weapon to use anymore. The weapon i recommend in the guide will improve dps alot. In general if you want good dps i'd check out the setup used in the guide in general, due to the best defence being a goood offence, and your offence is very weak.
Qlidascope#2925 님이 2019. 12. 25. 오전 11:07:10에 마지막으로 편집

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