fun build would recommend
ShadowBlazinIce#5845 님이 2020. 1. 8. 오후 6:19:34에 마지막으로 편집
lufu1 님이 작성:
which is the best lab enchant?
40% aura effect for Dread Banner
ICYOU 님이 작성:
This is a pretty neat guide, i dunno if i have missed something.. I get fortify from AG. But sirus just wipes the floor with me all other content is cake... But sirus 0 chance of clearing.

Any tips in min/max or changes ?

For Sirus, upgrade Arakaali/Shakari pantheons and use them. Switch feeding frenzy in your weapon to meat shield. Put carrion golem - maim - feeding frenzy in your gloves (you don't have anything useful in them anyway). Use convocation and some movement skill (leap slam/flame dash).
Just run underneath him and start the fight. After switching phases (he casts a new storm) go left to the tent and wait until he come closer to you - camera will be zooming out while he is walking to you and you can see his shadow (GGG will change it in the patch soon) and as soon he is outside of the storm go to him and start another phase (he will push storms out of the fighting arena, so all you need is simply wait until he is just outside of newly created storm so you can run underneath him to start a new phase). Use convocation and don't allow minions to run into the storms, keep distance at which he is still following you, but your minions aren't touching storms. If the storm is moving to you, kite it to the top right stationary storm and try to stack them, so you'll have enough room to move to the boss. You can also kite it to the bottom right - there is another stationary storm and enough space for maneuvers, just don't kite it to the entrance (in the patch they'll fix this issue and storms will be moving on their own, so this information might be a little bit outdated soon, but the changes should make this mechanic more manageable and fun, I hope). Also try to not move him to the stairs in the north (only move a storm here if you have no other choice and go back as soon as possible), because you can stuck here in the maze. He is moving in this direction naturally, so the faster you start a new phase, the better. Most of his abilities is a joke to this build, just cyclone around him and wait while zombies doing their job. With good enough gear you'll have so much damage so he won't use most of his abilities and you'll have enough ehp to survive even a meteor hit. I know how frustrating it can be, considering how much effort is required to spawn him again, because I failed first 3 attempts, but after the first kill it's just a very easy boss. I know, it's a little bit long post and my English isn't very good, but I wish this information would help someone.

For min/maxing get lvl30 zombies as soon as possible: get a lvl4 empower and 21/20 zombies. Get a normal amulet, so you can anoint it. Even Astramentis is better than your current amulet. Get a better belt with life. I cannot see your passive tree, but you aren't using watcher's eye with chaos res and you don't have any chaos res on jewelry which also might help you with Sirus. Try to get a weapon with aspect, so you can get extra res on a ring, and your rings aren't very good anyway. If you don't want to use purity of elements with watcher's eye, use at least flesh and stone or skitterbots for the extra damage. Also put minion life in the helmet, because you can lose your AG.
DocRoberts#4869 님이 2020. 1. 9. 오전 2:16:35에 마지막으로 편집
ThuperAwethome 님이 작성:
Would some corrupted shapers touch gloves with vulnerability on hit be a decent upgrade for us? been looking at some small upgrades to make and thought that might be a nice addition.

I'd go for a pair of +1 to socketed gems shapers touch and run he auras in there. You can easily get vulnerability on hit from your animated guardian gloves :D
ozten 님이 작성:
2700 fusings in, pretty sweet deal good deal indeed :( :(

That is super unlucky man :( Sadly that happens from time to time.
Throm40 님이 작성:
Thanks for the guide. One of the best builds outside.

Glad you're enjoying it. :D
EDMOSES 님이 작성:
Just putting this out there if you have problems getting the 4 bosses that you need for Sirius to spawn then try going to another HO.

This is true, i've heard that resetting your hideout can help. Hopefully the newest patch fixed this though.
ShadowBlazinIce 님이 작성:
fun build would recommend

Glad you're enjoying yourself friend :)
Updated the pastebin - Check changelog to see what changed :D
I have a lethal pride with 5%str on these locations:
Smashing strike
Faith and Steel

20str on:
Holy dominion
Arcane capacitor

Is it worth spending the skill points?

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