Is there a breakdown of crafting rares? I'm talking about amulet,boots and belt. Also, I've seen that people are not using staunching flask - why?
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I managed to roll a 320% Minion damage/ 37% chaos resistance / 80% minion life Hubris, and while forcing it into my build does give me around a 20% boost to overall minion damage, it costs me around 1000 life and 1000 energy shield, as well as 1 Zombie. It's a good high DPS option for sure, but I'm not sure I'm willing to give up the extra protection.
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"Other than the crafting section Qlida has in the main guide, there are only a few scattered posts with instructions on crafting. You’re best bet is reading what’s in the guide and doing a forum search. If you still can’t find what you need then ask. We don’t need staunching because Bone Armour (skill from Bone Barrier Ascendency) provides immunity to bleed during its effect. "I have to agree. As is that doesn’t sound worth the trade. How is the passive point tradeoff? Aldonés#1294 님이 2020. 1. 23. 오전 11:14:58에 마지막으로 편집
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" Yeah didn't find much besides a little bit info on boots. I'd like to craft %attributes stygian, +1 int amulet(i guess it's better than zombies, but is it cheaper?) and elder+hunter boots. |
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" 10-12% attributes is a Shaper mod, weight 0? Not sure what PoEDB means by that (might be disabled for 3.9 and 6-9% is best that can be rolled, weight 800) +1 Zombie Elder, weight 800 +1 Intellect skill gems Hunter, weight 200 9-12% strength Warlord, weight 600 Pride has 20-25% reduced mana res Warlord, weight 500 So when crafting you have a 4x better chance of getting Zombies. I don’t know the various costs with blocking, slamming, etc, and if any of that is more readily available. |
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" With regards to Maim - my understanding is that we need it only for things that alive more than 1-2sec (bosses). So when our AG hits the boss he will apply vulnerability, at that point when zombies are smacking him, he will definitely be maimed as well so we already have the maim effect on bosses unless I am misunderstanding. I don’t think it is needed on thrash, not for me anyway as things die rather quick with 150k dps per zombie. |
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Yeah didn't find much besides a little bit info on boots. I'd like to craft %attributes stygian, +1 int amulet(i guess it's better than zombies, but is it cheaper?) and elder+hunter boots.[/quote]
For Stygian: 1) Buy cheap i86 Stygian (maybe 5c?) 2) Use Hunter's orb on Stygian 3) Scour and use 4 intrinsic catalysts (this allows for high attribute chance) 4) Chaos spam ftw until you hit strength, attributes %, and rest of wanted mods. For Amulet: Zombie: 2 ways of doing it which would be: A) Easy but pricey: 1)Buy any elder amulet with +1 zombie (no other elder mods)(3c) 2)Buy a good STR or STR/DEX Amulet ilvl 80+ base (Warlord) with STR% minimum 9% No other Warlord mods (100c+) 3) Awakener's Orb click the edler ammy and click on Warlord ammy, pray for the best. All mods will be random but you'll get the 2 desired mods B) You can alt spam the bases I described in previous method and do step # 3 +1 int skill gems Same method as previous, but instead of elder ammy you find hunter ammy with +1 Int skill gems (no other hunter mods) The point of only having 1 influenced mod per base is because when you mash them together with awakener's orb, it will only take 1 influence mod per base. Don't chance it and waste your currecny. Elder/Hunter Boots: 1) Find you're favorite Boots Base (preferably i86 Two-Toned Boots) Hit it with a hunter orb 2) Awakener's orb click a set of elder boots and click your hunter boots 3) Alt spam till you get 2 mods you want, and then regal. or 3) Chaos spam OR 3) Alt spam till you get 2 mods you want, create imprint with Craicic Chimeral Beast, regal to see if you get what you want. If you don't get it then you can use your imprint and start again. Tips for imprints: If you fail your regal you can get the Fenumal Plagued Arachnid Beast and split the boots. IF YOUR LUCKY you get a duplicate of the boots you were working with AND you can use your imprint on your failed boots. This whole description of crafting is messy, but hope you can get the gist of it. GL! |
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Here is a list of various amulet mods we can craft. I’m only going to list the T1 values of something I consider worthwhile, but you can check out the full set of mods at PoeDB. The format will be mod, required item level, mod weight (chance of rolling).
Standard Prefix - 80-89 life, 54, 1000 - 48-51 energy shield, 80, 1000 - 20-22% armour, 70, 1000 Standard Suffix - 51-55 strength, 70, 1000 - 46-48% fire, cold, or lightning resistance, 84, 1000 - 31-35% chaos resistance, 81, 250 - 17-18% all elemental resistances, 85, 1000 Shaper Prefix - 7-8% movement speed, 84, 800 Shaper Suffix - Grants L22 Discipline or Haste, 68, 800 - 6-9% increased attributes, 68, 800 - 10-12% increased attributes, 75, 0? Elder Prefix - +1 Zombie, 68, 800 Elder Suffix - None Crusader Prefix - None Crusader Suffix - Discipline has 25-30% reduced mana reserved Redeemer Prefix - None Redeemer Suffix - 4-5% reduced mana reserved Hunter Prefix - 7-10% increased movement speed, 80, 500 - +1 to level of all intelligence skill gems, 82, 250 Hunter Suffix - None Warlord Prefix - None Warlord Suffix - 9-12% increased strength, 75, 500 - Pride has 20-25% reduced mana reserved, 75, 500 Delve Prefix - None Delve Suffix - Minions have 15-30% movement speed, Bound Fossil, 2000 Crafting Bench Prefixes - 41-55 life - 36-40 life + 4 mana/sec - Channeling skills cost - 8-9 Crafting Bench Suffixes - 21-28 fire, cold, or lightning resistance - 26-30 strength - 10-13 attributes - minions have 18-22% movement speed - 15-17 strength + intelligence or dexterity - +1 minimum Endurance Charges Essence Prefixes - None Essence Suffixes - minions have 27-30% movement speed, Deafening Fear - 51-58 strength, Deafening Rage Let me know if I missed anything... Deafening Rage goes for ~25c, but it might be worthwhile using that over regular chaos spam. You could also drop down to Shrieking for ~10c per roll and get 43-50 strength. That just leaves which 2 influences you want to roll. Aldonés#1294 님이 2020. 1. 23. 오후 2:41:48에 마지막으로 편집
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I rolled a Lethal Pride that when above devotion gives 25% increased Strength and +20 extra strength on top of all the minor nodes. With it in my current build it grants a whopping 348 Strength from one jewel. Video below, since my image editing skills aren't good enough to put it into one picture.
https://youtu.be/X_pAQqMaXSc |
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how can you sustain mana for cyclone with spiritual command node?
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