brandonsmn 님이 작성:
How to use properly geofri's armour? Now I can't regen life, what about it? im going golem build

1k str and a blood of the karui should do the job ^^
Any stones ability to refuse having 2 6L? All that is written in the guide can not accommodate
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SilkySlim 님이 작성:
How does Commander of Darkness work? I don't seem to be getting the bonus to Resists.

I'm at 76/118/77 with no auras. If I cast an Aura (Flesh and Stone or Skitterbots), my resists stay at those levels.

Am I misinterpreting "YOU and Allies affected by Auras from your Skills have +20% to Elemental Resistances" somehow?

you need to be affected by the aura, so you need to be running i.e. warbanner, avian aspect or so.
is there an easier way or alternative if we cannot get efficient training jewels? to help reach 1k strength?

clarisseb 님이 작성:
is there an easier way or alternative if we cannot get efficient training jewels? to help reach 1k strength?


I got 1k+ with only one jewel
Fromby#4268 님이 2019. 9. 12. 오전 5:58:59에 마지막으로 편집
Just finsihed crafting these two:

Both from scratch. For anybody wondering, the % increased attributes show up pretty often, you should be able to get it with strength in under 300 chaos.

The ring was harder. I needed one suffix to be T1-2 strength and the other two open to craft Avian and minion movement speed. Nothing on the market, so started crafting one for T1 life and the T1-2 strength. Took around 2000 alterations, but only because I got VERY unlucky on the regals. I got the life+strength combination 4 times before, but the regal always added a suffix and the annul always bricked. So I lost 4 50-50s and 4 1/3 shots in a row. But it is a beauty now, so was worth it. Maybe I will slam it for mana sometime later in the league, but its a 1/10 chance to hit it. And mana is the only useful thing for this build that can be hit, so definitely not worth it right now.
Mecielle#3021 님이 2019. 9. 12. 오전 6:11:46에 마지막으로 편집
About the timless jewel. It just has to be warriors under kaom? The number of warriors doesnt matter? What actually more warriors do?
XuuKee 님이 작성:
About the timless jewel. It just has to be warriors under kaom? The number of warriors doesnt matter? What actually more warriors do?

No, it only needs to be a Lethal Pride, does not matter under who. And then you need to spend hundreds of Divine Orbs to get the 20% strength on passives you actually have. After you bought it for 4ex of course.

When OP said it is optional, he was not kidding ;)

It only makes sense to go for that if you have the absolute best in slot items in every single slot of your character. And have like 50ex to spend.
Mecielle#3021 님이 2019. 9. 12. 오전 6:30:22에 마지막으로 편집

made a few slight changes to the gems by slotting in a impale support as the impale calculator said it would give more dps then the other supports so i thought to try it out

i anointed death attunement and used the points to pick up forceful skewering to buff the impale planning on heading to swift skewering also if i can find the points but atm its a bit far

next on the list is to buy better rares get a 6link and a empower sadly i forgot to 6link my weapon before crafting on it was a feelsbad moment but it happens
Friends, please help. What if the nests cannot accommodate all the stones when both zombies and skeletons in 6L are taken? Refuse the golems of chaos and stone?
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