[3.13] Saboteur Pyroclast Mine Crit - Cheap, SSF friendly

Level 94 atm. Character is Syfer_Sabo if you wish to see.

Took most of this build to start with, but in the end I did route my skilltree quite a bit different (left to scion from ranger).

To make up for lost aoe from the witch part of the tree, I went with Explosive Expert instead of Born in the Shadows. Managed to work in Cwdt + Wave of conviction + Blind to at least have that.

Most of my gear is barely ok, except for kaom's heart which is great, yoke of suffering (dropped it) which is alright but could switch out later if I fix resists elsewhere.

Also got lucky and found an inspired learning and worked it in in the top right of the skilltree, it speeds up clear occasionaly, but isn't amazing or anything.

I feel like if you use Minefield Support, then Charged Mines Support is a must for the mine throwing speed. Also frenzies are nice in general for mapping. My crit is a bit lower, which is worse for bossing, but honestly red elder died in seconds anyway due to this skill being simply ridiculous.

Thanks for the writeup on this build, I never played mines before this so it helped a ton!
Sometimes stream over at ttv/Syfer3k
Hi, I have some questions regarding Skitterbots for a build very similar to this. Trying to figure out how to support them properly:
- Want to build around Infernal Legion Support.
- Do the "deal X increased damage" and "increased aura of effect" from other support gems apply to the ILS dmg/are?
- I assume the "do X on hit" from supps does not apply to Skitterbots as they do not actually hit.

I was thinking about going with something similar to Skitterbots = Infernal Legion = Increased Area = Elemental Focus
Level 94 atm. Character is Syfer_Sabo if you wish to see.

Took most of this build to start with, but in the end I did route my skilltree quite a bit different (left to scion from ranger).

To make up for lost aoe from the witch part of the tree, I went with Explosive Expert instead of Born in the Shadows. Managed to work in Cwdt + Wave of conviction + Blind to at least have that.

Most of my gear is barely ok, except for kaom's heart which is great, yoke of suffering (dropped it) which is alright but could switch out later if I fix resists elsewhere.

Also got lucky and found an inspired learning and worked it in in the top right of the skilltree, it speeds up clear occasionaly, but isn't amazing or anything.

I feel like if you use Minefield Support, then Charged Mines Support is a must for the mine throwing speed. Also frenzies are nice in general for mapping. My crit is a bit lower, which is worse for bossing, but honestly red elder died in seconds anyway due to this skill being simply ridiculous.

Thanks for the writeup on this build, I never played mines before this so it helped a ton!

That's interesting, I figure that with enough Frenzy charges on Charged Mines, it negates most but obviously not all of the slower throwing speed effect on Minefield. Have you tried just stick with Swift Assembly+something else instead of Charged Mines+Minefield combo?

Also, anyone know if the ring/amulet craft of reducing mana cost to non channeling skills affect mines? Would be amazing if it did, but I'd be unsurprised if it didn't.
reciprocate 님이 2019. 9. 10. 오후 3:36:23에 마지막으로 편집
TSGDavid 님이 작성:
Hi, I have some questions regarding Skitterbots for a build very similar to this. Trying to figure out how to support them properly:
- Want to build around Infernal Legion Support.
- Do the "deal X increased damage" and "increased aura of effect" from other support gems apply to the ILS dmg/are?
- I assume the "do X on hit" from supps does not apply to Skitterbots as they do not actually hit.

I was thinking about going with something similar to Skitterbots = Infernal Legion = Increased Area = Elemental Focus
I don't think support gems can apply to another support gem. At least i never did anything like that and the only way to know that for sure is to test it in-game. I guess the inc AoE is the most visible one for testing purpose.
And you're right, Skitterbots don't hit so no Unbound Ailments, etc.

Level 94 atm. Character is Syfer_Sabo if you wish to see.

Took most of this build to start with, but in the end I did route my skilltree quite a bit different (left to scion from ranger).

To make up for lost aoe from the witch part of the tree, I went with Explosive Expert instead of Born in the Shadows. Managed to work in Cwdt + Wave of conviction + Blind to at least have that.

Most of my gear is barely ok, except for kaom's heart which is great, yoke of suffering (dropped it) which is alright but could switch out later if I fix resists elsewhere.

Also got lucky and found an inspired learning and worked it in in the top right of the skilltree, it speeds up clear occasionaly, but isn't amazing or anything.

I feel like if you use Minefield Support, then Charged Mines Support is a must for the mine throwing speed. Also frenzies are nice in general for mapping. My crit is a bit lower, which is worse for bossing, but honestly red elder died in seconds anyway due to this skill being simply ridiculous.

Thanks for the writeup on this build, I never played mines before this so it helped a ton!
Nice, thanks for the feedback ;).

reciprocate 님이 작성:
... [see above]
It doesn't work as it's "mana reserved", despite being flat. It'd be way too free otherwise to counter ^^.
Harest 님이 2019. 9. 10. 오후 4:09:12에 마지막으로 편집
What anointment to go for? Seems like 'Destructive apparatus' would be good but not too sure, thoughts?
flewychan 님이 작성:
What anointment to go for? Seems like 'Destructive apparatus' would be good but not too sure, thoughts?

I was just wondering the same. Ash, Frost and Storm is another possibility, espeically for SSF (+6% allres, +20% Ele damage)

True Strike perhaps also (crit, crit multi)

Serpent Staff is similar but even a little better, but staff only (but we likely want to run a staff)

Counterweight is actually even better

Heart of Flame maybe too (Extra fire damage, fire pen, and a little leech)

Disciple of the Slaughter could be interesting, especially for clearing (Frenzies!)

I suspect the exact optimal node will end up being the usual balancing act of crit chance vs crit mult, but again especially for clear speed DotS is really interesting. +1 frenzy all the time, 5% chance to gain a frenzy on kill, 5% increased damage per frenzy
zz9za 님이 2019. 9. 10. 오후 4:56:21에 마지막으로 편집
will volkuur's with maybe a poison/dot notable help this build out?
zz9za 님이 작성:
flewychan 님이 작성:
What anointment to go for? Seems like 'Destructive apparatus' would be good but not too sure, thoughts?

I was just wondering the same. Ash, Frost and Storm is another possibility, espeically for SSF (+6% allres, +20% Ele damage)

True Strike perhaps also (crit, crit multi)

Serpent Staff is similar but even a little better, but staff only (but we likely want to run a staff)

Counterweight is actually even better

Heart of Flame maybe too (Extra fire damage, fire pen, and a little leech)

Disciple of the Slaughter could be interesting, especially for clearing (Frenzies!)

I suspect the exact optimal node will end up being the usual balancing act of crit chance vs crit mult, but again especially for clear speed DotS is really interesting. +1 frenzy all the time, 5% chance to gain a frenzy on kill, 5% increased damage per frenzy

I'd personally go into counterweight myself since the base crit chance on Pyroclast Mine is 0.5% lower (5.5 vs 6) than Icicle or Stormblast Mines, 60% increased global crit strike chance and 30% global crit strike multiplier is pretty nice.

I think Divine Judgement isn't a bad choice either, 18% inc ele damage, 5% ele pen, 10% increased effect of non-damaging ailments (shock & chill) on enemies, and 6% fire DoT multiplier, but with this build damage shouldn't really be a problem. It may be worth considering to get more defensive based notables instead.
None of the defensive notables are really all that great. A bit more life and/or life regen but nothing that will really save you.
It's better Tremor Rod or Martyr of Innocence for endgame?

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