[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
" Everything seems fine too me. You shouldn't be able to attack infinitely without hitting any monsters but that will be enough to charge your Venom Gyre stacks before boss fight. Stack it with Greater Multiple projectiles and switch the gem when you are entering arena. |
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" Tbh, cant say for sure since im not playing this build right now. Options are numerous and to me goal of Cluster Jewels is to focus the build around the unique Cluster Jewel (like Timeless jewels keystone change) not to just stack them . Original tree is 100% proven, everything else it's up to you. TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2020. 3. 24. 오후 4:20:21에 마지막으로 편집
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" In that case one claw with mana gain on hit will be necessary. |
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" have you edited your PoB like i instructed on the main page? |
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Is there an order in which items are the best to acquire for the best benefits.
So far the only thing i've gone for without much luck are claws :) Still have like 4ex saved up, thinking either perfect form or gloves ? |
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" I think that a 6l Perfect Form is a must for this build, great for offensive and deffensive matters. Probably worth saving for it ^^ Gloves too are pretty good but you can take whatever you want if you have resistances on your other pieces, I think that the hunter +1 strike gloves are 15 to 20c atm. Btw, managed to get some currency and made the changes that mbXtreme stated in his video: Crafted the Astral Plate myself, it's pretty solid with T4 health and +1 Curse. Still working on the Lvl 4 Enlighten and some other gears. The rare ring, boot and belt are placeholders, don't wanna invest atm, and are doing their jobs =P I put a Thread of Hope with Small size and specced the Phase Dagger node, Phase Acro and the Poison Bow node. Pretty good QoL =) I can say that I'm enjoying to play with Temp Chains. It doesn't matter that much on Sirus, but with all the other content, it helped me to survive a lot I'm working on the Cluster Jewels, gonna put a Large with Touch of Cruelty, Unholy Grace and Wicked Pall, one Medium with Low Tolerance and Wasting Affliction and 2 Small, one with Brush with Death and another one with Fettle, probably. Smooth gameplay. I'm aiming to test with the gems, too: swap Multistrike with Void Manipulation and Swift Affliction, but I don't have them leveled to tell if there's a difference. PoB give me pretty even numbers with Void Manipulation and Mulstistrike, Swift Affliction being the worst of them. |
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what else cana I do to improve the damage, I have edited the items like the post but my damage still onnly aroud 1M
https://pastebin.com/LLJniYjK |
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" I think you can fit a large, or a medium+small in the build pretty easily and they can give some nice stuff. I use a medium and a small. The smalls can come loaded with good life/resists/attributes whatever. And some of the bigger notables are pretty nice. I really like Brush with Death: 1% life on kill. That plus a ring I got with another 2% and I'm basically immortal mapping. Low Tolerance sounds good but seems like it might be overkill atm, IMO. I dont have any issues with wave clear. I mean maybe a big double beyond super juiced map might be where that notable will shine if itll just mow down all the beyond bosses without even having to worry about them, but even now in red maps and t16s, I'll have red beasts and various normal beyond bosses just gone and didnt even see them. I think if you are gonna use them you use ones that give cool stuff you cant readily get off the tree. Brush with Death, maybe Unwavering Evil so you cant get stunned, I'm using Exposure Therapy for more chaos over time resist. Thats my own opinion on the jewels, though. Just damage doesnt interest me, besides better single target damage. |
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Got my first Sirius kill (Awakening 4) with this build! Love it and probably my favorite starter I've ever done
Changed the tree a little bit to fit a medium and small cluster. I think Low Tolerance is not worth it because our clear is already so good with PS. I went with Brush with Deah and Exposure Therapy for the awesome chaos resistance since it's one of the only thing that'd kill me through molten shell. n3urosx#6314 님이 2020. 3. 24. 오후 9:18:06에 마지막으로 편집
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" Thats my exact thoughts, lol. I have the same 2 passives, since thats about all that kills me is chaos damage. |
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