[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Yalpe 님이 작성:
WinniedaP0oh 님이 작성:
Loving the build so far but my problem is survivability if i dont have molten shell up at all time i would get one shot. Any help in this would be helpful and any recommendation on my gear on what to change next would be great.

I had the same issue at one point. What I did was get a medium cluster jewel with Brush with Death and Exposure Therapy. I then followed with a small cluster jewel with enduring composure. It helps a TON with mapping. I'm still having some issues with bosses but part of it is DPS. If they're dead before Vaal Molten Shell wears off you're good to go. With this setuo my VMS is close to cap (27k I think). Now I have to get more life (next lvl points probably).

What's your budget btw?

I didnt even know something like Enduring Composure existed. Thanks man. I been having the same issue where I have a random death here and there, probably between shell/jade where I just get caught at my lowest defensive point. I've tried a few small gems I saw, like Prismatic Dance and some life one, but I think 3 endurance charges would eliminate a lot of my 1-off deaths. I made one right quick and slapped it in there, feels pretty good so far.
Hi i have 1 question why add chaos damaga but no unbound ailments for viper strike ?
biaxx 님이 2020. 3. 27. 오전 7:57:44에 마지막으로 편집
I just want to put this out there to help others in a similar spot in the future. I was following the guide pretty closely and really cruising until high yellows on total budget gear (Wasp Nests, 4/5L main skill, bad rares). I upgraded a few pieces, picked up a couple Awakened gems since they were 10%+ DPS increase, but all that just got me up to about T12 maps. But when I crafted my first claw that bumped me up to T15 maps, the claw made the biggest difference. Now time to craft my second!
biaxx 님이 작성:
Hi i have 1 question why add chaos damaga but no unbound ailments for viper strike ?

Because Viper Strike already has very long poison duration and added chaos scales its damage better than unbound ailments which is more focused on prolonging the poison time.
Apologies in advance for the noob question, but I am a little confused on the wep crafting.

One line suggests "Aberrant, Corroded and Metallic fossils with Powerful resonators", then another part says "To craft perfect claws you will use 3 fossils: Aberrant, Corroded and Shuddering with the Powerful Resonators."

I'm really new to crafting on POE so not sure which variation is correct, or are they both viable options?

I'm currently struggling to progress into T12/T13 maps with the build and I can only put this down to my current unique claws.

Thanks in advance.
biaxx 님이 작성:
Hi i have 1 question why add chaos damaga but no unbound ailments for viper strike ?

I use it with Viper strike because there is an awakened gem for it, and looking at all the people playing Viper on PoE.ninja they use it, too. I use it in place of Vile Toxins.

For the most part it doesnt seem to matter what I do mapping; they all die super fast anyways. 1 swing from Viper and they blow up. But, I'm sure unbound is better on bosses; I may be wrong. Its hard to even tell. My poison duration goes from 9 seconds with Vile Toxins to 11.20 seconds with A.Unbound Ailments.

I dunno which is better on bosses, but mapping it doesnt seem to matter so I use unbound to level it; its worth currency maxed out anyways incase I'm wrong.

3.2 seconds duration increase really doesnt seem to be that big of a deal.
Is a 21/20 multistrike better single target dps than a 6/20 woke unbound ailments? For mapping, taking out multistrike feels much better and less clunky, but not sure about single target dps for conquerers and sirus. On POB, unbound ailments gives much more damage, so not sure if it's calculating multstrike correctly.
Sorry if you covered this in the build, but I looked thoroughly and didn't see it.

I really want to play with cobra lash, but I can see that single target is really bad. Is it still capable of killing end game bosses?
Dzignas 님이 작성:
Sorry if you covered this in the build, but I looked thoroughly and didn't see it.

I really want to play with cobra lash, but I can see that single target is really bad. Is it still capable of killing end game bosses?

I'm doing deathless A8 Sirus with Cobra Lash. My gear is POBing my Single Target at 12mil once I max out my gem levels, currently POBing at 11mil since they're level 3 awakened gems.
qawsican 님이 2020. 3. 28. 오후 1:08:33에 마지막으로 편집
Destructodave 님이 작성:
biaxx 님이 작성:
Hi i have 1 question why add chaos damaga but no unbound ailments for viper strike ?

I use it with Viper strike because there is an awakened gem for it, and looking at all the people playing Viper on PoE.ninja they use it, too. I use it in place of Vile Toxins.

For the most part it doesnt seem to matter what I do mapping; they all die super fast anyways. 1 swing from Viper and they blow up. But, I'm sure unbound is better on bosses; I may be wrong. Its hard to even tell. My poison duration goes from 9 seconds with Vile Toxins to 11.20 seconds with A.Unbound Ailments.

I dunno which is better on bosses, but mapping it doesnt seem to matter so I use unbound to level it; its worth currency maxed out anyways incase I'm wrong.

3.2 seconds duration increase really doesnt seem to be that big of a deal.

Do you use Ancestral Call when mapping or just let your poison proliferation do the job?

Also, how are the Cobra Lash guys finding their survivability? I imagine it would be higher due to being ranged and making it easier to clear/dodge before stuff hits you.
unhappymeal 님이 2020. 3. 28. 오후 2:47:01에 마지막으로 편집

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