[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
Vennto 님이 작성:
So, many asked me about the exploding-chest. For the reminder, this one I used:
My results are the following:
It is not worth it.
First of all, and I can´t believe I am actually saying this - Arctic Armor is missing. The Fire and Phys reduction only works if you are Standing still, but especially in very dense, 5-delirium orb maps or any other juiced maps to 110+ quantity and influence-mobs you actually have to stand at some point to auto, and the additional phys reduction from Arctic armor really comes in handy, which we have to drop if we run this armor.
Second, the damage from the explosions is not really that important. The harder the content the less likely you oneshot everything. When I run Standard t16´s I can just oneshot everything with it, but I did that before with plague bearer + empower 4 + incr. area anyway so there is no point.
We furthermore can´t corrupt it with + Gem Levels (OK well to be perfectly correct we could, but I am not Swimming 500ex+ to corrupt a well rolled double influence chest piece).
There is an upside to it though: If u wear such an armor capping out resistances while wearing a Headhunter is far easier. Then again, since the explos weren´t that impressive, I would suggest a -15 mana +additional curse chest and curse on hit-temp chains as a secondary curse Setup.
The Cest will be available for purchase now at 29ex, I´m returning to perfect form :)
Not only that it gives reductions but it applies max chill effect (30% reduced action speed) on enemy when hit for measly 0.5s. Still, it makes a difference when 50 things are shitting on you at the same time.
Also, you lose Phase Acrobatics more importantly.
Here is the fun part, 0.5s can be increased to 1s with Unbound Ailments support and Elemental Proliferation. Not only that, you will be chilling everyone around mofo that hit you.
And all that free of mana charge since AA reserves 0 mana. :D
Haven't had time to update the build and I got little burned out from grinding to 100 but those are some changes that i'm planning to make.
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2020. 5. 4. 오후 5:18:14에 마지막으로 편집
Resold my tailwind/elusive boots. Not really suited for this build due too low crit chance, even in larger packs.
Poison faster is better
That poison mod is juicy. I have triple resists boots so I can't get it :(
I only found out about the boot poison mod two days ago and tried my luck on that already:
Can't bring myself to roll over that. Free prefix & suffix as well.
May be usable for someone with enough resists?
Yalpe 님이 작성:
I'm looking at micro optimisations for my character and I noticed that if I use "Iron Skin" instead of "Reflexes". It gives me 18% more armour. Am I missing something? Why use a Reflexes flask instead?
Was really hyped up for this, but it doesn't hold up ;(
The 18% is just if you copy/paste it into the PoB item window.
If you equip it, it is be pretty equal to the reflexes flask.
At least on my char on 100% rolls on both flask a difference of 1300 armour i.e. 1,03% difference.
Was really hyped up for this, but it doesn't hold up ;(
The 18% is just if you copy/paste it into the PoB item window.
If you equip it, it is be pretty equal to the reflexes flask.
At least on my char on 100% rolls on both flask a difference of 1300 armour i.e. 1,03% difference.
Damn you're right. I wonder who's right though. The game isn't known for accurate tooltip calculations. I'll try to make sense of the numbers.
Was really hyped up for this, but it doesn't hold up ;(
The 18% is just if you copy/paste it into the PoB item window.
If you equip it, it is be pretty equal to the reflexes flask.
At least on my char on 100% rolls on both flask a difference of 1300 armour i.e. 1,03% difference.
Damn you're right. I wonder who's right though. The game isn't known for accurate tooltip calculations. I'll try to make sense of the numbers.
In terms of armour/evasion the ingame number make sense then dps numbers. At least that's what I observed over the years.
So, many asked me about the exploding-chest. For the reminder, this one I used:
My results are the following:
It is not worth it.
First of all, and I can´t believe I am actually saying this - Arctic Armor is missing. The Fire and Phys reduction only works if you are Standing still, but especially in very dense, 5-delirium orb maps or any other juiced maps to 110+ quantity and influence-mobs you actually have to stand at some point to auto, and the additional phys reduction from Arctic armor really comes in handy, which we have to drop if we run this armor.
Second, the damage from the explosions is not really that important. The harder the content the less likely you oneshot everything. When I run Standard t16´s I can just oneshot everything with it, but I did that before with plague bearer + empower 4 + incr. area anyway so there is no point.
We furthermore can´t corrupt it with + Gem Levels (OK well to be perfectly correct we could, but I am not Swimming 500ex+ to corrupt a well rolled double influence chest piece).
There is an upside to it though: If u wear such an armor capping out resistances while wearing a Headhunter is far easier. Then again, since the explos weren´t that impressive, I would suggest a -15 mana +additional curse chest and curse on hit-temp chains as a secondary curse Setup.
The Cest will be available for purchase now at 29ex, I´m returning to perfect form :)
Not only that it gives reductions but it applies max chill effect (30% reduced action speed) on enemy when hit for measly 0.5s. Still, it makes a difference when 50 things are shitting on you at the same time.
Also, you lose Phase Acrobatics more importantly.
Here is the fun part, 0.5s can be increased to 1s with Unbound Ailments support and Elemental Proliferation. Not only that, you will be chilling everyone around mofo that hit you.
And all that free of mana charge since AA reserves 0 mana. :D
Haven't had time to update the build and I got little burned out from grinding to 100 but those are some changes that i'm planning to make.
I also come back to perfect form.
Explosion are not so fundamental since i run awakened ancestral call + awakened melee splash and i can destroy everything on t16 map.
So i removed tribal fury and back to corruption.
Was really hyped up for this, but it doesn't hold up ;(
The 18% is just if you copy/paste it into the PoB item window.
If you equip it, it is be pretty equal to the reflexes flask.
At least on my char on 100% rolls on both flask a difference of 1300 armour i.e. 1,03% difference.
Damn you're right. I wonder who's right though. The game isn't known for accurate tooltip calculations. I'll try to make sense of the numbers.
In terms of armour/evasion the ingame number make sense then dps numbers. At least that's what I observed over the years.
It's really not that complicated after all.
We convert all our Evasion into Armour through Iron Reflexes, but we do have a bit of Armour without conversion as well (through Gear pieces).
The calculation of the final Armour number first takes all your flat evasion, then increases that amount by up to 100% during the flask effect, then converts that into armour and adds the bit of inherent armour we already have.
But: If we first add our flat evasion and armour together and then apply the flask multiplier the outcome is naturally higher.
For example:
Say we have 1000 Evasion Rating, 100 Armour Rating and a Flask that increases either stat by 100% (doubles it)
For Reflexes that is: (1000*2)+100 = 2100
For Iron Skin it is: (1000+100)*2 = 2200
The later in the calculation you apply the big multiplier, the bigger the outcome is.
The difference isn't big because we generally don't have much armour on our gear. Personally my only piece with armour is my boots. But it's a neat little optimization for chars that have nothing else left to work on.
Not only that it gives reductions but it applies max chill effect (30% reduced action speed) on enemy when hit for measly 0.5s. Still, it makes a difference when 50 things are shitting on you at the same time.
Also, you lose Phase Acrobatics more importantly.
Yeah I forgot about the chill-effect, you´re right. The Phase Acrobatics I kept though, I put in a small Thread of Hope on top of it. Naturally, while playing as melee the 2 nodes with projectile damage doesn´t do anything for me so it is a suboptimal workaround. But since AA proofed to be way more important than I expected I return to perfect form anyway :D
Here is the fun part, 0.5s can be increased to 1s with Unbound Ailments support and Elemental Proliferation. Not only that, you will be chilling everyone around mofo that hit you.
And all that free of mana charge since AA reserves 0 mana. :D
DUDE you come up with a lot of good stuff! :D That interaction sounds amazing defensive-wise, and A LOT better than the initial CWDT Vortex Bonechill setup which didn´t impress me at all (hence I swapped that one out for Plague Bearer). I will definately try that one out too now!
I also come back to perfect form.
Explosion are not so fundamental since i run awakened ancestral call + awakened melee splash and i can destroy everything on t16 map.
So i removed tribal fury and back to corruption.
Yeah that I planned as well since I swapped to Viper Strike. Been playing pestilent strike for a very long time and I am honestly impressed how good Viper Strike with melee splash performs. Not sure though if its worth to swap to ancestral call instead of keeping melee phys dmg in the setup, let´s check what POB sais about that.
It's really not that complicated after all.
We convert all our Evasion into Armour through Iron Reflexes, but we do have a bit of Armour without conversion as well (through Gear pieces).
The calculation of the final Armour number first takes all your flat evasion, then increases that amount by up to 100% during the flask effect, then converts that into armour and adds the bit of inherent armour we already have.
But: If we first add our flat evasion and armour together and then apply the flask multiplier the outcome is naturally higher.
For example:
Say we have 1000 Evasion Rating, 100 Armour Rating and a Flask that increases either stat by 100% (doubles it)
For Reflexes that is: (1000*2)+100 = 2100
For Iron Skin it is: (1000+100)*2 = 2200
The later in the calculation you apply the big multiplier, the bigger the outcome is.
The difference isn't big because we generally don't have much armour on our gear. Personally my only piece with armour is my boots. But it's a neat little optimization for chars that have nothing else left to work on.
I think I found out. The difference comes from checking the endurance charge box in POB. What happens and its very sneaky, is that The Perfect Form gives increased evasion rating based on your uncapped cold resistance. Since endurance charges give you 12% cold resist, you get more evasion and thus, more armour. That's most likely why the ingame tooltip does not pick it up. I will assume that POB is right for that reason, since the math makes sense. I usually have 3 endurance charges due to Enduring Composure so I'll keep the Iron Skin flask for now. The difference is really minimal.