[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL
I'll disagree for the sole fact Low Tolerance/Fettle/Enduring Composure/Brush With Death Exists.
Maybe your Shaper DPS will be similar or better, but I'd argue there is no way your clear is better than using a Low Tolerance setup, and Fettle alone gives 300+ HP. And Free Endurance charges are hard to beat. In reality, the thing you are giving up is block chance to fit these in. Now, we can argue cost, now thats a thing, but at this point there are so many good things that can go with Low Tolerance, its not a very expensive node to get. Theres like 4-5 other good passives, which makes its overall value/cost much lower, unless you are specifically trying to use like, Low Tolerance/Wasting Affliction. Which I would argue is not the thing to get, and the only reason I got them, is because I have 2% life on kill on my Circle of Nostalgia; if I didnt have that, I would use Brush with Death/Low Tolerance. If you cut out all the block nodes, you can easily fit a cluster jewel setup in, and it comes with bells and whistles you need. I honestly dont know how you guys do stuff like 4-5 orb maps or Simulacrum without stun immunity. I'd argue, some of the times people die, is probably because they got stunned, and could no longer life on hit to survive. So something like Unwaveringly Evil is a really nice QoL to have to keep you alive. And, it can even show up on a medium with Low Tolerance. Of course the regular tree is strong and works; its been around longer than cluster jewels have. But, I dont think I would dismiss cluster jewels so flippantly, when they are so strong. I mean Low Tolerance alone turns Viper strike into a useable mapping skill. And as far as something like intelligence goes, I dont think you ever really want to waste passive tree points on stat requirements if you dont have to. Your goal is to get gear that meets your statistical criteria; you only use passive points on that, before you get that gear. Your gear when min/maxing to gear out, is to get that 45 int neck so you can free up a passive point, so I dont really consider that a downside since no end-game passive trees are going to have points wasted solely to meet statistical requirements. Just for a Numbers Perspective on my character: Clusters: I have 5550 HP, 17% block, 17m Sirius DPS. With cluster jewels. That doesnt take into effect stun immunity, explosions, 600% low tolerance, or utility. I threw another Fettle in there, but with Fettle and Enduring Composure, its 5230 HP. With Base tree, no clusters: 5280 hp, 40% block, 16.9m Sirius DPS. I also didnt use either 30 int nodes, and put those into something useful, because my character didnt need them off the base tree. So, I feel cluster jewels are highly underrated. Same DPS, without taking into account stun immunities, life on kill, chaos resists, 600% more poison damage on clearing, even more life and/or DR if you go with endurance charges/fettle. And the only thing you realistically give up, is 23 block chance. Does that 23 block chance make up for all of that? Destructodave#2478 님이 2020. 5. 10. 오후 3:38:20에 마지막으로 편집
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" If anyone is bored and wants a conclusion to this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ig6jVgflqUJqMv_kh92v1AU5i6nXRsLxAXLH31RYXIE/ The original doryani jewel number that user "delgar 89" used is doryani 431 (2x ritual of shadows for 4 passive points next to pain attunement). Found it somewhere in this thread. But there was non up for purchase for some time, so I checked over 350 jewels myself. Best other one I found is doryani 5518, that has 2x ritual of shadows with 5 passive points. Other usable ones for starters (1 ritual of shadows with one passiv point) are: 721 2834 4002 4470 6766 6791 Just a few days after this, a doryani 431 popped up and I bought it for 50c. Will be getting rid of my wither totem soon :P |
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" You could scrap the "revenge of the hunted" nodes and put in a 2 point fettle jewel in the socket near acrobatics. You will lose some armor but could potentially gain some resists/attributes/whatever you roll on the fettle jewel. Not sure on the whole fertile mind thing. But that's not a quick fix, because you would need some more stuff moved around. Also I would quickly remove the quicksilver and put in a coralitos. You're moving faster with whirling blades anyway. blastinMot#6703 님이 2020. 5. 10. 오후 1:27:12에 마지막으로 편집
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I'm kind of a new player (that's probably half of the problem) and I'm trying this build (currently at lv 82). I like it but I'm having some problems. 1. Mana: I'm always running out of mana between attacks if I use all the buffs and the character moves/gets slower to execute a basic attack. It's only for a 1 second, maybe less, but it already killed me a few times. Anything I can do to prevent it? 2. Any skill that is easier/safer to use? Izaro is deleting me all the time. |
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" 1: Mana problems solve themselves in the lategame. When your damage is high enough the Mana leech from Soulraker is enough to keep you sustained. Until then you can maybe use a Gemini Claw for the flat Mana gained on hit. They're a little cheaper than the imperial claws with the same stats anyway, so in any case not a bad option. The "non-channeling skills have -9 to total mana cost" enchant on one piece of jewelry also makes a huge difference. Do you have that? Can't check your character unfortunately, your profile seems to be private. If you miss the craft message me ingame @xCori, I can craft it for you. 2: Probably Viper Strike is the best, just because it does the highest damage. Wait for Izaro to finish his first Attack/Combo, pop flasks and MS, then hit him a few times with VS before he attacks again, then just run away and let the poison do it's thing Corioliss#1726 님이 2020. 5. 11. 오전 2:39:05에 마지막으로 편집
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Can someone explain to me what the "work arounds" in the POB are for? I feel like I can't achieve nearly the same stat lines in my personal POB because of them and I'm super confused.
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"The standard PoB can't really calculate Multistrike and the "60% chance for poisons inflicted with this weapon to deal 100% more damage" Mods, so you have to modify some items to get a more accurate DPS number. If you use the forked PoB (PoB Community) there is no need to do that, because it can calculate these things correctly from the start. |
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" So essentially, when I put the POB provided into my forked POB, it shows 2x the damage which is incorrect because the forked version fixes it, yes? |
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" Not worth it, since there is no need for resistances or attributes right now, but a decent work-around for the new season Maybe. " I think you missed the point. It is a quick fix. If you are missing intelligence, socket fertile mind. Int-Problem solves. No idea where that is complicated. " And how will I be curse Immune then? ;-) Coralitos is overrated, you don´t need it for clearspeed. I swap it in for Boss-fights and get rid of the phasing-flask. |
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"If you do the workaround in the forked PoB the DPS number will be way too high, since you essentially add those damage multipliers twice (once manually, once automatically calulated). So yeah, delete the workarounds if you have the forked PoB. |
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