[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Oh, they're nerfing Circle of Nostalgia too but that was already a flex slot anyways. As far as leaguestart goes the main nerf is the DW one. VMS we'll have to see.
Orangesilk 님이 작성:
Oh, they're nerfing Circle of Nostalgia too
Yeah, there was "no problem" with these rings until they decided to put lone messenger in the game and people found out ways to get extreme scaling of 1 herald with 2 circles + lone messenger. Mostly done by fire blade vortex chieftain / assassin and volatile dead builds, but obviously everyone else has to be hit by friendly fire of nerf salvo because 1 herald was abused. >.>

P.S. Herald of Purity nerf is also annoying for levelling, where added damage shines, but afaik someone did in this thread a run through levelling and found out ranger doesn't get herald of purity at all and was picking thunder instead, so I guess doesn't matter.
Viktranka#3883 님이 2020. 6. 16. 오전 9:37:19에 마지막으로 편집
I still think Circle of Nostalgia will be the best choice for this build. The chaos resistance it grants is very hard to come by otherwise, and with so many rare pieces in the build it's not particularly hard to cap elemental resistances anyway.
Even if the "increased buff effect" get's nerfed a little bit the ring still grants a fair amount of damage through flat chaos damage on it. Attributes (especially Int) is also nice to have, and the synthesized implicits are a nice boost. Things like %life, ele Resist, Onslaught on hit or reduced mana cost of skills are all good options.
And even if the "increased buff effect" gets nerfed to the ground completely you could still go Chaos res while affected by HoAg + increased chaos damage while affected by HoAg. A little worse for sure, but not by that much.

The builds that suffer the most from the ring nerf (and the inherent HoP change in general) are Facebreaker melee builds imo. HoP + Circle of Guilt were an easy way to stack a bunch of flat phys damage without a weapon, that is completely gone now. Will be interesting to see where these kind of builds go now.
I'm still debating on what I'm playing this league. Either Scourge Arrow, or maybe even Cobra Lash.

I cant play the same EXACT build again, I'll burn out even though I really dont think either is as good as Viper/Pestilent. I know Scourge is pretty good but I'd definitely miss life on hit.

But, this seems like a much easier league than delirium was in general. I'll just have to make my decision when I start leveling up.
Destructodave 님이 작성:
I'm still debating on what I'm playing this league. Either Scourge Arrow, or maybe even Cobra Lash.

I cant play the same EXACT build again, I'll burn out even though I really dont think either is as good as Viper/Pestilent. I know Scourge is pretty good but I'd definitely miss life on hit.

But, this seems like a much easier league than delirium was in general. I'll just have to make my decision when I start leveling up.

Don't play the same build if you are prone to burn outs.
Freshen it up :)
Patch notes are out and....

Vaal Molten Shell no longer keeps you alive. It only absorbs 30% of incoming damage now. That's one HELL of a nerf. Sure it gives you 20% more armor now, but armor doesn't do much for big hits and 20% isn't going to change that. Definitely gonna have to rethink how the defenses of this build work.
Just read through the patch notes, and aside from VMS & Circle of Nostalgia, I don't think anything else really changed much (correct me if I'm wrong). The dual-wield nerf isn't that big of a deal since this build never really relied on phys.
While you are waiting for PoB update:

"27119": {
"skill": 27119,
"name": "Tribal Fury",
"icon": "Art\/2DArt\/SkillIcons\/passives\/StrikeSkillsNotable.png",
"isNotable": true,
"recipe": [
"stats": [
"Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy"
"group": 131,
"orbit": 2,
"orbitIndex": 6,
"out": [],
"in": [
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
qawsican 님이 작성:
Just read through the patch notes, and aside from VMS & Circle of Nostalgia, I don't think anything else really changed much (correct me if I'm wrong). The dual-wield nerf isn't that big of a deal since this build never really relied on phys.

VMS is dead.
Ill have to see what can i do with the new keystone and does it make up for it.
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
qawsican 님이 작성:
Just read through the patch notes, and aside from VMS & Circle of Nostalgia, I don't think anything else really changed much (correct me if I'm wrong). The dual-wield nerf isn't that big of a deal since this build never really relied on phys.

VMS is dead.
Ill have to see what can i do with the new keystone and does it make up for it.

Just updated my POB Fork and my dps went from 11.8mil to 10.4mil so ~10% dps loss more or less. Still more than enough dmg to clear all content but with VMS dead, we'll have to see.

EDIT: Had my POB configured wrong, had enemy type set to non-boss. Shaper dps is closer to 7.8mil. Thanks @blastinMot for spotting my error.
qawsican#7202 님이 2020. 6. 17. 오후 6:23:06에 마지막으로 편집

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