[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

They destroyed vaal molten shell, feelsbad...
Hi dude! Thank a lot for your build. I have an idea about some kind of "rework" the build, since VMS got hit by GGG...
What do u think about building around divine flesh+wind dancer, and get rare body armour with tons of life?
It seemed to be good, since dodge+evasion prevent many of hits, and elemental dmg will reduce by 85% chaos res. But idk what to do with hard physical hits... Maybe basalt+%physics taken as elemental on helmet+fortify will help
TheAtrial 님이 작성:
Hi dude! Thank a lot for your build. I have an idea about some kind of "rework" the build, since VMS got hit by GGG...
What do u think about building around divine flesh+wind dancer, and get rare body armour with tons of life?
It seemed to be good, since dodge+evasion prevent many of hits, and elemental dmg will reduce by 85% chaos res. But idk what to do with hard physical hits... Maybe basalt+%physics taken as elemental on helmet+fortify will help

divine flesh definitely work, did it in metamorph where I spend over 200 ex on the build HH and all the good jaz with 78 max chaos res.
last league I didn't feel like farming HH and just got 75 chaos res without divine flesh and it worked out pretty well as well - 37 challenges done in the 3-4 weeks.

Definitely gonna start with the build this league again, mostly coz I was lazy and didn't research any alternatives. Might try swappign to Scourge arrow later for a change of pace but similar playstyle. The build should still be super strong with only minor nerf due to VMS
Is it possible to check how should i progress with the tree?
TheAtrial 님이 작성:
wind dancer

I also think Wind Dancer a good boost to this build.

It does reduce your evasion rating by 40%, i.e. reduce your armour since you're using Iron Reflexes. But it gives you a great 20% less damage taken. I'd take 20% less damage taken over 40% armour since the former is much more valuable against big hits.

After the first hit, you have 20% more evasion rating -> much more armour with Iron Reflexes. All in all, I think Wind Dancer is a good one for the build.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
WolfieNa 님이 작성:

I also think Wind Dancer a good boost to this build.
You might have to change your habits though if you play wind dancer + vms.

Old strat was pop jade flask + molten shell before diving into a pack.

With wind dancer you'd have to dive into a pack and only pop molten shell after you get hit.

Wind dancer nerf to evasion before you get hit and buff to evasion after you get hit will affect how much armor you get from iron reflexes so also how much absorb you'll get from molten shell.
Viktranka 님이 작성:
WolfieNa 님이 작성:

I also think Wind Dancer a good boost to this build.
You might have to change your habits though if you play wind dancer + vms.

Old strat was pop jade flask + molten shell before diving into a pack.

With wind dancer you'd have to dive into a pack and only pop molten shell after you get hit.

Wind dancer nerf to evasion before you get hit and buff to evasion after you get hit will affect how much armor you get from iron reflexes so also how much absorb you'll get from molten shell.

That's a good point. It's not easy to change habits without visualized evidence of the benefits. Perhaps, until being able to experience the new VMS, we have a better idea of how bad it is. If it's not too bad like we thought, maybe Wind Dancer is not necessary at all. Otherwise, we can experience with Wind Dancer and see if it is the right way to go.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
WolfieNa#3904 님이 2020. 6. 19. 오후 2:01:19에 마지막으로 편집
WolfieNa 님이 작성:
Viktranka 님이 작성:
WolfieNa 님이 작성:

I also think Wind Dancer a good boost to this build.
You might have to change your habits though if you play wind dancer + vms.

Old strat was pop jade flask + molten shell before diving into a pack.

With wind dancer you'd have to dive into a pack and only pop molten shell after you get hit.

Wind dancer nerf to evasion before you get hit and buff to evasion after you get hit will affect how much armor you get from iron reflexes so also how much absorb you'll get from molten shell.

That's a good point. It's not easy to change habits without visualized evidence of the benefits. Perhaps, until being able to experience the new VMS, we have a better idea of how bad it is. If it's not too bad like we thought, maybe Wind Dancer is not necessary at all. Otherwise, we can experience with Wind Dancer and see if it is the right way to go.

I was thinking about it but im not sure that it will work good especially on melee variants. It works much better with stacked dodge and evasion.
Degaldor 님이 작성:
Is it possible to check how should i progress with the tree?

Check out the Vennto's leveling guide on the main page.

In general you want to finish bottom part of the tree first.
I am scared but I think I am going to league start this! I have always wanted to do a poison build but last league Ball Lightning Mines was so easy.

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