[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Caramellus 님이 작성:
Harvest is ending sadly, but my gear is not done
Can someone check my profile and give me advice about how can I improve my gear?

I need crafting advices about my claws especially

Get an imperial claw as the offhand base. Slightly more damage and life gain on hit. Shouldn't be too hard to get.

Use corroded, metallic, shuddering fossil to get:
60% chance for poisons to deal 100% more damage
chaos damage to attacks (or any prefix that is removable through harvest crafting)
free (or removable with harvest craft)

attack speed at least 17%
increased dmg with poisons
any other useful suffix, for example accuracy, resists or if you want perfect "% to dmg over time multiplier"

Craft the second prefix mod with harvest augment chaos (be sure to have suffixes full), to 100% hit chaos damage to attacks.
Then finish prefixes by crafting "chaos damage over time multiplier".

The fossil crafting should take max. 3-5 tries. So not too much money involved.

Rest of your gear:
- belt has wrong enchant, because we dont afflict elemental ailments => should be "withered enemies have -% resistances"
- your moonstone ring should be easily replaced with something else, which has more life and crafted -mana to non-channeling skills on it
- may be get a circlet of nostalgia with better implicits (for example onslaught on hit, so you can replace the silver flask)
blastinMot#6703 님이 2020. 9. 2. 오후 8:07:16에 마지막으로 편집
Get an imperial claw as the offhand base. Slightly more damage and life gain on hit. Shouldn't be too hard to get.

Use corroded, metallic, shuddering fossil to get:
60% chance for poisons to deal 100% more damage
chaos damage to attacks (or any prefix that is removable through harvest crafting)
free (or removable with harvest craft)

attack speed at least 17%
increased dmg with poisons
any other useful suffix, for example accuracy, resists or if you want perfect "% to dmg over time multiplier"

Craft the second prefix mod with harvest augment chaos (be sure to have suffixes full), to 100% hit chaos damage to attacks.
Then finish prefixes by crafting "chaos damage over time multiplier".

The fossil crafting should take max. 3-5 tries. So not too much money involved.

Rest of your gear:
- belt has wrong enchant, because we dont afflict elemental ailments => should be "withered enemies have -% resistances"
- your moonstone ring should be easily replaced with something else, which has more life and crafted -mana to non-channeling skills on it
- may be get a circlet of nostalgia with better implicits (for example onslaught on hit, so you can replace the silver flask)

thanks for feedback! so you mean my claws are garbage and I have to startover? :D
Caramellus 님이 작성:
thanks for feedback! so you mean my claws are garbage and I have to startover? :D
They aren't garbage, but I would call them "budget".
Yes, probably start over if you can afford it.
Very simple & straightforward guide that gives me everything I need to know for leveling as quick as speed.

Thank you!
Im not so long in this Game can you make me a little list for Stats ? ^^

so Str-crit-haste ? ^^ im to stupid for you build sad .. ^^
I have one question about fossils,
Metallic or Aberrant fossils for the weapon.

mikevoid 님이 작성:
I have one question about fossils,
Metallic or Aberrant fossils for the weapon.


For harvest league use corroded, metallic, shuddering fossil to get:
- 60% chance for poisons to deal 100% more damage
- chaos damage to attacks (or any prefix that is removable through harvest crafting)
- free (or removable with harvest craft)

- attack speed at least 17%
- increased dmg with poisons
- any other useful suffix, for example accuracy, resists or if you want perfect "% to dmg over time multiplier"

Craft the second prefix mod with harvest "augment chaos" (be sure to have 3 suffixes on your weapon at this point), to 100% hit the "chaos damage to attacks" mod.
Then finish prefixes by crafting "chaos damage over time multiplier" as your last prefix.


For standard league use aberrant, corroded, metallic and shuddering fossil. Because you can't otherwise reliably get the chaos damage to attacks prefix.
For early act1 I've noticed you can get volley support from Ranger's Hillock if you decide to go back & it speeds up with cobra lash before you get GMP
I have play this build a lot, my actual stuff


PoB: https://pastebin.com/WFHpTLTu

Change tribal Fury for Swift venom, lost a bit in QoL but huge gain on DPS

A good build but in this league I have play a lot of poison build, don't ask me why, and i feel dat build is under most of them

Vs a assassin BV poison:

Less clear, slightly better bossing, real bosses like sirus elder etc ..

Vs CI toxic rain:

clear slower, less tanky, a bit better bossing espacilly on bosses who are moving a lot.

I tried to play full viper strike, lose a bit on clear so gems switch is still the better option

Infinite flask is a huge comfort

So good job was fun to play dat build
Thanks for really nice guide man, ill start this season with melee Pestilent/Viper strike and i have a question.

What its the order for support skill gems? 4L to 5L to finally 6L?

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