[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
Nicolikes 님이 작성:
The best build I've played so far and enjoying the playstyle. Followed everything on the guide and it really satisfied me. Although I have 1 problem with the node after I placed my militant faith, lost 3% block and a lil dps, is this normal?

Either divine it or sell and buy another until you get a good one.

Oh alright gotcha, new to PoE so i'm carefully following your PoB. Thanks for the response, kudos to you and to this guide. Cheers!
Nicolikes 님이 작성:
TorsteinTheFallen 님이 작성:
Nicolikes 님이 작성:
The best build I've played so far and enjoying the playstyle. Followed everything on the guide and it really satisfied me. Although I have 1 problem with the node after I placed my militant faith, lost 3% block and a lil dps, is this normal?

Either divine it or sell and buy another until you get a good one.

Oh alright gotcha, new to PoE so i'm carefully following your PoB. Thanks for the response, kudos to you and to this guide. Cheers!

Tyty, glad to see new player doing well. :)
@vennto are you not running the crab aspect?

Got crab aspect just now. I am a bit late on that and you should definately get it earlier, I was just unsure on what item to put it and in the last days I started my very last round of gear-crafting so I had to be careful where to put it and I needed time to get the stuff going. Have it on this amulet now.

Loving the build so far. Currently farming 100% deli with maybe 1-2 deaths average per map. Any idea how to push my build forward? Need +1 chaos on amulet but unsure on the best way to go about it at this point. Also is chaos damage multi worth it on gloves? I have maxed chaos res at this point so unsure which one would be better.

Also ignore the quicksilver flask. Usually have a phasing flask but use the quicksilver for farming harvest right now.
mtremblay#7763 님이 2021. 2. 8. 오후 7:41:11에 마지막으로 편집
Isn't aspect of the crab just worse than Artic armor? You lose charges every time you are hit, while with Arctic you have a steady 13/12% phys/fire damage reduction? Or am I missing something here? :P
Seffers 님이 작성:
Isn't aspect of the crab just worse than Artic armor? You lose charges every time you are hit, while with Arctic you have a steady 13/12% phys/fire damage reduction? Or am I missing something here? :P

You don't lose the charges on block, and on boss fights whenever you get hit it'll be a big one anyway. On maps with many mobs attacking, you're right.
Rechno 님이 작성:
Seffers 님이 작성:
Isn't aspect of the crab just worse than Artic armor? You lose charges every time you are hit, while with Arctic you have a steady 13/12% phys/fire damage reduction? Or am I missing something here? :P

You don't lose the charges on block, and on boss fights whenever you get hit it'll be a big one anyway. On maps with many mobs attacking, you're right.

on arctic only when stationary.

Crab is worth like 5 Endurances. Crab regenerates charges fast also.
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2021. 2. 8. 오후 9:29:40에 마지막으로 편집
mtremblay 님이 작성:

Loving the build so far. Currently farming 100% deli with maybe 1-2 deaths average per map. Any idea how to push my build forward? Need +1 chaos on amulet but unsure on the best way to go about it at this point. Also is chaos damage multi worth it on gloves? I have maxed chaos res at this point so unsure which one would be better.

Also ignore the quicksilver flask. Usually have a phasing flask but use the quicksilver for farming harvest right now.

Reason why you are dying most likely is your belt craft, reduced charges combined with Alchemists Jade flask.

You dont regenerate enough charges vs Kosis.

Did you upgrade Pantheons?
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2021. 2. 8. 오후 9:28:17에 마지막으로 편집
mtremblay 님이 작성:

Loving the build so far. Currently farming 100% deli with maybe 1-2 deaths average per map. Any idea how to push my build forward? Need +1 chaos on amulet but unsure on the best way to go about it at this point. Also is chaos damage multi worth it on gloves? I have maxed chaos res at this point so unsure which one would be better.

Also ignore the quicksilver flask. Usually have a phasing flask but use the quicksilver for farming harvest right now.

In addition to the +1 Chaos gems on amulet. You need Increased Poison Damage/Duration on your ring and Belt Enchant. I am also working on those.

And yes, I would say the chaos damage multi on gloves is worth it, figure out a way to not drop chaos under cap.
Any Way i can deal with harbingers ? Everytime the big wave of mobs appear and start shooting stuff all over the floor i die. I try kiting the mobs as much as possible but in some maps i can't deal with them.

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