[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

vSheepy 님이 작성:
So, i've got a question. I'm absolutely loving this build so far. I am just not sure where to go from here. I have an aul's uprising with envy reserves no mana, but I dont get many resistances from it. And I cannot for the life of me make the amulet you have as examples. And I also cannot take out one of my rings for circle of nostalgia due to needing the -mana cost enchant.

I am kind of stuck on what to do, any help would be greatly appreciated, I would also love to be able to buy one of those amulets if anyone has a spare xD

Thanks :D

You can find on market similar non multimodded amulets with chaos multi.
Sumaelin 님이 작성:
If running PS, is it worth carrying a VS gem to swap for high health bosses like Siris or big Metamorphs?

Sumaelin 님이 작성:
If running PS, is it worth carrying a VS gem to swap for high health bosses like Siris or big Metamorphs?

You should only need Viper Strike for Sirus, Elder Slayers (including Drox), and Elder/Shaper and their Guardians.

Keep using Pestilent Strike on Metamorphs - the prolif when they summon adds is HUGE, and the most dangerous thing for our build atm is them summoning "allies cannot die adds".

Really enjoying the build so far. I got this from some alts and regals and I'm not sure what's best to slap on it. Any suggestions?
Xaydeen 님이 작성:

Really enjoying the build so far. I got this from some alts and regals and I'm not sure what's best to slap on it. Any suggestions?

Skip the multimod until later when you get boots and helmet to see what would be best.

Eagle Bane claw is top!
I just got a OP ring for this build

What do u think?
Any reason you couldn't do this with Blade Flurry, other than it being suboptimal to need to get the extra chance to poison? Seems like it's till a very strong skill.
Amazing build! I've been farming Sirus with this build and the fight is a breeze.

Got some footage of the fight without top end gear (no chaos dot multi amulet, no amazing claws). Only got awakened gems that I dropped from farming him.

Viper Strike clears surprisingly well, I recommend trying it out for a few dozen maps.

Sirus 8 fight with Viper Strike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6AA8rTkh4g

C0Y0T3_SLY 님이 작성:
Any reason you couldn't do this with Blade Flurry, other than it being suboptimal to need to get the extra chance to poison? Seems like it's till a very strong skill.

you could but it would suck big time...
luka2113 님이 작성:
I just got a OP ring for this build

What do u think?

You have Despair curse in Witchfire Brew flask xD

other than that nice ring :)

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