[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

How the build perform in hc?
Hello fellow Exiles!

I just wanted to show you the new claw I crafted and I'm thinking about starting a mirror service if anyone is interested (or I might just sell for 200ex). 5 T1s and crafted 20% IAS. It has all white sockets, so it would be 30ex and the mirror, and you have yourself the #1 claw on the server.

IGN Ken__Kaniff

PS I am still divining to get a perfect roll!

Thanks and good luck out there!
IGN Ken__Kaniff
Knightmare101#0485 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 6:24:08에 마지막으로 편집
How does the build do with a dyadian dawn before a stygian? Looks like a decent budget option, especially with the leech from cold from arctic armor and vortex on cwdt.
As a new player, I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful build. I'm having so much fun with it. Thank you for explaining what stats you should get on items and how the build works, especially the defensive armor + molten shell combo.

I was wondering, since I cannot afford the Enlighten Support gem... what should I use in its place?

(I wanted to use a golem gem because I think they are cool, but probably not the best idea for the build lol)

Thank you.
breeze41#3207 님이 2020. 1. 14. 오후 2:55:21에 마지막으로 편집
SiriusFez 님이 작성:
Hey just a quick question to the OP is the Farruls armor still viable for this build if so how do you manage the mana reserve properly? this is for VG build

It's a little more dps with crafted Aspect of the Cat on some rare, but it general it's not worth getting.

Codiak324 님이 작성:
First of all, thanks for all the time you spent putting together a damn fine and fun build. just getting to level 50 on the pestilent strike version and having more fun on a build than I have in a long time! I've made one small change though that I feel is pretty massive and you might be interested in if others in the 59 pages of replies haven't mentioned it yet... I've moved the wither totems to a 4l and linked wither - spell totem - multiple totems - ancestral protector. I cast ancestral first, then wither totem, this gives you 1 ancestral and 2 wither totems since you can have 3 totems when linked to multiple totems. I find the two withers enough to get the stacks up quickly and the ancestral gives a 20% MORE attack speed multilplier. Its a massive dps increase and I think well worth losing the possible 3rd wither totem and one gem slot. Interested to know what you think

Also, for pestilent strike, which enchant would be best, duration or damage?

Ty for your feedback!
That idea with Ancestral totem is pretty good. Ill have to try it out. 3 Wither totems stack wither faster though.

Go for the damage enchant.
Amnexty 님이 작성:
Will probably test the PS version, thank you for the build !

But I have some questions:

Why Herald of Agony ? The 10% of more poison damage, is all ?
CWDT Vortex/Bonechill ? What for ? Some bonus safety ? Smoke Mine wouldn't be better ?
Nothing to get through decors like flame dash or leap slam ?
No faster casting on wither spell totem ?

HoA for 10% more yeah, and it gives synergy with Circle of Nostalgia too.

CDWT for more safety. You can swap it with what ever you like, but it will add more buttons to press (smoke mine) which is overwhelming for most players, me included.

Sure you can add faster casting to Wither. Just don't put it in gloves because it will increase mana reserved of Spider Aspect.
Cataras 님이 작성:
First of all thank you for the guide - this is really fun to play!

I was wondering if someone could take a look at my profile and give me a little advice on what to focus next!?

I used a 5 link Perfect Form but tried upgrading to 6 link with no luck -> hence using Tabula Rasa :P

--> should i buy 6L Perfect Form?

--> Or should i upgrade my weapons first?

I am a bit overwhelmed by all this crafting from different leagues. Am i supposed to buy the raw imperial claws and start from the go? I dont have all these delve fossils.

Thank you!!

Ty for feedback! :)
Get some nice claws and solid rare evasion based body armour. When you get more currency swap to Perfect Form.

You can get fossils from Delve and craft on raw imperial claws or you can buy the crafted claws. You can buy fossils and resonators too if you want.
TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2020. 1. 14. 오후 4:53:34에 마지막으로 편집
Wakalypse 님이 작성:
I just wanted to say thanks for the build guide. I’ve been using it since Friday and am already level 91. I had two wasp nests from leveling a vortex character and maybe 2 ex investment has me running t16s with ease!

I had one suggestion to add to your build. Chaos crafting a Stygian belt. I made a pretty nice one (in my opinion) and it dramatically increased the damage.

Question though: instead of spell totems for Wither. Could you run withering touch + ancestral protector + faster attacks? I feel like my withering totems for real fast compared to the ancestral protector and I think the attack speed benefit would be valuable? Thoughts?

Again, thanks for the build. Having a blast and actually excited to craft a great character.

Note: pestilent strike for mapping and viper strike for bossing is amazing

Tyvm for feedback! :)

Withering totems are the best option for damage boost. Be sure you cast 3 of them on bosses. Quality on spell totem gem increases totem placement speed.

Withering touch is not that great because all effects of it are gone as soon as you use some skill.
ripslyme00 님이 작성:
This build looks so fun! I am gona change my deadeye to this! I am gona retire my ice shot DE, its just too rippy. I have around 100 ex to min-max, Does anyone have a min-max-ed pob that can share? :D Thank you!!! Happy to join the poison train.

Prepare for the choo-choo over content xD
HDTanel 님이 작성:
How can this do ALL content if the endgame maps are 100% IMMUNE to POISON damage.. all poison builds are dead.

there is no 100% to poison immunity map mod, that for elemental ailments. 90% is doable but not impossible, but most likely should be re-rolled.
This build is very much alive and one of the best for this league.

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