3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game


Pob is different from forum (Tanky build). Should i use Thread of Hope? If i'll use, what am i gonna choose?
MuZuR#0759 님이 2020. 3. 23. 오전 6:09:06에 마지막으로 편집
What are you guys doing with the zombies, now feeding frenzy isn't used anymore? I feel they never clear anything properly unless I cyclone through the mob packs for a few seconds. I remember just running past them was enough for the zombies to attack them. But now they just stand there while only 1 or 2 zombies attack.
In your 3.10 fast clear build you are using magic granite flask and rumi flask both at the same time. Does they stack? Or armor from rumi just ignored as magic granite gives more from affix? What about using Quartz Flask with armor affix instead of granite one?
Dragonsky8 님이 작성:
What are you guys doing with the zombies, now feeding frenzy isn't used anymore? I feel they never clear anything properly unless I cyclone through the mob packs for a few seconds. I remember just running past them was enough for the zombies to attack them. But now they just stand there while only 1 or 2 zombies attack.

Use minion speed and make sure your zombies have attack speed.
SattyNyan 님이 작성:
In your 3.10 fast clear build you are using magic granite flask and rumi flask both at the same time. Does they stack? Or armor from rumi just ignored as magic granite gives more from affix? What about using Quartz Flask with armor affix instead of granite one?

The base armour doesn't stack. But it's good for the increased armour to boost Molten Shell defence. Can use a Bottled Faith or other flask of choosing.
MuZuR 님이 작성:

Pob is different from forum (Tanky build). Should i use Thread of Hope? If i'll use, what am i gonna choose?

Yes use thread if hope. Take ravenous horde and the node to the left that gives 10% to life... Can't remember it's name.
brunowa 님이 작성:
MuZuR 님이 작성:

Pob is different from forum (Tanky build). Should i use Thread of Hope? If i'll use, what am i gonna choose?

Yes use thread if hope. Take ravenous horde and the node to the left that gives 10% to life... Can't remember it's name.

Thank you so much.
Xierg 님이 작성:
Nchi 님이 작성:
Xierg 님이 작성:
I'm level 85, have about 1.5 exalt in currency and looking to switch to this build.

Should i go with the Budget Startup build or the Dual Wand/Dual offerings build? I don't have any items for either, need to buy them whichever way i go.

Thought i should check with the brains trust before i spend all my currency :)

dual wand but dont bother getting +2 wands just +1 for starting out will be fine, check back a couple pages for "giant" zombies (regen build) its gonna be meta to have regen zombies

Haha do you think so about the giant zombies? Couldn't tell if that was a joke or not :)

Looking at current prices, might have to go with the starter build. Prices for the dual wands look $$$. Well beyond my 1.5 exalted :(

forgot to mention they dont have to be convoking

Nchi#1907 님이 2020. 3. 23. 오전 6:19:42에 마지막으로 편집
Zeratul_PL 님이 작성:
Hi guys,

I need your support regarding Zombie gem setup:
This is weapon i'm using currently (need to unlock craftin/ find some trusted service):

NOTE: I use Flesh offering (ms/as/cs) instead of Sprit offering

And here comes my question:
What gem setup will provide best DPS?
1) Rise Zombies (ofc)
2) Empower (ofc)
3) Miniond dmg/ feeding freazy (boss/ mapping)
4) Multistrike (ofc)

And there is a problem, which 2 gems i should choose:
a) Impale support
b) Brutality
c) Mele physical dmg

Looks like Impale is the weakest according to raw POB data, but if i understand correctly, Impale is like "Physical penetration suppoert", isn't it?

Then, what setup should provide REAL biggest dps from those?

Dread Banner is also used in my build. Should i swap it for War Banner, depending on zombie setup i'm asking about?

Refreshing - any advices?
MuZuR 님이 작성:

Pob is different from forum (Tanky build). Should i use Thread of Hope? If i'll use, what am i gonna choose?

Same problem. What we allocate with thread of hope?
OK, I saw the answer)
Dimath#5341 님이 2020. 3. 23. 오전 6:31:20에 마지막으로 편집

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