3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hello, I have a question about the dual wand setup:

With my gear I miss around 150 strenght for the 1K but I see no way to get them without shredding my resists (hand and boots) or buying an amulet for around 10Ex, do I miss something?

Don´t mind the wands, still grinding for the real ones.

Thanks in advance and for all the good work!
Time kills!
Aumar 님이 작성:
Hello, I have a question about the dual wand setup:

With my gear I miss around 150 strenght for the 1K but I see no way to get them without shredding my resists (hand and boots) or buying an amulet for around 10Ex, do I miss something?

Don´t mind the wands, still grinding for the real ones.

Thanks in advance and for all the good work!

I don't understand why you would handicap yourself while grinding for your wands. It's okay to use a cheap Femur in the interim and you would be much better served. You would clear faster and be able to afford your dual wands earlier. Using the dual offering belt hampers how easy it is to obtain 1000 strength. You can use one offering, spirit offering for now with a Heavy Belt with a double strength roll to get your leech. You're also missing strength on your boots. Primary reason to go rare boots is for Hunter influenced two-toned boots with flat strength and %str. A cheap pair of alberons will give you 18 percent more strength. You are staring 1000 strength in the face for very little currency.
ok i am confused started to go for tanky version and saw your suggestion
is it new?

why is main in your chest? what gem does it support ?

in end game y dont use skeletons at all?

dread banner is better than qar banner?
Servusjomei#3660 님이 2020. 3. 23. 오후 5:11:34에 마지막으로 편집
Aumar 님이 작성:
Hello, I have a question about the dual wand setup:

With my gear I miss around 150 strenght for the 1K but I see no way to get them without shredding my resists (hand and boots) or buying an amulet for around 10Ex, do I miss something?

Don´t mind the wands, still grinding for the real ones.

Thanks in advance and for all the good work!

Strength % on boots (hunter influence).
Better rings. my search criteria is 50str min and 60combined res per ring.
Servusjomei 님이 작성:
ok i am confused started to go for tanky version and saw your suggestion
is it new?

why is main in your chest? what gem does it support ?

in end game y dont use skeletons at all?

It supports flesh and stone, blood stance.

Dread banner is better than war banner if your zombie link has impale support.
Elorathiel#6930 님이 2020. 3. 23. 오후 5:12:38에 마지막으로 편집
Elorathiel 님이 작성:
Ayanad 님이 작성:

stay at ~1000str and get an elder amulet with +1 zombie is the better approach.

I feel like this meme is appropriate:


The two are not mutually exclusive. You can hit the +1 on an Elder/Warlord amulet and have 1500 strength. It's not even that hard. Don't really need GG gear to hit 1500.

Excatly what I did, have 13 zombies. Using this amulet
Akisailent#5635 님이 2020. 3. 23. 오후 5:37:28에 마지막으로 편집
Elorathiel 님이 작성:
Ayanad 님이 작성:

stay at ~1000str and get an elder amulet with +1 zombie is the better approach.

I feel like this meme is appropriate:


The two are not mutually exclusive. You can hit the +1 on an Elder/Warlord amulet and have 1500 strength. It's not even that hard. Don't really need GG gear to hit 1500.

Agreed. crafted mine last league.
brunowa 님이 작성:
Gems (put them in a Hungry Loop ring): Raise Spectre, Spell Echo, GMP, Faster Projectiles, Empower

I have the problem that I cannot raise 4 spectres of my choice due to the Spell Echo. Is there a way to get this done with this loop ring setup? For example 4 Frost Sentinals?
i the POB is a rare cobalt jewel with 240 % minion damage.
Is that even possible ?
Maradeur 님이 작성:
brunowa 님이 작성:
Gems (put them in a Hungry Loop ring): Raise Spectre, Spell Echo, GMP, Faster Projectiles, Empower

I have the problem that I cannot raise 4 spectres of my choice due to the Spell Echo. Is there a way to get this done with this loop ring setup? For example 4 Frost Sentinals?

Use Raise Zombie on unwanted corpses and raise the remaining.

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