3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

mangalower 님이 작성:
Elorathiel 님이 작성:
mangalower 님이 작성:

Oh look, a necro that couldn't handle not being able to do all content naked so he went cookie cutter CoC Cospris with a HH and dropped necro at 92.

Nice job on your cookie cutter build.

Why are you posting in a necro build guide thread? Especially one that you abandoned? If you don't like the build and guide, why are you still here?

If you have a problem with a build or guide, simply make your own. Oh wait, that would first require you to have an independent thought.

Do you have some valuable contribution to make here?

My post in this topic from Mar 25(maybe it's hard to read, sorry )

If you have hard time with delirium/uber elder/sirius 8 even if you have hh (you have plenty of currency) means that you dont really understand the build or dont want to spend much currency into it. With my build or loratiel you can easily farm all content deathless. We have very pricy builds but again, to me its seems you have plenty of currency
what did I miss here lol

I had the proof of concept build @ anarion, lvl 88 5l femur, 5l geofri and no cluster was t12 viable easily even with mirror, I need to see if I saved it :(

Zombies are fine! bruno needed to hear me on the budget side of stuff ages ago though...

To the poor souls struggling:


AND NO, 1K STRENGTH IS SIMPLY QOL. I will stand by this, its a simple a forbidden taste swap for a utility... learn to trust VMS and dipping in with convocation the getting out, repeat.

since everyone leans on POB so much (hey I had to learn with it too) I will cook up a real tree and not a meme "weak" one you might fine in the thread

clusters can take your damage from 900k to 2.1 m is where you get into t16 5x delirium stuff

edit: oh I do have the meme build, https://pastebin.com/0q5nrNUT have almost all the jewels to play with and make up 30 cold res, I will make a proper league one here in a bit with clusters and get this cheapo build to 400k+ I bet

Astramentis is the most expensive part by far. can fix that out if needed but with all those jewels to play with, go play with a brawn.

The real meme was getting frozen immune off belt but I don't have that one saved with cheap gear setup
Nchi#1907 님이 2020. 4. 4. 오후 3:45:35에 마지막으로 편집
mangalower 님이 작성:
My post in this topic from Mar 25[/url](maybe it's hard to read, sorry )

Everything you say necromancer isn't capable in your post on Mar 25, we're doing right now. You could sell just your belt and you'd be doing AFK T16 blights. The problem is that you wanted to do all of it cheap and that was never going to happen post nerf and the nerf was warranted. All builds have to invest currency to do the hard content. It's as it should be now. The only change I would like them to fix is changing Feeding Frency back to it's previous state or removing the gem entirely and just making minions aggressive by default. It feels like only necromancers are forced into using a 5L.
Elorathiel#6930 님이 2020. 4. 4. 오후 3:38:51에 마지막으로 편집
Elorathiel 님이 작성:
mangalower 님이 작성:
My post in this topic from Mar 25[/url](maybe it's hard to read, sorry )

Everything you say necromancer isn't capable in your post on Mar 25, we're doing right now. You could sell just your belt and you'd be doing AFK T16 blights. The problem is that you wanted to do all of it cheap and that was never going to happen post nerf and the nerf was warranted. All builds have to invest currency to do the hard content. It's as it should be now. The only change I would like them to fix is changing Feeding Frency back to it's previous state or removing the gem entirely and just making minions aggressive by default. It feels like only necromancers are forced into using a 5L.

Its either use aggressive or find something to cast with, switching off cyclone to trigger wand is very noticeable since you cant move your minions around anymore. Need to find something to use here, any suggestions? no more cyclone, was thinking of finding +1 curse and using that maybe need to check mana costs
Nchi#1907 님이 2020. 4. 4. 오후 3:47:56에 마지막으로 편집
Nchi 님이 작성:

Its either use aggressive or find something to cast with, switching off cyclone to trigger wand is very noticeable since you cant move your minions around anymore. Need to find something to use here, any suggestions? no more cyclone, was thinking of finding +1 curse and using that maybe need to check mana costs

Can you elaborate on this? Why cant we move our minions around? Do you mean via convocation? To do AFK blights and general mapping it is sometimes better just to move your FF into zombie link. I don't like it but we still have enough DPS. Seems unfair we have to socket a gem that should be the default behavior for minion AI.
Akisailent 님이 작성:

If you have hard time with delirium/uber elder/sirius 8 even if you have hh (you have plenty of currency) means that you dont really understand the build or dont want to spend much currency into it. With my build or loratiel you can easily farm all content deathless. We have very pricy builds but again, to me its seems you have plenty of currency

The main problem was simulacrum/delirium in t14+ map.
by the time I redid my necromancer I had already invested in it ~80ex.
Invest more???? mirror or 2
Spirit offering nerf was critical for this build, second in importance was Feeding Frenzy nerf.
in the current state, the build requires too much investment to maintain average damage / survival compared to others.
mangalower#4166 님이 2020. 4. 4. 오후 5:05:56에 마지막으로 편집
Elorathiel 님이 작성:

Zombie necromancer is no longer a cheap, beginner set up. In the current league, you have to invest significant currency to get the build up and running. Clusters have added complexity, diversity, and power to all builds but the rarest of combos cost a great deal of currency.

Welps, essentially this.

After preemptively posting my criticism, I went through the forum to learn how to improve my build because I am getting somewhat destroyed in game. I am a complete beginner at this game so I followed this guide as a template. I don't know any other builds.

To start off, I do want to thank @brunowa for this extremely helpful starter guide. I do think you should state everything was tested on standard league as you wrote end-game (but not which end-game).

What I found:
Delirium brought new changes with nerfs and clusters so gotta make self-changes here and there yourself to break into deeper maps. The build is simply gonna cost more. I'm not sure how much but people are giving some pretty high estimates of exalted (subjective since I don't even know how people are getting so many ex???)

look towards @Akisailent and @Elorathiel for a costly but possible end-game setup. and @Adriano447

expect to invest into the build
Animaura#7165 님이 2020. 4. 4. 오후 4:35:29에 마지막으로 편집
Elorathiel 님이 작성:
Nchi 님이 작성:

Its either use aggressive or find something to cast with, switching off cyclone to trigger wand is very noticeable since you cant move your minions around anymore. Need to find something to use here, any suggestions? no more cyclone, was thinking of finding +1 curse and using that maybe need to check mana costs

Can you elaborate on this? Why cant we move our minions around? Do you mean via convocation? To do AFK blights and general mapping it is sometimes better just to move your FF into zombie link. I don't like it but we still have enough DPS. Seems unfair we have to socket a gem that should be the default behavior for minion AI.

if you equip most any spell, cyclone for example, minions will run to where your mouse is when you cast if they are on default behavior. I don't have any spells socketed that work, barely any room even for one, I'm sure there is something stupid like a jewel that gives an ability maybe?
Nchi 님이 작성:

if you equip most any spell, cyclone for example, minions will run to where your mouse is when you cast if they are on default behavior. I don't have any spells socketed that work, barely any room even for one, I'm sure there is something stupid like a jewel that gives an ability maybe?

Thank you for the clarification. Yeah, I don't think I have any room to manually cast anything. Could pull feeding frenzy out of golem link I suppose for a loss in DPS and manually cast something to direct their flow. I abuse the hell out of convocation and my own movement to direct mine. Not the best way, but it's often how I get by.
for those with end game gear, ive been testing and experiencing with feeding frenzy on main link and dropping minion speed/awakened minion dmg whichever you use.

if you do use minion speed the loss isnt a big deal around 200k dps per zombie.
if you do use awakened minion damage its 800k dps per zombie(woah)

anyhow i can still kill a8 conquerors within 2 seconds with FF.

mapping feels much much better, ill give it some more testing especially on 100% delirium and simulacrum.

i'll keep everyone posted.

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