3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

lzrproof 님이 작성:
Kaliwete 님이 작성:
Kaliwete 님이 작성:
Can you pls help me improve my build. I don't know what to upgrade next. I just have 3ex atm. thanks,

POB: https://pastebin.com/Xq7NYyRY

Anyone pls? I think I've hit a wall.


first get quality on your gems.
Get a better belt with strength and increased attributes and life!
6-link your weapon or get a crafted one.
You don´t have to use cyclone anymore, so you can free up 2 slots for other gems like vaal-haste or vaal-skeletons.
Get rings with life(minimum 50) and energyshield. yours are trash!
Get alberons warpath with 18% increased strength.


Thanks for this!
lzrproof 님이 작성:


you don´t need the diabolist any more. Ancient wriath casts enfeeble lvl 8 on hit and does this as additional curse. So you can use merveils retainer on top. The other one is Ancient Suffering with temporal chains on hit. It also apllies the curse as additional one. So you can use three curses.

I´m using at the moment carnage, retainer, xophs favoured and Ancient Suffering, linked with blood magic for carnage and increased duration for xophs favoured for full uptime of the buff.


Not totally true:

Wraith only applies lvl 8 Enfeeble, whereas Reanimator's Enfeeble (he is the better Diabolist) is a kind of lvl 40 Enfeeble and spams it like crazy.
Still do not understand those who steel use Diabolist.
Dan_Rey#2146 님이 2020. 4. 6. 오전 5:43:04에 마지막으로 편집
Dan_Rey 님이 작성:
lzrproof 님이 작성:


you don´t need the diabolist any more. Ancient wriath casts enfeeble lvl 8 on hit and does this as additional curse. So you can use merveils retainer on top. The other one is Ancient Suffering with temporal chains on hit. It also apllies the curse as additional one. So you can use three curses.

I´m using at the moment carnage, retainer, xophs favoured and Ancient Suffering, linked with blood magic for carnage and increased duration for xophs favoured for full uptime of the buff.


Not totally true:

Wraith only applies lvl 8 Enfeeble, whereas Reanimator's Enfeeble (he is the better Diabolist) is a kind of lvl 40 Enfeeble and spams it like crazy.
Still do not understand those who steel use Diabolist.

But the significant difference is that wraith and suffering do it as additional curse.
And according to poedb diabolist and reanimator using the same lvl of enfeeble.
lzrproof#4507 님이 2020. 4. 6. 오전 6:24:00에 마지막으로 편집
Hello, I have a question and I do not know if you have answered already but:

I go with dual wands, do I have to learn the Skull Cracking passiva?

And why does the Path of Building have a pasibas tree and in the forum do you show another one? which one do i follow?

And do I have to wear the Elegant Hubris Timeless jewel?

Thank you
wiwala 님이 작성:
Hi guys,

I know there are a lot of "could you look at my build?" - questions, but i would highly appreciate it if anyone with more knowledge than myself could spare a minute to help me.

I also wanted to mention that this is the first league where i'm playing a serious summoner build so i dont have a lot of experience.

Currently my main goal is to do blighted T13/T14 maps (not alched). However, right now i really struggle with that.

I can run 11 zombies with 45k DPS each (according to POB). Even with warchief spectres and auras this is not enough to kill the blight bosses in a reasonable time frame. Therefore i tried switching in a hungry loop ring (4 frost sentinels), in hopes that this would give me a nice chunk of dps (therefroe missing some resistance atm). And although the trash gets killed rather easily, the bosses still wont die fast enough.

Is my gear lacking something essential besides the endgame weapon? Because getting a 6 link with the +1 base and minion bonuses seems so ***** expensive. If i check the trade website i cant find any below 30ex. or is crafting it myself that much cheaper?

So if there is no better way to improve my dps other that spending insane amount of currency, i think i'd rather switch to a build that can do blight maps on a tighter budget (altough i realy dont want to^^).

Deff change belt to one with high str/life/resist some along these lines Belt with life/res/str

With the resists in your belt you can get a better unset ring Unset ring

Just those two upgrades should give you much more life and str for your zombies, possibly freeing up the potential to put Shaper's Touch gloves instead of the meginord's which will give you then more ES for more eHP.

If you can afford it get these and put your aura's in +2 Aura Gems Shaper's Touch Gloves

Also when doing blighted maps you need to make more use of the towers as much as you can.
I sometimes struggle even with the cluster jewels I'm using.

There are lots of ways to improve Necro but as some of have said, it takes much more currency that before
The days of Necro being an cheap easy starter thru to end game are now gone.

So one of the best ways of seeing how well your char compares is check users profiles on here or on Poe.Ninja
pewewewew 님이 작성:
Hi noob question, how do i summon 4 same spectre with spell echo in the hungry loop? apparently keep summoning the other spectre nearby. :/

There is a section in the build FAQ for this, i have also struggled with it. You just need to get rid of all surrounding corpses by using raise zombie. Be careful not to target your designated corpse.

incense07 님이 작성:

for blighted t13-14,try switching from geofris to victarios with hatred, vaal haste,dread banner and skitterbots for the dps. its really cheap and good.

change your belt to a strength one with resistance to res cap.

Just some advice since i have been doing blighted maps from the start.

Thanks a lot! Going to try it out later :D
wiwala#2411 님이 2020. 4. 6. 오전 6:24:45에 마지막으로 편집
Hey what item should i get first when i want to go tank or speed setup? I almost completed the budget build and now i want to transition into another one. Also what would u recommend to go Tank or Speed?

I'm not an experienced player. I played 3 seasons so far.
_SéT_#7693 님이 2020. 4. 6. 오전 6:43:28에 마지막으로 편집
Hi, I try to do exactly the 3.10 BUDGET STARTER SETUP and 3.10 TANKY END-GAME SETUP and have the Same TREE.

But I can't do all these Auras... I red the FAQ. This is my Passiv tree. I did 1 more passive to mana reduce and use 1 juwell with 2% still not able to do these 4 and normal spells:
purity of elements 28%
determination 41%
flesh and stone 21%
dread banner 9%

I go with a mix of the Items of the Budget and the tanky SET. Maybe you can help me...

Maybe I should post my set and tree but I dont know how to... sry

_SéT_ 님이 작성:
Hey what item should i get first when i want to go tank or speed setup? I almost completed the budget build and now i want to transition into another one. Also what would u recommend to go Tank or Speed?

I'm not an experienced player. I played 3 seasons so far.

If you are doing Standard then you can go speed, if you are doing Delirium league then I highly suggest Tank all the way.
Am I the only one to see the objects etc... not correctly linked on the build?

Like: "look this belt", and appears a Tabula Rasa?


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