3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

flvyn 님이 작성:
like this maybe?


add another mod as you wanted

Thank u.
sebneo 님이 작성:
This is still possible to have 4 Frost sentinel ?

I raise spectre on them only but have 2 max (can have 4 spectre of course)

Are there any favorite Spectres in the point of performance?
I use those Sentinels too, fire and cold.

Are they "best in Slot"?
Fudsduds 님이 작성:
Large: 8 passives
Rotten Claws
Raze and Pillage
Vicious Bite
2 Jewel Sockets
Raze and Pillage
Vicious Bite
2 Jewel Sockets

Medium: 4 or 5 passive (iirc it doesn't matter which cuz you still end up spending 4 points either way)
Hulking Corpses
1 Jewel Socket
Fiesting Fiends
1 Jewel Socket
1 Jewel Socket

Small: 2 or 3 passives
Wall of Muscle
+ Str/Life/ES/Resists/Whatever

Thank u. i am standard league
RDS1964#1791 님이 2020. 4. 14. 오후 6:13:02에 마지막으로 편집
sebneo 님이 작성:
This is still possible to have 4 Frost sentinel ?

I raise spectre on them only but have 2 max (can have 4 spectre of course)

I undertsand my problem with spell echo in hungry loop I allways raise an other spectre with sentinel

Any idea for have 4 frost sentinel in this case ?

Ig name : ___Aramis___
You have to remove the other bodies with Raise Zombies that are not frost sentinels and make sure frost sentinels are the only bodies present before you use Raise Spectre on the frost sentinel bodies.
You have to remove the other bodies with Raise Zombies that are not frost sentinels and make sure frost sentinels are the only bodies present before you use Raise Spectre on the frost sentinel bodies.
apatia77 님이 작성:
xonsuns 님이 작성:
Sorry if it was answered before, im trying the spectrenin a hungry loop with spell echo...
How in the hell you guys do to raise one at the time?? The trick with remove spell echo obviously doesnt work because is in the hungry loop

Simply use Raise Zombie on wanted corpses. You are left with only your wanted spectres on the ground.

thank you soooooooooo much!!
sebneo 님이 작성:
This is still possible to have 4 Frost sentinel ?

I raise spectre on them only but have 2 max (can have 4 spectre of course)

Are you summoning them with "Spell Echo" enabled??

If so, you summon twice with every attempt - so you get your Frost Sentinel plus one random other corpse each time (annoying isn't it?)

Solutions are

If you've got the gems in armour - simply unsocket Spell Echo when summoning

If you have the gems in a Hungry Loop - Raise all corpses which AREN'T Frost Sentinels as Zombies and then raise your spectres (it can only pickup Frost Sentinels)

Hope that helps
Grumgully 님이 작성:
My gear isn't that great but for shits and giggles I juiced a map up to 100% delirium t16 with all the bells and whistles and my damage was pretty laughable.

Anybody have success doing t16 100% deliriums? What kind of ex investment would I have to make in order to do them?
I'm now running budget starter setup, and not sure I'm fully understand how it works.

We using Cyclone to keep Spirit Offering continuously, so Zombies and specters dealing extra chaos damage. Then we using Withered step, which debuff monsters making them take additional chaos damage. But if I'll use Convocation, it's instantly disable Withering, which removes all buffs (and debuffs on monsters, probably?).
So, the right order is Cyclone -> Convocation -> Withering step? But then I can't move on full speed, if I'm using Withering only before engaging group of monsters. Or the Wither debuff is not so important?

I watched the videos from the top, but again, not sure I fully got it...

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