One question about watcher's eye jewel. I wonder which effect of pride enhancement work on zombies? Or none of them?
(8-12)% chance to deal Double Damage while using Pride
25% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks while using Pride
Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride
(40-60)% increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride
Your Hits Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds while you are using Pride
글 작성자:blueflower#79832020. 4. 24. 오전 9:08:28
blueflower 님이 작성:
One question about watcher's eye jewel. I wonder which effect of pride enhancement work on zombies? Or none of them?
(8-12)% chance to deal Double Damage while using Pride
25% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks while using Pride
Impales you inflict last 2 additional Hits while using Pride
(40-60)% increased Attack Physical Damage while using Pride
Your Hits Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds while you are using Pride
None of them, unless it clearly states minions or allies in the text.
글 작성자:Trulls_Rohk#75822020. 4. 24. 오전 9:32:36
Hello! First of all ty for this build. İn the 2nd week of the league i made the defensive end game variation of this build but i got 1 shotted a lot. And i had nearly every end game item besides emperor's mastery and elegant hubris. Yet i got killed a lot. İ am thinking about making the range spectre variation with all the items. But i am afraid to get killed a lot in maps a lot. What do you suggest?
글 작성자:yumrukcan#46992020. 4. 24. 오전 10:29:43
yumrukcan 님이 작성:
Hello! First of all ty for this build. İn the 2nd week of the league i made the defensive end game variation of this build but i got 1 shotted a lot. And i had nearly every end game item besides emperor's mastery and elegant hubris. Yet i got killed a lot. İ am thinking about making the range spectre variation with all the items. But i am afraid to get killed a lot in maps a lot. What do you suggest?
If you want help, you have to show us your build. Currently your necromancer in Delirium as nothing equiped and no pastebin is provided....
글 작성자:bigtoaster64#04292020. 4. 24. 오전 10:41:04
bigtoaster64 님이 작성:
Thunder_Gatti 님이 작성:
Might help for 1500 strength without strength boots:
- Get a strength stacking belt (% increased attributes with high flat strength)
- Get more strength on skill tree
- (I can't see what's your rolls on Lethal Pride, but) Get even higher strength out of your Lethal Pride. Such as 20-25% increased Strength and higher flat strength
- (Not really a good idea, cause you'll loose a ton of ES, but) Drop Shapers Touch for rare gloves with high flat strength, and go Saqawal Nest (flat attributes and cause geofri not really usefull w/o shapers touch)
Thanks for the reply. In addition to the Strength loss, I forgot to ask you about the Stone Golem. If I use the Kaom's Roots, I'll have to give him up. It's a big reason why I was skeptical of minion builds with the Sirus changes in Delirium.
Here's some more info on things you asked:
- Belt is 106 strength, but not via %+strength, so I'll go for that
- Lethal Pride is rolled with +5% strength on everything in radius I believe or mix of +# and +% (have to check)
- I was looking at gloves last night when I passed out on the KB actually. Not sure it'll work either.
This variation is truly amazing and proves Cyclone is not get the best of both worlds. I was having serious doubts about the versions posted here on page1 because they don't translate over well for this fight. If they out DPS me (I'll have to check #'s, honestly don't know), I do more than enough. Fighting Sirus and winning is so much easier if you can melee him and have those Kaom's Roots boots on, since they prevent knock back. The set i have include Level +21 Haste as well. I'm just not sure if it's worth giving up my Stone Golem for.
Edit - I ran my numbers in POB. At level 92 with fewer passive points, my minions are outputting 2X's the DPS of the build the TC linked his POB to. Over 10k Life+ES and much better suitability for myself an minions since I'm running Bone Barrier + Bone Offering. And I haven't even improved my belt yet.
But the real kicker is I also am Cycloning for even more DPS instead of just running around!
Thunder_Gatti#2202 님이 2020. 4. 24. 오후 12:41:05에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Thunder_Gatti#22022020. 4. 24. 오전 11:27:11
Hello all. So i am running this build POB: 3.10 SPEED FARMING SETUP (WHAT I MOSTLY PLAY WITH). I cant get all auras up. I have same gear as you.Please look up at my character and help me improve things up .Thank you.
글 작성자:Damiance#31572020. 4. 24. 오후 12:25:59
denom33 님이 작성:
Struggling to cast all the aura's for this build - I know people frequently derp this, but i have lvl 4 Enlighten Support, all 3 reduced mana reserved nodes in Sovereignty cluster, and Champion of the Cause node.
Are we supposed to be using all these aura's at once (for the end game tanky set up):
Aspect of the Avian
Purity of Elements
Dread Banner
Flesh and stone
All the top POB's running this build are sitting at -% reserved mana also, so not sure what I am getting so drastically wrong.
Are we just using Vaal Discipline?
(only just started making the character, so know gear isn't optimal)
Hi, i have a question about this. We don't use Avian on Tanky Build, right ? So, Enlighten lvl 4 is unnecessary for this build ? Or can i use Enlighten with other auras setups ? I buy one so i want know if i sell or not.
Bobonha#7243 님이 2020. 4. 24. 오후 12:56:29에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Bobonha#72432020. 4. 24. 오후 12:53:14
Thunder_Gatti 님이 작성:
bigtoaster64 님이 작성:
Thunder_Gatti 님이 작성:
Might help for 1500 strength without strength boots:
- Get a strength stacking belt (% increased attributes with high flat strength)
- Get more strength on skill tree
- (I can't see what's your rolls on Lethal Pride, but) Get even higher strength out of your Lethal Pride. Such as 20-25% increased Strength and higher flat strength
- (Not really a good idea, cause you'll loose a ton of ES, but) Drop Shapers Touch for rare gloves with high flat strength, and go Saqawal Nest (flat attributes and cause geofri not really usefull w/o shapers touch)
Thanks for the reply. In addition to the Strength loss, I forgot to ask you about the Stone Golem. If I use the Kaom's Roots, I'll have to give him up. It's a big reason why I was skeptical of minion builds with the Sirus changes in Delirium.
Here's some more info on things you asked:
- Belt is 106 strength, but not via %+strength, so I'll go for that
- Lethal Pride is rolled with +5% strength on everything in radius I believe or mix of +# and +% (have to check)
- I was looking at gloves last night when I passed out on the KB actually. Not sure it'll work either.
This variation is truly amazing and proves Cyclone is not get the best of both worlds. I was having serious doubts about the versions posted here on page1 because they don't translate over well for this fight. If they out DPS me (I'll have to check #'s, honestly don't know), I do more than enough. Fighting Sirus and winning is so much easier if you can melee him and have those Kaom's Roots boots on, since they prevent knock back. The set i have include Level +21 Haste as well. I'm just not sure if it's worth giving up my Stone Golem for.
Edit - I ran my numbers in POB. At level 92 with fewer passive points, my minions are outputting 2X's the DPS of the build the TC linked his POB to. Over 10k Life+ES and much better suitability for myself an minions since I'm running Bone Barrier + Bone Offering. And I haven't even improved my belt yet.
But the real kicker is I also am Cycloning for even more DPS instead of just running around!
Doesn't Cyclone inherently prevent Stun + Knockback? I feel like The Stampede boots would be better suited for this build.
글 작성자:Fudsduds#58642020. 4. 24. 오후 1:07:06
So I'm doing the tanky build and I need to be more tanky apparently. I'm fine in most maps but every so often something will just one shot me. Typically this is some delirium monster or something in a vaal side area. In any case what is the best way to get more survivability? Life or Armor or ES? Does anyone see any obvious upgrades? I was going to buy a 21/20 zombie gem but if I can get something which lets me take hits better I'd rather do that. Hopefully I did that correctly I'm kind of new to POB.
글 작성자:38thDoE#08412020. 4. 24. 오후 1:21:37
Thunder_Gatti 님이 작성:
bigtoaster64 님이 작성:
Thunder_Gatti 님이 작성:
Might help for 1500 strength without strength boots:
- Get a strength stacking belt (% increased attributes with high flat strength)
- Get more strength on skill tree
- (I can't see what's your rolls on Lethal Pride, but) Get even higher strength out of your Lethal Pride. Such as 20-25% increased Strength and higher flat strength
- (Not really a good idea, cause you'll loose a ton of ES, but) Drop Shapers Touch for rare gloves with high flat strength, and go Saqawal Nest (flat attributes and cause geofri not really usefull w/o shapers touch)
Thanks for the reply. In addition to the Strength loss, I forgot to ask you about the Stone Golem. If I use the Kaom's Roots, I'll have to give him up. It's a big reason why I was skeptical of minion builds with the Sirus changes in Delirium.
Here's some more info on things you asked:
- Belt is 106 strength, but not via %+strength, so I'll go for that
- Lethal Pride is rolled with +5% strength on everything in radius I believe or mix of +# and +% (have to check)
- I was looking at gloves last night when I passed out on the KB actually. Not sure it'll work either.
This variation is truly amazing and proves Cyclone is not get the best of both worlds. I was having serious doubts about the versions posted here on page1 because they don't translate over well for this fight. If they out DPS me (I'll have to check #'s, honestly don't know), I do more than enough. Fighting Sirus and winning is so much easier if you can melee him and have those Kaom's Roots boots on, since they prevent knock back. The set i have include Level +21 Haste as well. I'm just not sure if it's worth giving up my Stone Golem for.
Edit - I ran my numbers in POB. At level 92 with fewer passive points, my minions are outputting 2X's the DPS of the build the TC linked his POB to. Over 10k Life+ES and much better suitability for myself an minions since I'm running Bone Barrier + Bone Offering. And I haven't even improved my belt yet.
But the real kicker is I also am Cycloning for even more DPS instead of just running around!
What do you mean by More dps when cycloning? We do like no damage at all ourselves, the cyclone is just for a lazy auto casting offerings while able to move.
Cyrom#2298 님이 2020. 4. 24. 오후 4:35:58에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Cyrom#22982020. 4. 24. 오후 4:35:31