Trulls_Rohk 님이 작성:
What curse setup do you use?
Is this down to your spectres/AG?
Looks like they are doing a curse aura setup, which isn't bad but enemies would have to be in your aura and considering how much running around I'm doing it wouldn't help as much as raw dps on zombies imo. This is also why I dropped Pride to go with an extra zombie and more ES.
michealcell#6743 님이 2020. 5. 4. 오전 8:36:52에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:michealcell#67432020. 5. 4. 오전 8:36:00
Hanzoli 님이 작성:
I think i need help with reserved mana;
Running Purity,Flesh and Stone,Dread Banner and Avians Flight can't run Haste. All of it supported with Enlighten 4.
Do i really need to go Influence cluster top right ? Thanks
If you want Haste, Purity, Flesh/Stone, Dread Banner you will also need another 10% which you can get from the Sovereignty cluster.
You won't be able to run that plus Avian.
That should leave you enough mana for movement skills.
글 작성자:Trulls_Rohk#75822020. 5. 4. 오전 8:40:44
Just want to say thank you for making this build I really enjoy it, didn’t like it at first when I started as a witch but now My minions are killing everything so quick it’s just a perfect summon build!
글 작성자:w_MiCo0L_w#93942020. 5. 4. 오전 9:09:12
The specter and ag setups is:
Carnage Cheiftain, group frenzy charges
Host Cheiftain, group power charges
Sin Master, super strong Assassins Mark
They of Tul, protective blizzard that adds 20% attack and spell dodge and 15% damage reduction
Arena Master, aoe shout that gives 40% attackspeed, castspeed and movementspeed. 4sec durraction 12 sec cooldown.
Baranite Cleric, aura that adds 20% physical as extra lightning damage and 10% extra chance to shock
Weapon: Kingslayer
bodyarmour: rare high armour with mods with crusader mod "You have Consecrated Ground around you while stationary" and %life increase craft, physical damage taken as lightining, if you have more currency you can dual influence the armour having huntermod with 12% life, Every 5 seconds, Regenerate 15% of Life over one second and/or additional curse.
Helm: rare helm with "Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage" elder mod
Boots: Windshriek Reinforced Greaves, for increased curse limited
Gloves: Im running a corrupted pair of Shaper's Touch with vulnerability curse on hit corruption.
This give my zombies massive boosts to dps.
Linus1985#5731 님이 2020. 5. 4. 오전 9:31:02에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Linus1985#57312020. 5. 4. 오전 9:27:15
Here's my tweaks of the build.
No elegant hubris, no impale on zombie link due to 3 rotten claws and 4 vicious bites, mostly run with feeding frenzy as it allows you to stay back while aggressive zombies take care of mobs in front of you.
the extra crit pairs really nice with redemption sentry on the hungry loop.
Mega fun with this build.
글 작성자:PmLeal#55402020. 5. 4. 오전 10:53:29
Trulls_Rohk 님이 작성:
Hanzoli 님이 작성:
I think i need help with reserved mana;
Running Purity,Flesh and Stone,Dread Banner and Avians Flight can't run Haste. All of it supported with Enlighten 4.
Do i really need to go Influence cluster top right ? Thanks
If you want Haste, Purity, Flesh/Stone, Dread Banner you will also need another 10% which you can get from the Sovereignty cluster.
You won't be able to run that plus Avian.
That should leave you enough mana for movement skills.
I mean i got all the Clusters that gives ''- mana reserve'' i still cant run all of it.
In FAQ ''If you're running the Speed Setup, make sure you also pick up the Influence cluster in top right of Skill Tree''
I got that now, still no.
and which watcher eye should i get since im not running clarity.
Hanzoli#0115 님이 2020. 5. 4. 오전 11:45:41에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Hanzoli#01152020. 5. 4. 오전 11:17:29
Linus1985 님이 작성:
The specter and ag setups is:
Carnage Cheiftain, group frenzy charges
Host Cheiftain, group power charges
Sin Master, super strong Assassins Mark
They of Tul, protective blizzard that adds 20% attack and spell dodge and 15% damage reduction
Arena Master, aoe shout that gives 40% attackspeed, castspeed and movementspeed. 4sec durraction 12 sec cooldown.
Baranite Cleric, aura that adds 20% physical as extra lightning damage and 10% extra chance to shock
Weapon: Kingslayer
bodyarmour: rare high armour with mods with crusader mod " You have Consecrated Ground around you while stationary" and %life increase craft, physical damage taken as lightining, if you have more currency you can dual influence the armour having huntermod with 12% life, Every 5 seconds, Regenerate 15% of Life over one second and/or additional curse.
Helm: rare helm with " Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage" elder mod
Boots: Windshriek Reinforced Greaves, for increased curse limited
Gloves: Im running a corrupted pair of Shaper's Touch with vulnerability curse on hit corruption.
This give my zombies massive boosts to dps.
Where i can get ''Sin Master''
No info on web/poe.wiki/poe.db
글 작성자:Hanzoli#01152020. 5. 4. 오전 11:46:25
Hanzoli 님이 작성:
Linus1985 님이 작성:
The specter and ag setups is:
Carnage Cheiftain, group frenzy charges
Host Cheiftain, group power charges
Sin Master, super strong Assassins Mark
They of Tul, protective blizzard that adds 20% attack and spell dodge and 15% damage reduction
Arena Master, aoe shout that gives 40% attackspeed, castspeed and movementspeed. 4sec durraction 12 sec cooldown.
Baranite Cleric, aura that adds 20% physical as extra lightning damage and 10% extra chance to shock
Weapon: Kingslayer
bodyarmour: rare high armour with mods with crusader mod " You have Consecrated Ground around you while stationary" and %life increase craft, physical damage taken as lightining, if you have more currency you can dual influence the armour having huntermod with 12% life, Every 5 seconds, Regenerate 15% of Life over one second and/or additional curse.
Helm: rare helm with " Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage" elder mod
Boots: Windshriek Reinforced Greaves, for increased curse limited
Gloves: Im running a corrupted pair of Shaper's Touch with vulnerability curse on hit corruption.
This give my zombies massive boosts to dps.
Where i can get ''Sin Master''
No info on web/poe.wiki/poe.db
Random mob spawn. Took me 2 weeks to actually find it. But think it spawn more often inside Maps with Undeads as its a necromancer mob.
Linus1985#5731 님이 2020. 5. 4. 오후 12:02:11에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Linus1985#57312020. 5. 4. 오후 12:01:25
Hanzoli 님이 작성:
Linus1985 님이 작성:
The specter and ag setups is:
Carnage Cheiftain, group frenzy charges
Host Cheiftain, group power charges
Sin Master, super strong Assassins Mark
They of Tul, protective blizzard that adds 20% attack and spell dodge and 15% damage reduction
Arena Master, aoe shout that gives 40% attackspeed, castspeed and movementspeed. 4sec durraction 12 sec cooldown.
Baranite Cleric, aura that adds 20% physical as extra lightning damage and 10% extra chance to shock
Weapon: Kingslayer
bodyarmour: rare high armour with mods with crusader mod " You have Consecrated Ground around you while stationary" and %life increase craft, physical damage taken as lightining, if you have more currency you can dual influence the armour having huntermod with 12% life, Every 5 seconds, Regenerate 15% of Life over one second and/or additional curse.
Helm: rare helm with " Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage" elder mod
Boots: Windshriek Reinforced Greaves, for increased curse limited
Gloves: Im running a corrupted pair of Shaper's Touch with vulnerability curse on hit corruption.
This give my zombies massive boosts to dps.
Where i can get ''Sin Master''
No info on web/poe.wiki/poe.db
Get him from Dungeon Maps, he will be a Necromancer
글 작성자:Trulls_Rohk#75822020. 5. 4. 오후 12:21:55
Hanzoli 님이 작성:
Trulls_Rohk 님이 작성:
Hanzoli 님이 작성:
I think i need help with reserved mana;
Running Purity,Flesh and Stone,Dread Banner and Avians Flight can't run Haste. All of it supported with Enlighten 4.
Do i really need to go Influence cluster top right ? Thanks
If you want Haste, Purity, Flesh/Stone, Dread Banner you will also need another 10% which you can get from the Sovereignty cluster.
You won't be able to run that plus Avian.
That should leave you enough mana for movement skills.
I mean i got all the Clusters that gives ''- mana reserve'' i still cant run all of it.
In FAQ ''If you're running the Speed Setup, make sure you also pick up the Influence cluster in top right of Skill Tree''
I got that now, still no.
and which watcher eye should i get since im not running clarity.
Watcher eye used is usually the +% Chaos Res while running Purity of Elements.
글 작성자:Trulls_Rohk#75822020. 5. 4. 오후 1:35:05