3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I tried doing your build on my own but I need help now. Im sort of new to Poe And my zombies are dying on the map stuff and im not killing enemies fast enough to.. Could u pls take a look at my character on my hardcore delirium. I’m trying to get my character set up for your budget build but I’m sort of lost and have no clue how to start it lol
w_MiCo0L_w#9394 님이 2020. 5. 16. 오후 10:51:04에 마지막으로 편집
Hi, still fairly new to POE. I've played a season or two and saw this build. It looks amazing, but as a noob I was wondering what items would be good for leveling in the lower levels, say from levels 1-60? tabula rasa for sure, perhaps wanderlust, string of servitude with elemental resistances, Goldrim, kikazaru rings? any cheap interesting choices that if you check trade can give you a decent start? Either way I look forward to trying this build out, thanks!
w_MiCo0L_w 님이 작성:
I tried doing your build on my own but I need help now. Im sort of new to Poe And my zombies are dying on the map stuff and im not killing enemies fast enough to.. Could u pls take a look at my character on my hardcore delirium. I’m trying to get my character set up for your budget build but I’m sort of lost and have no clue how to start it lol

I died lol back to standard
Chaoisia 님이 작성:
MourningBlade 님이 작성:
Chaoisia 님이 작성:
Could anyone explain to me how Death Attunement is obtained in this version of the build?


Like is there something I'm missing or is this version of the build isn't doable?

Going for more of a fast mapping version of the build.

Anoint oils to an amulet (Astraments usually).

Thanks for the reply. I don't know a lot of the game mechanics yet.

Since Death Attunement is obtained through anointing oils then what is the purpose of Thread Of Hope. I see it in 2 versions of the build on PoB but there are no passives in the area of the jewel that is taken. I'm highly confused by this.

Cruel Preparation, Ravenous Horde, and Heart and Soul I think it's called? (the node below the socket) are taken with the medium ring Thread of Hope.

Edit: Forgot to refresh page before replying again....
Fudsduds#5864 님이 2020. 5. 16. 오후 11:36:29에 마지막으로 편집
DaveNemesis26 님이 작성:
Fudsduds 님이 작성:
Trulls_Rohk 님이 작성:

Using Maul/Mace allows you to use cyclone/cast while channeling/desecrate/offering.
Bow you have to either manually cast desecrate/offering or use CWDT setup.

Can use Scourge Arrow with Bow for CWC

which is better for min-maxing?? bow or maul?? I have both but planning on selling one of them.. I haven't tried using the bow yet because I'm still waiting for inputs on the max build.. and can you move while channeling Scourge Arrow? and another question about dread banner, do I have to cyclone in order to stack dread banner??? and do I have to plant it or just carry it??

Bow is best for min maxing.


You can get movespeed as implicit.

But more importantly, you can use a quiver which allows you to get a bunch of other stats that you can't get with a maul.

Edit: also, I wouldn't recommend using scourge arrow or any other skill for cwc.. it's just a waste of gem slots when you can simply press your offering button to cast manually. Either way, you have to press a button.
brunowa#6253 님이 2020. 5. 16. 오후 11:42:12에 마지막으로 편집

Bow is best for min maxing.


You can get movespeed as implicit.

But more importantly, you can use a quiver which allows you to get a bunch of other stats that you can't get with a maul.

Edit: also, I wouldn't recommend using scourge arrow or any other skill for cwc.. it's just a waste of gem slots when you can simply press your offering button to cast manually. Either way, you have to press a button.[/quote]

If I use bow, do I have to get close to the enemies?? or can I be ranged?
You don't use any bow skills... You just use the bow and quiver purely for the stats.

So you play with your minions the exact same way.
Fudsduds 님이 작성:
dragon15423 님이 작성:
hello again ,

just wanted to know if hulking corpses+feasting fiends medium cluster jewels are better than hulking corpses+renewal. or hulking corpses and other notable?

thank you

I would recommend having Renewal on every single Medium Cluster you use, and 1 Feasting Fiends somewhere.
For example if you had 4 Medium Cluster slots, I'd use 1 with Renewal + Feasting Fiends. Then have Renewal + Hulking Corpses/Bodyguards/Whatever on the other 3.

oh im using 2 large clusters with raze and pillage, feasting fiends , vicious bite. 4 medium with renewals and hulking. so is renewals double damage chance really usefull?
dragon15423 님이 작성:
Fudsduds 님이 작성:
dragon15423 님이 작성:
hello again ,

just wanted to know if hulking corpses+feasting fiends medium cluster jewels are better than hulking corpses+renewal. or hulking corpses and other notable?

thank you

I would recommend having Renewal on every single Medium Cluster you use, and 1 Feasting Fiends somewhere.
For example if you had 4 Medium Cluster slots, I'd use 1 with Renewal + Feasting Fiends. Then have Renewal + Hulking Corpses/Bodyguards/Whatever on the other 3.

oh im using 2 large clusters with raze and pillage, feasting fiends , vicious bite. 4 medium with renewals and hulking. so is renewals double damage chance really usefull?

You're good then. And although I don't know your exact build, you'll most likely want to get Rotten Claws on one of your large clusters at some point (replacing either Raze or Feast, always keep Vicious)

And ya, Renewal is the best option we have for Medium Cluster. With Discipline, regen, leech, etc., my zombies are rarely not on full health.
Fudsduds#5864 님이 2020. 5. 17. 오전 4:44:19에 마지막으로 편집
brunowa 님이 작성:
You don't use any bow skills... You just use the bow and quiver purely for the stats.

So you play with your minions the exact same way.

I haven't tried Bow personally, but afaik people tend to use Scourge for the sake of directing their Zombies where to go. So they stay at range and Scourge packs, causing their minions to attack those mobs. Probably more of a safer playstyle rather than a speedy one.

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