3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

so i am looking for the 3.12 hiest update but i can only find the 3.11 info on the front page. am i looking in the wrong place?
Same here. I am kind of stuck. too squishy always random 1 shot random monster skill.
got minion damage 370%
kidrobot666#6918 님이 2020. 10. 18. 오전 3:31:41에 마지막으로 편집
What happened to cyclone and cwc? Not a big fan of pressing 5 buttons for every group of mobs. Desecrate, offering, molten, withering and convocation when needed. Love the build, third league i use it. Thank you.
Build is still OP - killed Elder, Uber Elder, Shaper and Sirius with it.

But have one main question:
what is better to use - Flesh and Stone + maim OR Aspect of Avian for minions?
Use both: avian and f&d+maim.

My aura setup:
Avian + Dread Banner + Flesh & Stone + Maim + Discipline

Dread Banner explanation:
I use: Alternate Quality 1 with Nearby Enemies deal 2% less Damage

My Spectres:
Frenzy-charges Chieftain
Power-charges Chieftain
They of Tul (for Snow Cloak: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Snow_Cloak 20% dodge, 15% dmg reduction when in cloud)
vulnerable-curse Siren

Stone Golem (Taunt + ES regen)
Relict (ES regen, phys dps, minions life regen)

12 Zombies (9 from skillgem, 2 from Baron - 1k str, 1 from amulet)

I'm experimenting with different cluster-jewels setups at the moment (over 40% dodge with high block and massive regeneration and leech is awesome).


I have reflex of a zombie, so Sirius is no-no for me (can't escape his 3rd phase deathbeams).

On the other hand: other bossfights are in easy-mode and death occures only because I did not run from obvious death-zones...
Fukurokage#1292 님이 2020. 10. 20. 오전 3:19:59에 마지막으로 편집
Will anyone please be able to critique on my build?

I'm not a very experienced player and i've been tinkering with what i felt is correct, but i'm not too sure if it is correct

any feedback will be much appreciated!
What is better?

War Banner or Dread Banner?
What is the impact of more frequent Impale on damage? Will it be worth more in comparison to increased phys dmg and accuracy?
Fukurokage 님이 작성:
What is better?

War Banner or Dread Banner?
What is the impact of more frequent Impale on damage? Will it be worth more in comparison to increased phys dmg and accuracy?

someone shared earlier on that Dread Banner will be better if you have Impale on your zombies, otherwise can stick with War Banner
Fukurokage 님이 작성:
Use both: avian and f&d+maim.

My aura setup:
Avian + Dread Banner + Flesh & Stone + Maim + Discipline

Dread Banner explanation:
I use: Alternate Quality 1 with Nearby Enemies deal 2% less Damage

My Spectres:
Frenzy-charges Chieftain
Power-charges Chieftain
They of Tul (for Snow Cloak: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Snow_Cloak 20% dodge, 15% dmg reduction when in cloud)
vulnerable-curse Siren

Stone Golem (Taunt + ES regen)
Relict (ES regen, phys dps, minions life regen)

12 Zombies (9 from skillgem, 2 from Baron - 1k str, 1 from amulet)

I'm experimenting with different cluster-jewels setups at the moment (over 40% dodge with high block and massive regeneration and leech is awesome).


I have reflex of a zombie, so Sirius is no-no for me (can't escape his 3rd phase deathbeams).

On the other hand: other bossfights are in easy-mode and death occures only because I did not run from obvious death-zones...

Thanks for the useful info.
thank you for the build guide :)

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