3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Apfeldk 님이 작성:
Why dosnt Desecrate work when i socket it like you did?

Because it's linked to Cast while channeling.
Apfeldk 님이 작성:
Why dosnt Desecrate work when i socket it like you did?

It's linked with cast while channeling so it is automatically casted when you use a channeling skill (ie cyclone)
So i am doing T16 maps and currently on awakening 5 bonus. Currently i am struggling on damage and am sitting on 1 EX and 150 chaos. Was wondering what upgrades could i get with the money i have that could make the largest impact?
https://pastebin.com/KNfTFgRj link to my PoB
meatpuppet 님이 작성:
Love the build, but I'm using a Mon'Treguls and a spirit shield instead of a 2H.

Can someone please please tell me why the 2H is better?? Running the Mon'Tregul's gives me

-Much smoother map clear with mob explosions

-MUCH more comfortable delving

-Quality of life things like shield dash and flame dash (I can't live without a movement skill. I just tried Sirus with the Queen's Decree and no move skill. Didn't go well.)

-More EHP (about 3k-ish more...nothing to sneeze at)

Further rationale for Mon'Treguls: I have 13 zombros naturally...aren't all of them going to be crowding their target to get a hit? (I read somewhere that if you have a bunch, they all can't hit at the same time...maybe that's bullshit...maybe someone can enlighten me on that?)

My gear is below. Running Vulnerability, Vaal Discipline, and Dread Banner for auras. Like I said, I have a 6L Queens Escape...is it really worth dropping the Mon'Treguls tho??

Montreguls is perfectly fine option.

2H gives more DPS. That's the main reason. It gives you level 30 zombies (+3 gems weapon) and you can run an additional aura or two to buff them further due to a second 6L.

Clearspeed in my experience is much faster with 2H with more zombies getting to more monsters. The explosions are good, but also need to be scaled a but to be really effective by picking up a few area damage increase nodes.

Many people do use Montreguls so it's nothing to sneeze at. I should probably add it to the build guide as an option for those that like that playstyle.
@bru or @arisfuser

is the 100% minion damage better then gems supported by fortify?

if no

what about if you had the double damage mod as well?
meatpuppet 님이 작성:
Love the build, but I'm using a Mon'Treguls and a spirit shield instead of a 2H.

Can someone please please tell me why the 2H is better?? Running the Mon'Tregul's gives me

-Much smoother map clear with mob explosions

-MUCH more comfortable delving

-Quality of life things like shield dash and flame dash (I can't live without a movement skill. I just tried Sirus with the Queen's Decree and no move skill. Didn't go well.)

-More EHP (about 3k-ish more...nothing to sneeze at)

I breeze through T16s on Awakener 5. Deleted every Metapmorph I've ever met except for a few with silly mods.

Further rationale for Mon'Treguls: I have 13 zombros naturally...aren't all of them going to be crowding their target to get a hit? (I read somewhere that if you have a bunch, they all can't hit at the same time...maybe that's bullshit...maybe someone can enlighten me on that?)

My gear is below. Running Vulnerability, Vaal Discipline, and Dread Banner for auras. Like I said, I have a 6L Queens Escape...is it really worth dropping the Mon'Treguls tho??

I played 1hand and shield before too but I found the 2hweapon increased my dmg by quite a bit. Also you will have to go for 2hand if you wanna run the speed set up with all the auras. If you are happy with ur speed and bosskilling there is no need for you to switch imho. I too loved shieldcharge feels way better than flamedash imho. I guess I won't miss it anymore when I have all the auras and the speed stuff set up. I played with
Rex_Banner#7925 님이 2019. 12. 28. 오후 4:13:12에 마지막으로 편집
Draxguards 님이 작성:
@bru or @arisfuser

is the 100% minion damage better then gems supported by fortify?

if no

what about if you had the double damage mod as well?

You can do the calcs in POB but I believe fortify would provide the most DPS.
I can't handle T16 maps with my current setup (I keep dying to bosses/some mobs, like enslavers dot killed me a lot). Any tips on how to improve?

EDIT: Should I switch Victario's to Geofri's and get shaper's touch gloves?
Kalakukko#0880 님이 2019. 12. 28. 오후 4:24:50에 마지막으로 편집
Kalakukko 님이 작성:
I can't handle T16 maps with my current setup (I keep dying to bosses/some mobs, like enslavers dot killed me a lot). Any tips on how to improve?

Your gems are terribly underleveled so your damage is very low. Low damage = low life leech from Baron.

Do you even have 1000+ strength for the life leech?

Swap out seven league steps. Those boots are for when you have no issues with defence or offence and just want speed. Get boots with strength, life, resistances.

Are your resistances capped?

Use defensive auras... Use discipline. Use Vaal molten shell.
brunowa 님이 작성:
Draxguards 님이 작성:
@bru or @arisfuser

is the 100% minion damage better then gems supported by fortify?

if no

what about if you had the double damage mod as well?

You can do the calcs in POB but I believe fortify would provide the most DPS.

When I ran the numbers fortify was ahead, unless you had the minion damage and double damage combo.

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