3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

hey why does your gears are level 70 ? i searched the baron and the sword and they are just level << 30
neopetss 님이 작성:
hey why does your gears are level 70 ? i searched the baron and the sword and they are just level << 30

There are gems in it, mate. It's matching the gem levels
ArisFuser 님이 작성:
Very interesting, thank you.

I was checking PoeAffix and Elder amulets have the "+1 number of Raised Zombies" so we can skip the 1200 Strength requirement from Baron, get an extra zombie anyway and focus on other very interesting stats.

ArisFuser 님이 작성:
ArisFuser 님이 작성:
Very interesting, thank you.

I was checking PoeAffix and Elder amulets have the "+1 number of Raised Zombies" so we can skip the 1200 Strength requirement from Baron, get an extra zombie anyway and focus on other very interesting stats.

Man can't wait to see what you do with that bad boy :D
Kripto1183 님이 작성:
At first, My minions kept dying to Uber Elder damage. But once I spec into Indomitable Army, it was easy peasy and U.Elder went down fast. This is a great Build with little cost.

Have you tried to spec the 2 points under sacrifce 0.6% minion leech and additional 1.5% regeneration instead? Is it enough, since it's less points than Indomitable?
Llyrain 님이 작성:
Kripto1183 님이 작성:
At first, My minions kept dying to Uber Elder damage. But once I spec into Indomitable Army, it was easy peasy and U.Elder went down fast. This is a great Build with little cost.

Have you tried to spec the 2 points under sacrifce 0.6% minion leech and additional 1.5% regeneration instead? Is it enough, since it's less points than Indomitable?

Great idea! I would suggest just picking up the leech node. Totally didn't see it there.
Ok guys so you wanna go big boy DPS while keeping speed and playing with some funky golems?
I got your back!

Check this out for ANOTHER alternate setup we can have some fun with using this build... this time we use GOLEMS!!

And mannn, the single target is the BEST OUT OF THE LOT!!! But it comes at the sacrifice of life.

Check out this 60 second Minotaur clear and the super fast single target.. and check me just take that Minotaur slam like a badass!:


So what you gotta do?

Get these bad boys!

Then spec into some jewel sockets, and spec into Golem Commander (respec out of some life). Check my current tree for how I have done it.

Swap in Carrion Golem instead of Brutality in Zombie setup so they both become 5 links.

And BAM!!

You will have 15 Zombies, 5 Spectres, and 4 BIG AND BADASS GOLEMS kicking some butt... oh and don't forget the 50 or so Skellies that you can pop because they want in on the action too...

Enjoy guys! I'll add this to the build guide when I get a chance.

God dammit this build NEVER STOPS!!
brunowa#6253 님이 2019. 10. 2. 오전 7:48:34에 마지막으로 편집
I ran a similar golem setup previously and by far prefer your original build, it's excellent and a lot of fun to play. Great job on the build
dsxy 님이 작성:
I ran a similar golem setup previously and by far prefer your original build, it's excellent and a lot of fun to play. Great job on the build

Thanks man. Yeah all the different setups have slight advantages and disadvantages.

I would say the original is the most well-balanced in terms of offence and defence.

This golems version is for those wanting to get more DPS and don't care as much about life. I'm running this setup at 5500 life... still plenty though! :D

Note I'm on standard too so I don't have the luxury of the free amulet annointment, that gives everyone playing Blight League an extra 7 passive points to play with which can all go to life.
brunowa 님이 작성:
DBM92 님이 작성:
well a new update, my minions keep duying against uber elder and got a jewel with 0.48% minion life leech :/
+ that i'm ages of just killing a guardian really dont know why you have such much more dmg that i have

Sacrifice some life and spec into Indominable Army and your minions shouldn't die. Are they all dying? Is it taking you a long time to kill uber elder so there's more spawning that could be taking down your minions?

What spectres you running with? THe carnage chieftans giving frenzies to zombies will have the biggest DPS impact.

You could also swap Vulnerability for Enfeeble so your minions take less damage. Perhaps try the Undying Evangelists so your minions are within proximity shields.

it doesn't take me long time to kill uber elder/atziri, but half way through they deying one after one only have around 4-5 zombies left when i'm almost done with the fight :/

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