3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
" I made one today. It's awesome for bossing. Every metamorph dies in 1-4 sec. Running auras. |
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Hey guys, I'm a new PoE player, this is my first league, so I'm still learning some stuff.
I'm really enjoying this build, very good damage and fun to play, but I'm feeling a bit weak, maybe because I don't have 1000 strength. And I have a question about that, currently I'm at lvl 74 with 664 str, and I really don't know how I can go to 1000 from here. I'm following the tree from this guide, and my gear is the follow: I know I need to improve my rings and maybe belt, but even changing this, to me seems impossible to reach 1000 str. I also don't have any jewel in the tree yet. I appreciate any advice or help on how to reach 1000 str (or anything else to help me out haha) jorgepzt#5902 님이 2020. 1. 7. 오후 3:20:28에 마지막으로 편집
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" If that is your first char in POE you will do fine. Most ppl first char is complete shit:D You will need 2 Efficient training jewels to get to 1000+ Also grab this node here for 70 str http://prntscr.com/qkjdra Also in second weapon set put gems to level. Spectres, zombies etc.... coldyl#2198 님이 2020. 1. 7. 오후 3:11:22에 마지막으로 편집
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Where does lethal pride go exactly?
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nevermind :)
Aldora_the_Summoner#4021 님이 2020. 1. 7. 오후 3:11:19에 마지막으로 편집
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How are you guys getting 2B/2G sockets in Alberon's Warpath? I've dumped a fuckton of chromatics in to no avail...
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reposting to try and get some guidance on jewels.
Could we get some more information about jewels? I think most players like myself are unable to afford watcher's eye and emperor's majesty. Do we just put in similar jewels to the rare one listed? Are the important stats "minions leech #% of damage as life" and "Minions have #% chance to Blind on Hit with Attacks"? I assume leech is to keep your zombies alive. What makes chance to blind so good? Are there any alternatives I should look for in rares jewels? |
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Guys because my enlighten is only lvl 3 with all the buffs up i get 18 mana to use but my flame dash is 23 mana. any Easy fix to get this going until i get currency to buy englighten lvl 4??
PS: in the link i am missing PRIDE socketed in the chest. but i am using it Thank you |
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Hi all!
It is a newbie question and probably a re, but I did not read through 500 pages so I'm going to ask it. Every skill tree goes for Cruel Preparation (+5% all res), but now in 3.9.1 it gives 25% movement speed reduction on minions. I think that's not exactly what we want, right? What should I pick instead? - An Enthusiastic Amateur |
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So PoB shows that Impale Support only does 2k dps more then Minion damage Support (both with dread banner) Can someone explain to me why Impale Support is supposed to be better then Minion Damage Support other then the 2j dps befor i start chroming my weapon for a green socket.
Thanks in advance. |
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