3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Fievelxiv 님이 작성:
Hi everyone, have about 40 exalts to spend and trying to figure out where to go next.

Currently running the tankier setup with Geofri’s and have been able to destroy every boss deathless, absolutely love this build! My goal at the moment is to find some gear swaps to help my map clear speed. Currently doing T16’s in about 5 min, would love to get that down a couple minutes.

Going to buy a seven-league step and a string of servitude for sure but where I get stuck is the weapon and body. My current weapon has +1 to socketed gem, minion dmg+105%, socketed support gems+2, and minion attack speed+27%. Looking through this thread I see most people are using ones with fortify and aspect of the avian on it now, would that be a large upgrade over what I’m using now? And would I even be able to get any use out of Aspect of the avian without Aul’s? I was originally planning to get a Victario’s for the speed run set up but I’m wondering if I should be get Saq’s instead since it boosts Avian speed.

Also thinking about upgrading my current belt to get a little extra cold/fire resist for maps that have elemental weakness, not sure if that’s really worth several exalt though.

Anyone have some time to give me advice on this? The more I think about it the more I feel like I should not buy Victario’s and instead save up a bit more to buy weapon+aul+Saq at same time.
Oh will the 7 aura set work with a crafted amulet with -pride cost?

Hey, first of all, tyvm for the guide.

I just bought a lvl 21 Raise Spectre & got the +2 from ascendancy. It's showing me lvl 25 gem ingame.

still i am not able to spawn a fourth spectre. What am i missing?

Sorry, new to the game and a bit lost right now :D

nvm, got it, just needed to swap the spell (had my old lvl 19 socketed too) x)
Ragekey#7790 님이 2020. 1. 27. 오후 3:47:10에 마지막으로 편집
Ragekey 님이 작성:

Hey, first of all, tyvm for the guide.

I just bought a lvl 21 Raise Spectre & got the +2 from ascendancy. It's showing me lvl 25 gem ingame.

still i am not able to spawn a fourth spectre. What am i missing?

Sorry, new to the game and a bit lost right now :D

nvm, got it, just needed to swap the spell (had my old lvl 19 socketed too) x)

Allocates Death Attunement
rapda 님이 작성:
What do you think i should upgrade next. I am a little lost because I can not handel POB.

im running 1 Carnage Chieftans, 1 host Chieftans, and 1 diabolist.
I think I do too little damage and die from time to time.

thanks for any help

The first upgrade with almost no cost is flip your gems, at lvl 20 you can sell each one + 1 Gem cutter prism to make them lvl1 and 20 quality, you are losing quite a big amount of dmg not having 20 quality in your support gems in the weapon, also quality in zombies is movement speed and life, that can help in higher tier maps. Also 21 lvl Raise Spectre is +1 spectre that's another big upgrade, quality in spectres is movements speed so that help to clear maps faster but nothing else.
AndyLovesHisBge 님이 작성:
rapda 님이 작성:
What do you think i should upgrade next. I am a little lost because I can not handel POB.

im running 1 Carnage Chieftans, 1 host Chieftans, and 1 diabolist.
I think I do too little damage and die from time to time.

thanks for any help

two most obvious upgrades are getting a 6 link chest so you can run a curse and buying a level 21 Raise Spectre so you can get the 4th specter.

From your post you are investing a lot in minion damage in your jewels. You may want to consider adding strength to your build to try and get to the 1200 mark. All your gear will benefit from this and you will get another zombie.

Do i need a enlighten level 4 for the curse?
Fievelxiv 님이 작성:
Fievelxiv 님이 작성:
Hi everyone, have about 40 exalts to spend and trying to figure out where to go next.

Currently running the tankier setup with Geofri’s and have been able to destroy every boss deathless, absolutely love this build! My goal at the moment is to find some gear swaps to help my map clear speed. Currently doing T16’s in about 5 min, would love to get that down a couple minutes.

Going to buy a seven-league step and a string of servitude for sure but where I get stuck is the weapon and body. My current weapon has +1 to socketed gem, minion dmg+105%, socketed support gems+2, and minion attack speed+27%. Looking through this thread I see most people are using ones with fortify and aspect of the avian on it now, would that be a large upgrade over what I’m using now? And would I even be able to get any use out of Aspect of the avian without Aul’s? I was originally planning to get a Victario’s for the speed run set up but I’m wondering if I should be get Saq’s instead since it boosts Avian speed.

Also thinking about upgrading my current belt to get a little extra cold/fire resist for maps that have elemental weakness, not sure if that’s really worth several exalt though.

Anyone have some time to give me advice on this? The more I think about it the more I feel like I should not buy Victario’s and instead save up a bit more to buy weapon+aul+Saq at same time.

I would firstly just buy the speed belt and boots.

You will go considerably faster with just those 2 things if that's what's you are after.
rapda 님이 작성:
AndyLovesHisBge 님이 작성:
rapda 님이 작성:
What do you think i should upgrade next. I am a little lost because I can not handel POB.

im running 1 Carnage Chieftans, 1 host Chieftans, and 1 diabolist.
I think I do too little damage and die from time to time.

thanks for any help

two most obvious upgrades are getting a 6 link chest so you can run a curse and buying a level 21 Raise Spectre so you can get the 4th specter.

From your post you are investing a lot in minion damage in your jewels. You may want to consider adding strength to your build to try and get to the 1200 mark. All your gear will benefit from this and you will get another zombie.

Do i need a enlighten level 4 for the curse?

That depends on which aura you use. If you following the setup in the guide, you will need a level 4.
Owari92 님이 작성:
And another question about Flesh & Stone in the beginner build - which stance should I use for mapping? For killing bosses the blood stance will probably have a lot more damage but what about mapping? Does the stance affect the radius of multistrike attacks or something like that?

Your choice. Blood stance if you want more DPS, sand stance if you want more defence.
Circled 님이 작성:
Is it even possible to run the Saqal set-up without the aul's uprising ammy? - It's currently going for like 40 EX :/

Definitely. You can just use an astramentis or other amulet. You just won't have the Pride aura that is all. Alternatively you can get Auls with hatred it haste like others have mentioned.

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