3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Respeck 님이 작성:
Is anyone running a headhunter with the tanky setup? I am clearing just fine but I am curious if it's worth it, as the price is coming down. Thx!

Brunowa's rich as* is =).
Well i see him running it with the speed setup but im wondering if on the tanky setup its actually worth it or not
Respeck 님이 작성:
Well i see him running it with the speed setup but im wondering if on the tanky setup its actually worth it or not

I think is up to you, if you have it use it will be really nice in map clear speed but in bossing will be better with the normal set up I suppose.
I honestly could never see buying a HH, if i ever chanced one id sell it asap.

I am all for un-necessary things but thats just too much even for me, if you are gonna go 100ex into 1 item then go for a perfect crafted amulet with implicit STR, t1 suffix STR, t1 STR %, and t1 Increased Attribute %.
JCOH35#4078 님이 2020. 1. 29. 오후 10:11:25에 마지막으로 편집

Whats the order i should upgrade my gear?
Why don't you use the kitava herald as 5L or 6L of spectra?
ArdentFX2 님이 작성:

Whats the order i should upgrade my gear?

Shapers Touch gloves b4 you do anything, in-expensive and core part of the build converting STR to ES.

Work on your weapon after.

Op has a crafting guide on page 1 although id just buy the base pre-made tbh, dont put yourself through the drama.
JCOH35#4078 님이 2020. 1. 29. 오후 10:47:28에 마지막으로 편집
JCOH35 님이 작성:
ArdentFX2 님이 작성:

Whats the order i should upgrade my gear?

Shapers Touch gloves b4 you do anything, in-expensive and core part of the build converting STR to ES.

Work on your weapon after.

Op has a crafting guide on page 1 although id just buy the base pre-made tbh, dont put yourself through the drama.

I mean... shapers over The baron? Sounds really strange if you ask me, but then again i'm new to the build.

I would go The baron > Belt > Boots until you hit 1k of str, then weapon and work your way to changing to shapers touch,
JCOH35 님이 작성:
ArdentFX2 님이 작성:

Whats the order i should upgrade my gear?

Shapers Touch gloves b4 you do anything, in-expensive and core part of the build converting STR to ES.

Work on your weapon after.

Op has a crafting guide on page 1 although id just buy the base pre-made tbh, dont put yourself through the drama.

Awesome! thank you for the quick reply :).. would i be able to start using all gems right away (auras and such) or do i need something before then.
How do I go about crafting the staff now with the multimod nerf?

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