3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

AndyLovesHisBge 님이 작성:
Osgili4th 님이 작성:
I will like to use skelletons in some bosses to melt them and skip fases but so many minions will make explode my pc, already with 16 zombies is a struggle. I wonder if someone can help me to compare dmg between this two weapons. PoB isn't helping me with this.

I know I already deal more than enough dmg, but I want to see how much you can push the damage of each zombie. I will thank any help :)

I think the better DPS has to be the Fortify weapon over the Onslaught weapon.

*Fortify support gives you 20% more damage and is always active

*Onslaught gives you 20% increased attack/cast/movement and is mitigated by chance on kill (normal bad guys) or chance on hit (unique bad guys) so it may not be up 100% of the time.

Yes, Fortify would be better.

We already get Onslaught from Ravenous Horde.
I have a question. I have been slowly working on lvl20 /20% gems and bought most of the supporting items from the budget tanky setup.

I have a 5link geofri and femur.

Should I spend 2ex on a 6link femur / geofri or just try to save for the +1 weap with fortify?

I can't believe how high the prices are getting...

I did snag 2 rings with 55str, high life and an open suffix for 100c but the rest is 10+ex.

Last thing, if I multicraft a ring with 1 open suffix, can I still add 2 mods?
EC_Zarkas 님이 작성:
I have a question. I have been slowly working on lvl20 /20% gems and bought most of the supporting items from the budget tanky setup.

I have a 5link geofri and femur.

Should I spend 2ex on a 6link femur / geofri or just try to save for the +1 weap with fortify?

I can't believe how high the prices are getting...

I did snag 2 rings with 55str, high life and an open suffix for 100c but the rest is 10+ex.

Last thing, if I multicraft a ring with 1 open suffix, can I still add 2 mods?

If you want a specific comparison you should load your character in Path of Building, add the items you want to compare (poe.trade has a button "copy text" for each item, it is very easy to import them), the new gems setups and finally look at the dmg of your zombies/skeletons

For rings you are doing it the wrong way, you should always look for partially completed rings with one open suffix/prefix. Search for the mods you can't craft and add youself the others, for example life should be crafted (double craft is expensive and for rings the mods that can be crafted aren't that good, don't do it) but not strength
Another good thing you can do is to discard the open suffix/prefix (the incompleted items should be a lot cheaper this way) and now try to annul them. Even if you fail one or two items because the annulled mods were the one you cared for, in the end the process should be cheaper
crazypearce 님이 작성:
Dwacito 님이 작성:
For all who ask whether Fortify or minion damage in weapon is better:

If you have over ~400% increased minion damage before the weapon, then fortify is better. If you have less than 400%, minion damage% is better.


fortify is 20% more dps. Minion damage is 100% increased (let's say 100 for simplicity)

With +400% increased damage (ie 500% damage total), 100% on weapon gets you from x5 to x6 aka a 20% increase, aka the same as fortify.

How accurate is this? Because I have something like 200% minion damage and fortify still sims higher than 100% minion damage +5% double damage. Will double check when I'm on PC but that's how I remember it anyway

It is somewhat correct, I checked in PoB and with around 500% (common) + 100% (phy) the dps is similar to what you get by swapping 100% dmg with lvl1 Fortify. In the end if your minion dmg bonus is around 500% (without the weapon) it doesn't really change much, if less go for +minion dmg, if more go for lvl1 Fortify
First Sirus awakening 8 kill just now, love this build so much! The fortify + avian weapon was the best buy! <3
How are folks getting 5 spectres and 16 zombies?? I have lvl 21 raise zombie and lvl 21 raise spectre and I can only canst 4/15.
Gollee 님이 작성:
First Sirus awakening 8 kill just now, love this build so much! The fortify + avian weapon was the best buy! <3

congrats! You have nice looking gear. With the inflation in the weapons cost, I am giving up hope of ever affording one.

I did notice you have the oddest collection of flasks I have seen in anyone's build (2 life, 1 mana, 1 speed, and Rotgut). Is there a reason you use that group?
Kwahn 님이 작성:
How are folks getting 5 spectres and 16 zombies?? I have lvl 21 raise zombie and lvl 21 raise spectre and I can only canst 4/15.

no one can get 5 zombies. That is left over from the previous leagues. See the faq. 4 is the correct amount for 3.9

16 Zombies comes from getting to 1500 strength. 15 zombies is very common (1200 strength) and some can push their strength to the 1500 threshold to get another zombie.
AndyLovesHisBge#5265 님이 2020. 2. 5. 오전 9:32:27에 마지막으로 편집
Thank you so much for this build, it's really been great going from a self-cast Arc build to this!

I've been upgrading gear for a while now, but are still very far from the DPS that seems to be appropriate for this build, and am not sure which way to go from here. I'm following the balanced setup with Saqawal's nest right now, as this seems like it strikes a good balance.


At the moment, I'm contemplating either getting a new weapon (trying the weapon crafting guide you posted), or getting another belt. A different option might be investing in some % quality on my gems.

What I would really like some feedback on, is in which direction I should go to get some changes major to my damage, as it seems to be low at the moment.

Thanks in advance.
CptAdam 님이 작성:
Thank you so much for this build, it's really been great going from a self-cast Arc build to this!

I've been upgrading gear for a while now, but are still very far from the DPS that seems to be appropriate for this build, and am not sure which way to go from here. I'm following the balanced setup with Saqawal's nest right now, as this seems like it strikes a good balance.


At the moment, I'm contemplating either getting a new weapon (trying the weapon crafting guide you posted), or getting another belt. A different option might be investing in some % quality on my gems.

What I would really like some feedback on, is in which direction I should go to get some changes major to my damage, as it seems to be low at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

Upgrade your weapon, you can also add quite a bit of strength using some minor changes to the skill tree that Crazypearce originally discovered in the conversion to CI, they are still great for hybrid builds.

Basically you use 3 Efficient Training Jewels, top, left, right, top provides 94 strength, and the right provides 74 strength, and the left provides 74 strength, assuming they are max value jewels.

You then use a Might of the Meek jewel in the bottom left corner and this adds 150 strength. You can easily see the changes by viewing my skill tree, I went back to a hyrbrid spec so it will be less confusing to view mine.

The gentlemen still playing full CI use a very large amount of jewels in the tree so it can be overwhelming at first to see.
JCOH35#4078 님이 2020. 2. 5. 오전 9:52:30에 마지막으로 편집

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