3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Owari92 님이 작성:

PS: OMG, you can really find weapons with fortify, 100% minions damage and +1 socketed gemstones lvl (costs 40 ex - link) but it seems like u can't add "up to 3 Crafted Modifiers", so in any case you lose 1 level of gemstones. But I thought it was mutually exclusive mods. Seriously how bad I am in this game? Lol.

Minion damage + fortify
~ 1 mirror
mangalower 님이 작성:
Owari92 님이 작성:

PS: OMG, you can really find weapons with fortify, 100% minions damage and +1 socketed gemstones lvl (costs 40 ex - link) but it seems like u can't add "up to 3 Crafted Modifiers", so in any case you lose 1 level of gemstones. But I thought it was mutually exclusive mods. Seriously how bad I am in this game? Lol.

Minion damage + fortify
~ 1 mirror

Ikr, its tempting to Vaal this
but I can already picture how that will end and its most likely with me rage quitting.
JCOH35#4078 님이 2020. 2. 5. 오후 2:02:31에 마지막으로 편집
JCOH35 님이 작성:
mangalower 님이 작성:
Owari92 님이 작성:

PS: OMG, you can really find weapons with fortify, 100% minions damage and +1 socketed gemstones lvl (costs 40 ex - link) but it seems like u can't add "up to 3 Crafted Modifiers", so in any case you lose 1 level of gemstones. But I thought it was mutually exclusive mods. Seriously how bad I am in this game? Lol.

Minion damage + fortify
~ 1 mirror

Ikr, its tempting to Vaal this
but I can already picture how that will end and its most likely with me rage quitting.

it was first and only fortify from 15 double corrupt altar tray
mangalower#4166 님이 2020. 2. 5. 오후 2:09:04에 마지막으로 편집
Ya thats really nice. Im sure its the same for everyone but I have very specific rng on vaal orbs.

I have absurdly high success on corrupting curses onto gloves but I have a 100% brick rate on all efficient training and brawn jewels, of the 35+ ive tried ive converted every single one to a trash rare, its crazy.
JCOH35 님이 작성:

(yes, forgot, using lethal pride to answer your question)
Btw about lethal pride - how does it even work? I looked a lot of guides and still could not understand. Someone says that the number in the description (warriors count?) means the rolls you will receive, someone says that everything is random and the tree modes are determined when you use it for the first time. Maybe there is some good guide with detailed information?
mangalower 님이 작성:
Minion damage + fortify
~ 1 mirror
OMG, this weapon is pretty hot lol.
nachho23 님이 작성:
which setup is better, tank or speed?

When you try the speed one you can't go back, running that fast is priceless.. and you die only when there are things that one shots you, which would probably kill you anyway even with some more ehp
Metamorph league prices look unbalanced. Standard market is going down unfortunately. I am afraid everyone did learn until now how to craft weapons. I was selling weapons around 25-30 Exalted before, since 5 days couldn't sell one for 18ex.

Hi, i have a question.What variation of the build is best for blight maps(to be able to do t16 ones)? Im not interesed in bosses, just 80% blight maps and rest mapping.Atm i use the chest with avian buff, because im afraid if i go geoffey i lose the dps i need in blight and also i made a 5 link skeletons in the ring, so i need to think a bit before i improve boots and belt so i can can res.

P.s , i cant afford 21 spectre and zombie atm(got unlucky on vall at 3 of each so far).

Any tips or help is gladly apreciate in improving my tree or gear for just doing blight maps.I just started like 3-4 weeks ago and i dont know that much
metalx#3514 님이 2020. 2. 5. 오후 2:25:09에 마지막으로 편집
Korr4K 님이 작성:
nachho23 님이 작성:
which setup is better, tank or speed?

When you try the speed one you can't go back, running that fast is priceless.. and you die only when there are things that one shots you, which would probably kill you anyway even with some more ehp

and in damage?
JCOH35 님이 작성:

The only thing up in the air for me at this point is 1 socket in my cyclone link, im still trying different things.

I really liked soulrend but it slowed my cyclone down too much, going to try spell cascade probally next to make more corpses, have increased AoE in atm, didnt care for molten shell and steelskin, well see.

What do you want exactly from 6th link?
I was using arc and it was satisfying once u start chaining 5+ times. You start cursing mobs from a distance and with your str and lightning bonus on the ring they will probably be shocked too. So you can drop skitterbots. I stopped using it later because rerolling for elemental reflect is necessary.
Steelskin, molten shell or ic have cooldown so they dont work properly. CWDT is better for ic.

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