3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

testinglol 님이 작성:

can someone help me? im stuck i dont know what to do :( everything is expensive and my zombies feel super weak

just keep farming , ive started from nothing
after aruond 4 days my build worth around 40 ex i think
Can someone pls look at my necro NAWozs and tell me what to upgrade next? Im going the CI route
testinglol 님이 작성:

can someone help me? im stuck i dont know what to do :( everything is expensive and my zombies feel super weak

You have to pick, and start on 1 of the meta weapons laid out in the crafting section at the start of the guide, its a process starting out b/c even the bases with only 2 rolls can run 6 to 7ex.

In the mean time though get some quality on gems, I dont see any quality on anything in your main skill link, and grab a cheap, bricked lv3 enlighten so you can atleast get all your major auras minus the banner up and running.
EDMOSES 님이 작성:
Has anyone else noticed a higher loss of zombies lately?
Just in general, no phys reflect obviously.
And just putting this out there beware of keeping your AG up on Cortex map.
I lost mine which huts.

Probably no minion leech. With leech they should never die apart from Sirus or some weird Metamorph combos
Is there anyway to transition into CI? I've been thinking about doing it for a while now but don't know how to respec into it, any advice?
If looking for a weapon, get a non bbow non corrupted from those :

SlMOHayha 님이 작성:
Is there anyway to transition into CI? I've been thinking about doing it for a while now but don't know how to respec into it, any advice?

Crazy and Respeck are still running full CI, just glance at their skill trees.
JCOH35 님이 작성:
SlMOHayha 님이 작성:
Is there anyway to transition into CI? I've been thinking about doing it for a while now but don't know how to respec into it, any advice?

Crazy and Respeck are still running full CI, just glance at their skill trees.

Where can I find their skill trees? PoE Ninja?
SlMOHayha 님이 작성:
Is there anyway to transition into CI? I've been thinking about doing it for a while now but don't know how to respec into it, any advice?

Crazy just replied on the previous page (913), just scroll back 1 page, go down to crazypearce, select his name, go to his character tab, and then look over his passive tree, its all public.
JCOH35#4078 님이 2020. 2. 7. 오후 6:15:44에 마지막으로 편집
JCOH35 님이 작성:
SlMOHayha 님이 작성:
Is there anyway to transition into CI? I've been thinking about doing it for a while now but don't know how to respec into it, any advice?

Crazy just replied on the previous page (913), just scroll back 1 page, go down to crazypearce, select his name, go to his character tab, and then look over his passive tree, its all public.

Thanks, my bad!

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