Kazm0t 님이 작성:
I dont get it. It specifically state "equipped animated guardian". What am I missing here?
Edit: I think you misunderstand me. I meant let your AG die so you could get back whatever items you equipped him. So in case you want to change his gear, at least you'll still have the items you gave to him before.
Again im telling you only the chest piece with the crafted mod will be dropped, all other items will still be lost
rolandojuantamad#4331 님이 2019. 10. 22. 오전 10:31:40에 마지막으로 편집
Ok I get it now. Only that body armour you crafted with that mod and equipped your guardian with, will be saved whe he dies. Thx for pointing that out.
글 작성자:Kazm0t#42332019. 10. 22. 오전 10:31:26
can someone help me, i have enlighten lvl 3 but i can not put all auras, is the build update? and i have 0 mana for my skeletton haha :/
thx !
Waleer#2671 님이 2019. 10. 22. 오후 2:02:33에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Waleer#26712019. 10. 22. 오후 1:06:34
Waleer 님이 작성:
can someone help me, i have enlighten lvl 3 but i can not put all auras, is the build update? and i have 0 mana for my skeletton haha :/
thx !
What auras are U trying to run?
글 작성자:brunowa#62532019. 10. 22. 오후 2:49:10
BowWizard 님이 작성:
brunowa 님이 작성:
BowWizard 님이 작성:
To be both efficient and actually make some chaos/exalts to improve this build, what maps and level of maps are the best to run ? Should I go low T's (with less XP generation) and run more, but chisel and sextant the crap out of them or go higher tier maps, no mods and run less per hour (but more XP). What should an "average" map run time be based on the original build config ? Some maps like core and carcass seem to be a pain. I can't run smoothly through them so take far more time in them then I should. About 5-8 minutes based on POE Mapwatch stats.
Also should I chisel and sextant the crap out of every map or just go plain vanilla. Am I looking at hundreds of maps to see some healthy exalt returns ? I really do suck at currency generation atm.
What I am currently doing is this:
Alch and go T15's through Niko and get sulphite
Spawn Uber Elder
Kill Guardians
Kill Uber Elder and hopefully get watcher's eye to sell (most are 7+ex so just one drop keeps you going for a long time)
Run Delves farming for fossils/cities
Run a few more T15's to spawn Uber Elder again.
That's just me at the moment. I'm finding delving cities to give a tonne of T16 maps too which you can either run or sell.
Thanks for all of this. What level of delve should I aim for for the T16’s ? I try to run Delve as often as possible as rewards and XP are good, much more so then rest of game. I’m currently at level 230. I’m guessing I should delve deeper but at some point there is a level where reward/risk starts to cancel each other out !
I'm at delve 350 and no issues. I noticed more T16 map drops since progressing past 300. Just keep pushing until you can't take no more. It sounds like 600+ is where things get really hectic and bad for minions.
글 작성자:brunowa#62532019. 10. 22. 오후 4:07:22
frostzor27 wrote:
BTW, reflect maps are still a no with the build right? I remember my minions suiciding in reflect back in Betrayal...
Yes phys reflect maps are absolutely undoable with zombies but even t15 maps are actually still a breeze with all those badass skeletons (if you haven't switched yet to geofri chest + cyclone.
글 작성자:mcserrona#55722019. 10. 22. 오후 5:03:56
Hi Brunowa.
Thanks a lot for an awesome build.
I killed Uber Elder with first attempt, died once.
I'm kind of new to the game and wondering:
What if we will swap the multistrike gem of the zombies with a maim support gem.
Will it have that summed maim as well or because we already have level 20 maim on our maze, it will not stack?
Thanks in advance.
sayajinn#4463 님이 2019. 10. 22. 오후 6:49:00에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:sayajinn#44632019. 10. 22. 오후 6:46:51
brunowa 님이 작성:
Path_Of_Bear 님이 작성:
Got a baron with the +36 elemental resist for raised zombie enchant, keep? or is it overkill?
Keep it! That's awesome... it's perhaps BiS... will help alot in delving deep
Thanks for the reply, one more question. I did spec into Indomitable Army wheel. Would the Minion Life/Elemental Resistances mini node be too much with this helment enchant or should I get also spec it? Right now I have an extra 5% life node spec'd.
Path_Of_Bear#5568 님이 2019. 10. 22. 오후 7:07:17에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Path_Of_Bear#55682019. 10. 22. 오후 7:05:57
sayajinn 님이 작성:
Hi Brunowa.
Thanks a lot for an awesome build.
I killed Uber Elder with first attempt, died once.
I'm kind of new to the game and wondering:
What if we will swap the multistrike gem of the zombies with a maim support gem.
Will it have that summed maim as well or because we already have level 20 maim on our maze, it will not stack?
Thanks in advance.
It will not stack, the game will take the highest level and use it.
Path_Of_Bear 님이 작성:
brunowa 님이 작성:
Path_Of_Bear 님이 작성:
Got a baron with the +36 elemental resist for raised zombie enchant, keep? or is it overkill?
Keep it! That's awesome... it's perhaps BiS... will help alot in delving deep
Thanks for the reply, one more question. I did spec into Indomitable Army wheel. Would the Minion Life/Elemental Resistances mini node be too much with this helment enchant or should I get also spec it? Right now I have an extra 5% life node spec'd.
The res is not needed coz ur zombies are rescapped, but you will have to assess if other minions are dying. Zombies dont start dying till 600 delve or uber beam and explosion, but in maps they are fine. It ultimately boils down on how you feel. If there are cases where your life gets low and you feel another 100life will save you, go spec in hp.