[3.9] Herald of Agony (Melee!) Necro--Get in Monsters' Faces Safely (5M Shaper DPS/8.4kLife+Fortify)
Neat. Not quite sure what to upgrade though. Build is solid. Maybe buy 40 stacks of gem prisms and max everything out. And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
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With the 8ex from that you could aim for the same upgrade I just got (+1 calamity, crafted with bench)
But your boots and gloves are in need of cheaper, more immediate upgrades. Your boots really should have 30% movespeed if you're mapping with this :P Enfeeble on hit is just tankiness quality of life |
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" Its funny because I was going to try to craft up some boots, but look at the max life. Only way to proc that is get an armor/life mod and a life mod. And nevermind the Dex on them. I doubt I'll be able to hit that. Movement speed is the highest I have available. Once I can craft higher, then I'll do it. Never thought about the gloves. I'll get some tonight. I'll keep an eye out for a cheap 6L Calamity to double corrupt. And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
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If you get other sources of resists then you can just *buy* better boots. None of this crafting stuff. Movement speed is literally the most important stat on any pair of boots if you're not Flicker Strike (or a dedicated boss service, who usually uses kaom's roots). If you're buying boots for mapping, you should just exclude all boots with less than 30% movement speed. You should keep this in mind as well if you follow other people's build guides in future leagues, or make your own build: mapping without optimizing your movement speed always, always feels worse than mapping while optimizing your movement speed. The fact that you've decided to not use Devoto's just makes the boot movement speed more important :P codetaku#0468 님이 2019. 10. 3. 오전 8:59:28에 마지막으로 편집
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" Hm. I didn't realize movement speed was that important. I'll poke around tonight and see what I can come up with. I love the difference with the Maw of Conquest and Golden Rule. Its really slick. First thing I'm going to do is max all the quality of all my gems. Then go from there. And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
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Fair enough, good luck!
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Thinking of trying this with Maw of Conquest. I like the build, but the random one-shots I am taking are getting really frustrating. I know I don't have the endurance charges yet (stupid recipe), but I can't imagine they would solve all my problems.
Blights and Betrayal encounters are the most frustrating parts so far. And with 10 minions running around I can never see whats going on. I can't even imagine how 50-minion builds do it. So much visual clutter. |
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By all means, try what works for you! Your gear looks good, to me, so I'm not sure I can say what's wrong to get you these "random oneshots" you describe. I've gone up against delve bosses (mlvl 83), Catarina (mlvl 83), uber elder, the Cortex, t16 blights, and t16 monoliths, and don't get oneshot by any of them (though I did get 3-shot by shaper balls in the uber elder fight because of carelessness). I've been leveling in Delve for quite a while and it's hard to even get hit by anything except on-death effects in Azurite deposits, if you know how to cyclone through packs (rather than standing still while waiting for your crawler to kill things). The last time I died was because a harbinger spawned in the Guardian of the Phoenix's lair in a Beyond+turbo+AoE map. Heh, that was hilarious. Only died once though.
But anyway, if Maw of Conquest makes the build more enjoyable to your playstyle, by all means, try it out. codetaku#0468 님이 2019. 10. 3. 오후 1:51:13에 마지막으로 편집
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I also had some oneshots happen, I have no idea from what, they happen rarely, mostly at blight encounters,full life 1 sec later zero life. Flasks up,everything up,even bone armour. Burning damage seems to deal quite a lot of damage at times, but that is another matter, it's not a oneshot situation.
On a different note,anyone tried skitterbots? Can they be implemented in this build? More importantly,is it worth even trying? |
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" I have noticed problems with burning damage! I made my last flask (which I wasn't really making great use of yet) have Dousing after a Betrayal encounter took me to under 1k life through my life flask on pure burning damage. Not a oneshot by any means but it was a truly shocking amount of DoT. Plus the dousing flask saves you from uber atziri's smaller flameblasts, too. As for skitterbots, I did consider them. I think they're definitely not worth dropping Hatred, but if you get a Hatred Aul's Uprising, you could maybe try skitterbots instead of Vitality? Chill and Shock are both good, but I don't know how big the actual skitterbots' ranges are. If they're big then it's an instant great addition. Keep in mind that shock will only stack additively with Intimidate so it won't be a full 24% more damage at level 21. codetaku#0468 님이 2019. 10. 3. 오후 2:27:05에 마지막으로 편집
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